function Get-DeviceInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Machine and OS summary information .DESCRIPTION Get Machine and OS summary information .PARAMETER none .EXAMPLE Get-DeviceInfo .NOTES Tested on Windows 10, 11, Windows Server 2012 R2 to 2025 Tested on Ubuntu Linux 22.04, Linux Mint 21.3 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param () try { if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -ne 'Unix') { $cs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem $os = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem $ut = (New-TimeSpan -Start $os.LastBootUpTime -End (Get-Date)) [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $cs.Name Make = $cs.Manufacturer Model = $cs.Model SystemSKU = $cs.SystemSKUNumber OS = $os.Caption OSVersion = $os.Version OSBuild = $os.BuildNumber LoggedOn = $env:USERNAME BootTime = $os.LastBootUpTime UpTime = "$($ut.Hours)h : $($ut.Minutes)m : $($ut.Seconds)s" } } else { $result = $null $result = [ordered]@{} $categories = ('bios','chassis','processor','memory') foreach ($category in $categories) { Write-Verbose "category: $category" $items = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { sudo dmidecode -t $category } | Where-Object {($_.length -gt 1) -and ([int]($_[0] ) -eq 9) -and ([int]($_[1]) -ne 9)} | Foreach-Object { $_.Trim() } foreach ($item in $items) { $parts = $item.Split(":") if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($parts[1])) { $keyname = "$($category)_$($parts[0].Trim())" $keyval = $parts[1].Trim() $result[$keyname] = $keyval } } } Write-Host "For more details, use: dmidecode -t <category>. Categories: bios,system,baseboard,chassis,processor,memory,cache,connector,slot" -ForegroundColor Cyan [pscustomobject]$result } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } |