#Requires -Module Pester, git-completion function Initialize-Home { $script:envHOMEBak = $env:HOME mkdir ($env:HOME = "$TestDrive/home") "[user]`nemail = Kitazato@example.com`nname = 1000yen" | Out-File "$env:HOME/.gitconfig" -Encoding ascii } function Restore-Home { $env:HOME = $script:envHOMEBak } function Complete-FromLine { [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult[]])] param ( [string][Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $line ) return (Complete-Words ($line -split '\s+')) } function Complete-Words { [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][AllowEmptyCollection()][AllowEmptyString()][string[]]$Words ) $WordPosition = $Words.Length if ($WordPosition -notmatch '\s$') { $WordPosition-- } $CursorPosition = $line.Length $CurrentWord = $Words[-1] $PreviousWord = $Words[-2] return (Complete-Git ` -CursorPosition $CursorPosition ` -Words $Words ` -WordPosition $WordPosition ` -CurrentWord $CurrentWord ` -PreviousWord $PreviousWord) } function Should-BeCompletion { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseApprovedVerbs', '', Scope = 'Function')] param( $ActualValue, [hashtable[]] $ExpectedValue, [string] $Because ) <# .SYNOPSIS Asserts if collection equals expected completion #> if ($ActualValue.Count -ne $ExpectedValue.Count) { return [PSCustomObject]@{ Succeeded = $false FailureMessage = "Expected a collection with size $($ExpectedValue.Count), but got collection with size $($ActualValue.Count)$(if($Because) { " because $Because"})." } } $failures = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ExpectedValue.Count; $i++) { $a = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]$ActualValue[$i] $e = [PSCustomObject]$ExpectedValue[$i] if ( ($a.CompletionText -ne $e.CompletionText) -or ($a.ListItemText -ne $e.ListItemText) -or ($a.ToolTip -ne $e.ToolTip) -or ($a.ResultType -ne [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]$e.ResultType) ) { $failures += [PSCustomObject]@{ Index = $i; Actual = [PSCustomObject]@{ CompletionText = $a.CompletionText; ListItemText = $a.ListItemText; ResultType = $a.ResultType; ToolTip = $a.ToolTip; }; Expected = $e; } } } if ($failures) { $message = ($failures | ForEach-Object { $i = $_.Index $a = $_.Actual $e = $_.Expected "At index:$i, Expected $e, but got $a" } ) -join ':' return [PSCustomObject]@{ Succeeded = $false FailureMessage = "$message$(if($Because) { " because $Because"})." } } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Succeeded = $true FailureMessage = $null } } Add-ShouldOperator -Name BeCompletion ` -InternalName 'Should-BeCompletion' ` -Test ${function:Should-BeCompletion} ` -SupportsArrayInput Export-ModuleMember -Function Complete-FromLine, Complete-Words, Initialize-Home, Restore-Home |