@{ # The script module file that is loaded when the module is imported. RootModule = 'IPERF2GO.psm1' # The current version of the module. ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' # A unique identifier for the module. GUID = 'F1E0E8A8-17C7-4D4F-BF79-5D9E1BEBB101' # The author of the module. Author = 'IPERF2GO, Kalichuza' # The company or vendor that produced the module. CompanyName = 'IPERF2GO Inc.' # Copyright for the module. Copyright = 'Copyright © 2025 IPERF2GO Inc. All rights reserved.' # A brief description of the module. Description = 'IPERF2GO: A PowerShell module for staging, launching, and cleaning up iperf resources. This module for now is basic and may get updated based on how I end up using it.' # The minimum version of PowerShell required. PowerShellVersion = '5.1' # Specifies which editions of PowerShell the module is compatible with. CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop', 'Core') # Modules that must be imported along with this module. RequiredModules = @() # Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module. RequiredAssemblies = @() # Script files to process before importing the module. ScriptsToProcess = @() # Type files to be loaded when importing the module. TypesToProcess = @() # Format files to be loaded when importing the module. FormatsToProcess = @() # Nested modules to be loaded with this module. NestedModules = @() # Functions, cmdlets, variables, and aliases to export. FunctionsToExport = @("Initialize-Iperf", "Start-IperfListener", "Start-IperfCaller", "Remove-IperfSession", "Enable-IperfFirewallRule", "Disable-IperfFirewallRule") CmdletsToExport = '*' VariablesToExport = '*' AliasesToExport = '*' # Private data to pass to the module. PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @('iperf', 'networking', 'performance') LicenseUri = 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT' ProjectUri = 'https://github.com/IPERF2GO' ReleaseNotes = 'Initial release.' } } } |