<# .SYNOPSIS Get list of the D365FSC models from metadata path .DESCRIPTION Get list of the D365FSC models from metadata path prepared to build .PARAMETER MetadataPath Path to the metadata folder (PackagesLocalDirectory) .PARAMETER IncludeTest Includes test models .PARAMETER All Return all models even without source code .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-FSCModels -MetadataPath "J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" This will return the list of models without test models and models without source code .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-FSCModels -MetadataPath "J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -IncludeTest This will return the list of models with test models and models without source code .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-FSCModels -MetadataPath "J:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -IncludeTest -All This will return the list of all models .NOTES Author: Oleksandr Nikolaiev (@onikolaiev) #> function Get-FSCModelList { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $MetadataPath, [switch] $IncludeTest = $false, [switch] $All = $false ) if(Test-Path "$MetadataPath") { $modelsList = @() (Get-ChildItem -Directory "$MetadataPath") | ForEach-Object { $testModel = ($_.BaseName -match "Test") if ($testModel -and $IncludeTest) { $modelsList += ($_.BaseName) } if((Test-Path ("$MetadataPath/$($_.BaseName)/Descriptor")) -and !$testModel) { $modelsList += ($_.BaseName) } if(!(Test-Path ("$MetadataPath/$($_.BaseName)/Descriptor")) -and !$testModel -and $All) { $modelsList += ($_.BaseName) } } return $modelsList -join "," } else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while downloading NuGet package" -Exception "Folder $MetadataPath with metadata doesnot exists" Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" return } } |