
class ReplicaCount : Step {

    static [string] hidden $description = @'
Specify the number of replica databases that will use data replication
to store a copy of the MariaDB primary database.

Note: Enter 0 if you are planning to skip database replication.

    ReplicaCount([ConfigInput] $config) : base(
        'Database Replicas',
        'Enter the number of database replicas') {}
    [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) {
        return new-object IntegerQuestion($prompt, 0, 5, $false)

    [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) {
        $this.config.replicaCount = ([IntegerQuestion]$question).intResponse
        return $true

        $this.config.replicaCount = 1

class BinaryLogExpiration : Step {

    static [string] hidden $description = @'
Specify the number of days to protect binary log files from purging.

Choose a value greater than the maximum lag between primary and replica.

Enter 0 to disable automatic binary log file purging. Monitor disk
usage and run PURGE BINARY LOGS as required to avoid unnecessary
log file storage.

    BinaryLogExpiration([ConfigInput] $config) : base(
        'Binary Log Expiration',
        'Enter the number of days to preserve binary logs') {}
    [IQuestion]MakeQuestion([string] $prompt) {
        return new-object IntegerQuestion($prompt, 0, 45, $false)

    [bool]HandleResponse([IQuestion] $question) {
        $days = ([IntegerQuestion]$question).intResponse
        $this.config.binaryLogExpirationSeconds = $days * 24 * 60 * 60
        return $true

        $this.config.binaryLogExpirationSeconds = 0

    [bool]CanRun() {
        return $this.config.IsReplicationEnabled()