
function Start-B1Service {
        Starts a BloxOneDDI Service

        This function is used to start a BloxOneDDI Service

        The name of the BloxOneDDI Service to start

        The id of the BloxOneDDI Service to start. Accepts pipeline input

        Start-B1Service -Name "dns_bloxoneddihost1.mydomain.corp"

        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,

    process {
      if ($id) {
        $B1Service = Get-B1Service -id $id
      } else {
        $B1Service = Get-B1Service -Name $Name -Strict
      if ($B1Service.count -gt 1) {
          Write-Host "More than one service returned. Check the parameters entered and pipe Get-B1Service to Start-B1Service if multiple actions are required." -ForegroundColor Red
          $B1Service | Format-Table name,service_type,@{label='host_id';e={$_.configs.host_id}} -AutoSize
      } elseif ($B1Service) {
          Write-Host "Starting $($" -ForegroundColor Cyan
          $B1Service.desired_state = "start"
          $splat = $B1Service | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 -Compress
          $ServiceId = $($"infra/service/","") ## ID returned from API doesn't match endpoint? /infra/service not /infra/v1/services
          $Results = Query-CSP -Method PUT -Uri "$(Get-B1CSPUrl)/api/infra/v1/services/$ServiceId" -Data $splat
          if ($Results.result.desired_state -eq "start") {
            Write-Host "Service started successfully" -ForegroundColor Green
          } else {
            Write-Host "Failed to start service." -ForegroundColor Red