
Function Get-GDShowEncoding {
   Gets the encoding extension from all Dead Shows and displays them
   The script gets the directories, and using a Hash Table gets a count
   of the use of each extension in all the folders. This script helps
   me to ensure that the final extension in every GD show meets my
   current naming convention.
   Function Name : Get-GDShowEncoding
   None yet
   Psh> .Get-GDShowEncoding
   Name Value
   ---- -----
   shnf 1021
   flacf 53
   shnf_shn 56

# Define the base folder
$DeadShowBase = 'M:\GD'
# $JerryShowBase = 'N:\Jerry Garcia'

# Announce Ourselves
'Get-GDShowEncoding.Ps1 - v 4.0'
"! Counting the GD folder extensions !"
"! Dead Show Base : $DeadShowBase !"
#"! Jerry Show Base : $JerryShowBase !"

# Get the folders
$Dirs = Get-ChildItem -path $DeadShowBase -Directory

# Create a hash table of extensions
$Ext = @{}

# Now iterate through each directory, get the extension,
# then get the final token which should be the encoding.
Foreach ($Dir in $Dirs) {
  $X = $Dir.FullName.split('.')[-1]

# Display results
$ext.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value -Descending
'{0} different encodings' -f $ext.count

} # end of function

# to do:
# Add JGB shows to this set