using namespace System.Management.Automation; function Complete-GitSubCommand-config { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [CommandLineContext] [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]$Context ) $gitVersion = gitVersion if ($gitVersion -lt [version]::new(2, 46)) { Complete-GitSubCommand-config-Git2_45 $Context return } [string] $Prev = $Context.PreviousWord() [string] $Current = $Context.CurrentWord() $subcommands = gitResolveBuiltins $Context.command [string] $subcommand = $Context.SubcommandWithoutGlobalOption() if ($subcommand -notin $subcommands) { if ($Current -eq '-') { $script:__helpCompletion return } else { $subcommands | gitcomp -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder { switch ($_) { "list" { 'List all variables set in config file' } "get" { 'Emits the value of the specified key' } "set" { 'Set value for one or more config options' } "unset" { 'Unset value for one or more config options' } "rename-section" { 'Rename the given section to a new name' } "remove-section" { 'Remove the given section from the configuration file' } "edit" { 'Opens an editor to modify the specified config file' } } } return } } if ($Current -eq '-') { return Get-GitShortOptions $Context.command -Subcommand $subcommand } if ($Current.StartsWith('--')) { gitCompleteResolveBuiltins $Context.command $subcommand -Current $Current return } if ($Prev.StartsWith('--')) { if ((gitResolveBuiltins $Context.command $subcommand) -eq "$Prev=") { return @() } } switch ($subcommand) { 'get' { completeGitConfigGetSetVariables $Context -Current $Current } 'unset' { completeGitConfigGetSetVariables $Context -Current $Current } 'set' { if ($Prev -like '*.*') { completeConfigVariableValue -VarName $Prev -Current $Current } else { completeConfigVariableName -Current $Current } } } return } function Complete-GitSubCommand-config-Git2_45 { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [CommandLineContext] [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]$Context ) $Prev = $Context.PreviousWord() $Current = $Context.CurrentWord() if ($Current -eq '-') { return Get-GitShortOptions $Context.command -Subcommand $subcommand } if ($Prev -in ('--get', '--get-all', '--unset', '--unset-all')) { completeGitConfigGetSetVariables $Context -Current $Current } elseif ($Prev -like '*.*') { completeConfigVariableValue -Current $Current -VarName $Prev } elseif ($Current.StartsWith('--')) { gitCompleteResolveBuiltins $Context.command -Current $Current } else { completeConfigVariableName -Current $Current } } function completeGitConfigGetSetVariables { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([string[]])] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)][CommandLineContext]$Context, [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current ) gitConfigGetSetVariables $Context | filterCompletionResult -Current $Current | ForEach-Object { $desc = Get-GitConfigVariableDescription $_ if (!$desc) { $desc = $_ } [CompletionResult]::new( $_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $desc ) } } # __git_config_get_set_variables function gitConfigGetSetVariables { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([string[]])] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)][CommandLineContext]$Context ) $file = @() $prev = '' for ($i = $Context.Words.Length - 1; $i -gt $Context.commandIndex ; $i--) { $word = $Context.Words[$i] if (($word -in @('--system', '--global', '--local')) -or ($word -like "--file=*")) { $file = @($word) break } elseif ($word -in @('-f', '--file')) { $file = @($word, $prev) } $prev = $word } __git config @file --name-only --list } # __git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value function completeConfigOptionVariableNameAndValue { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current ) if ($Current -match '(.*)=(.*)') { $VarName = $Matches[1] return (completeConfigVariableValue -VarName $VarName -Prefix "$VarName=" -Current $Matches[2]) } else { return (completeConfigVariableName -Suffix "=" -Current $Current) } } # __git_complete_config_variable_value function completeConfigVariableValue { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current, [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $VarName, [string] $Prefix = '' ) function remote { $remotes = [string[]](__git remote) $remotes | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue } switch -Wildcard ($VarName.ToLowerInvariant()) { "branch.*.remote" { remote return } "branch.*.pushremote" { remote return } "branch.*.pushdefault" { remote return } "branch.*.merge" { gitCompleteRefs -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix return } "branch.*.rebase" { "false", "true", "merges", "interactive" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "remote.pushdefault" { remote return } "remote.*.fetch" { if ($Current -eq "") { $result = "refs/heads" return [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}$result", $result, 'ParameterValue', $result ) } try { $remote = ($VarName -replace "^remote\." -replace "\.fetch$") (__git ls-remote $remote 'refs/heads/*') -match "(\S+)\s+(\S+)" | Out-Null # $hash = $Matches[1] $ref = $Matches[2] $result = "${ref}:refs/remotes/$remote/$($ref -replace '^refs/heads/')" return [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}$result", $result, 'ParameterValue', $result ) } catch { # not found } return } "remote.*.push" { __git for-each-ref --format='%(refname):%(refname)' refs/heads | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "pull.twohead" { gitListMergeStrategies | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "pull.octopus" { gitListMergeStrategies | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "color.pager" { "false", "true" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "color.*.*" { "normal", "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white", "bold", "dim", "ul", "blink", "reverse" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "color.*" { "false", "true", "always", "never", "auto" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "diff.submodule" { $script:gitDiffSubmoduleFormats | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "diff.algorithm" { return ( [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}default", 'default', 'ParameterValue', 'The basic greedy diff algorithm' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}myers", 'myers', 'ParameterValue', 'The basic greedy diff algorithm. Currently, this is the default' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}minimal", 'minimal', 'ParameterValue', 'Spend extra time to make sure the smallest possible diff is produced' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}patience", 'patience', 'ParameterValue', 'Use "patience diff" algorithm when generating patches' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}histogram", 'histogram', 'ParameterValue', 'This algorithm extends the patience algorithm to "support low-occurrence common elements"' ) | Where-Object { $_.ListItemText.StartsWith($Current) } ) } "http.proxyAuthMethod" { return ( [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}anyauth", 'anyauth', 'ParameterValue', 'Automatically pick a suitable authentication method' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}basic", 'basic', 'ParameterValue', 'HTTP Basic authentication' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}digest", 'digest', 'ParameterValue', 'HTTP Digest authentication; this prevents the password from being transmitted to the proxy in clear text' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}negotiate", 'negotiate', 'ParameterValue', ' GSS-Negotiate authentication (compare the --negotiate option of curl)' ), [CompletionResult]::new( "${Prefix}ntlm", 'ntlm', 'ParameterValue', 'NTLM authentication (compare the --ntlm option of curl)' ) | Where-Object { $_.ListItemText.StartsWith($Current) } ) } "help.format" { "man", "info", "web", "html" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "" { $script:gitLogDateFormats | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "sendemail.aliasfiletype" { "mutt", "mailrc", "pine", "elm", "gnus" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "sendemail.confirm" { $script:gitSendEmailConfirmOptions | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "sendemail.suppresscc" { $script:gitSendEmailSuppressccOptions | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } "sendemail.transferencoding" { "7bit", "8bit", "quoted-printable", "base64" | completeList -Current $Current -Prefix $Prefix -ResultType ParameterValue return } } } # __git_complete_config_variable_name function completeConfigVariableName { [OutputType([CompletionResult[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyString()][string] $Current, [string] $Suffix = '' ) $DescriptionBuilder = [scriptblock] { Get-GitConfigVariableDescription $_ } if ($Current -match "(branch|guitool|difftool|man|mergetool|remote|submodule|url)\.(.*)\.([^\.]*)") { $section = $Matches[1] $second = $Matches[2] gitSecondLevelConfigVarsForSection $section | ForEach-Object { "$section.$second.$_" } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder -Suffix $Suffix return } if ($Current -match "branch\.(.*)") { $section = 'branch' $second = $Matches[1] gitHeads -Current $second | ForEach-Object { "$section.$_."} | completeList -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder gitFirstLevelConfigVarsForSection $section | ForEach-Object { "$section.$_" } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder -Suffix $Suffix return } if ($Current -match "pager\.(.*)") { $section = 'pager' $second = $Matches[1] gitAllCommands main others alias nohelpers | ForEach-Object { "$section.$_" } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder -Suffix $Suffix return } if ($Current -match "remote\.(.*)") { $section = 'remote' $second = $Matches[1] __git remote | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith($second) } | ForEach-Object { "$section.$_." } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder gitFirstLevelConfigVarsForSection $section | ForEach-Object { "$section.$_" } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder -Suffix $Suffix return } if ($Current -match "submodule\.(.*)") { $section = 'submodule' $second = $Matches[1] $gitTopPath = (__git rev-parse --show-toplevel) __git config -f "$gitTopPath/.gitmodules" --name-only --list | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match 'submodule\.(.*)\.path') { $sub = $Matches[1] "$section.$sub." } } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder gitFirstLevelConfigVarsForSection $section | ForEach-Object { "$section.$_" } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder -Suffix $Suffix return } if ($Current -match "([^\.]*)\.(.*)") { $section = $Matches[1] gitConfigVars | Where-Object { !$_.EndsWith('.') } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder -Suffix $Suffix return } else { gitConfigSections | ForEach-Object { "$_." } | completeList -Current $Current -DescriptionBuilder $DescriptionBuilder } return } |