
function Get-BrowserProfile {
        Query Browser Profiles
        Query Browser profiles, returning ID, Name and UserName. For current user or all users
    .PARAMETER Browser
        Optional. Browser app to target for query (if installed)
        * Chrome
        * Edge
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        Return information on one specific profile only
        Get-BrowserProfile -Browser Edge

    param (
    switch ($Browser) {
        'Chrome' {
            if ($IsLinux) {
                $rootpath = '~/.var/app/'
                $profpath = "$rootpath/Local State"
                if (!(Test-Path $profpath)) { throw "File not found: $profpath" }
                $profileData = Get-Content $profpath| ConvertFrom-Json
                $buildinfo   = Get-Content '~/.var/app/ Version'
                $profiles    = $profileData.profile.info_cache.psobject.Properties.Name
                foreach ($profile in $profiles) {
                    $pname = $profileData.profile.info_cache."$profile".name
                    if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProfileName)) -or ((![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProfileName)) -and $ProfileName -eq $pname)) {
                            ProfileID    = $profile
                            Path         = Join-Path $rootpath $profile
                            Name         = $pname
                            Browser      = $Browser
                            Version      = $buildinfo
                            ComputerName = $(hostname)
                            UserName     = $($env:USER)
            } else {
                $rootpath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Google\Chrome\User Data"
                # NEED TO REDO THIS SECTION
        'Edge' {
            if ($IsLinux) {
                $rootpath = '~/.var/app/'
                $profpath = "$rootpath/Local State"
                if (!(Test-Path $profpath)) { throw "File not found: $profpath" }
                $profileData = Get-Content $profpath | ConvertFrom-Json
                $buildinfo   = Get-Content '~/.var/app/ Version'
                $profiles    = $profileData.profile.info_cache.psobject.Properties.Name
                foreach ($profile in $profiles) {
                    $pname = $profileData.profile.info_cache."$profile".name
                    if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProfileName)) -or ((![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProfileName)) -and $ProfileName -eq $pname)) {
                            ProfileID    = $profile
                            Path         = Join-Path $rootpath $profile
                            Name         = $pname
                            Browser      = $Browser
                            Version      = $buildinfo
                            ComputerName = $(hostname)
                            UserName     = $($env:USER)
            } else {
                $rootpath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Edge\User Data"
                # NEED TO REDO THIS SECTION
        # might add Brave and other Chromium-based options later. Firefox dropped profiles so they won't be added