
function Query-NIOS {
        Queries a NIOS Grid Manager via Infoblox WAPI

        This is a core function used by all NIOS cmdlets when querying an Infoblox NIOS Grid Manager, required when interacting with the NIOS APIs.

    .PARAMETER Method
        Specify the HTTP Method to use

    .PARAMETER Server
        Specify the NIOS Grid Manager IP or FQDN to use

        Specify the Uri, such as "ipam/record", you can also use the full URL and http parameters must be appended here.

    .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The version of the NIOS API to use (WAPI)

        Data to be submitted on POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests

    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
        If this parameter is set, SSL Certificates Checks will be ignored

        Query-CSP -Method GET -Uri "zone_delegated?return_as_object=1"



      [ValidateSet("GET","POST","PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE")]
    $NIOSConfig = Get-NIOSConfiguration
    if (!($Creds)) {
        $Creds = Get-NIOSCredentials
    if (!($Server)) {
        if ($NIOSConfig.Server) {
            $Server = $NIOSConfig.Server
        } else {
            Write-Error "Error. NIOS Server not specified. Either use the -Server parameter or Set-NIOSConfiguration -Server `"gm.mydomain.corp`""
    if (!($ApiVersion)) {
        if ($NIOSConfig.APIVersion) {
            $ApiVersion = $NIOSConfig.APIVersion
        } else {
            Write-Error "Error. NIOS WAPI Version not specified. Either use the -ApiVersion parameter or Set-NIOSConfiguration -APIVersion `"2.13`""

    $ErrorOnEmpty = $true
    $WebSession = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession -Property @{Credentials=$Creds}

    ## Set Headers
    $NIOSHeaders = @{
        'Content-Type' = 'application/json'

    if ($SkipCertificateCheck) {
      if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -lt 7) {
        add-type @"
            using System.Net;
            using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
            public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
                public bool CheckValidationResult(
                    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
                    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
                    return true;

        [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

    if ($Server -and $ApiVersion) {

        ## Build URL
        $Uri = "https://$Server/wapi/v$ApiVersion/"+$Uri
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -lt 7) {
            switch ($Method) {
                'GET' { 
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -WebSession $WebSession
                'POST' {
                    if (!($Data)) {
                        Write-Host "Error. Data parameter not set."
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession
                'PUT' {
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession
                'PATCH' {
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession
                'DELETE' {
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession
                    $ErrorOnEmpty = $false
                default {
                    Write-Host "Error. Invalid Method: $Method. Accepted request types are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH & DELETE"
        } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -gt 7) {
            switch ($Method) {
                'GET' { 
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -WebSession $WebSession -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
                'POST' {
                    if (!($Data)) {
                        Write-Host "Error. Data parameter not set."
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
                'PUT' {
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
                'PATCH' {
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
                'DELETE' {
                    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Headers $NIOSHeaders -Body $Data -WebSession $WebSession -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck
                    $ErrorOnEmpty = $false
                default {
                    Write-Host "Error. Invalid Method: $Method. Accepted request types are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH & DELETE"
        if ($Result) {
            if ($Result.result -and -not $Result.results) {
                $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "results" -Value $Result.result
            return $Result
        } elseif ($ErrorOnEmpty) {
            Write-Host "Error. No results from API."