
Function New-DefaultAcl {
   Creates an entire set of CSN default subnet ports to an existing ACL.
   Current ports are TCP 20,22, 80, 443, 1443, 1521, 1532, 3306, 3389 UPD & TCP, 5432, 5433, 5900, 7331, 8000, 8081, 8443, 8086, 27017, 139-135 UDP, ICMP
    The existing ACL name
.PARAMETER dstSubnet
    The subnet of the network to add. /32 specifies a single ip instead of a network.
    the ACL order you wish to insert the new ACL at. Omitting this property uses the next available by deafult.
    New-DefaultAcl -name aclName -dstSubnet -aclOrder 5020
    Creates a new default port range to the ACL 'aclName' on the network at aclOrder 5020
    New-DefaultAcl -name aclName -dstSubnet
    Creates a new default port range to ACL 'aclName' on Host with the next free aclOrder
    Requires F5-LTM modules from github

        [Alias("acl Name")]

        [string]$action ="allow",

        [Alias('aws subnet')]

        [Alias('acl order')]

    begin {
        #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format
        #if statement below adds acl order if param is present or blank if false
     $JSONBody = @"
    "kind": "tm:apm:acl:aclstate",
    "name": "$name",
    "partition": "Common",
    $(if ( -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($aclOrder)) { "`"aclOrder`": `"$aclOrder`","})
    "entries": [
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 20,
            "dstStartPort": 20,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 22,
            "dstStartPort": 22,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 80,
            "dstStartPort": 80,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 443,
            "dstStartPort": 443,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 1433,
            "dstStartPort": 1433,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 1521,
            "dstStartPort": 1521,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 1532,
            "dstStartPort": 1532,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 3306,
            "dstStartPort": 3306,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 3389,
            "dstStartPort": 3389,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 3389,
            "dstStartPort": 3389,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 17,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 5433,
            "dstStartPort": 5432,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 5900,
            "dstStartPort": 5900,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 7331,
            "dstStartPort": 7331,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 8000,
            "dstStartPort": 8000,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 8080,
            "dstStartPort": 8080,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 8081,
            "dstStartPort": 8081,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 8443,
            "dstStartPort": 8443,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 8686,
            "dstStartPort": 8686,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 27017,
            "dstStartPort": 27017,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 139,
            "dstStartPort": 135,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 139,
            "dstStartPort": 135,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 17,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 6443,
            "dstStartPort": 6443,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 6,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""
            "action": "$action",
            "dstEndPort": 0,
            "dstStartPort": 0,
            "dstSubnet": "$subnet",
            "log": "packet",
            "protocol": 1,
            "scheme": "any",
            "srcEndPort": 0,
            "srcStartPort": 0,
            "srcSubnet": ""

    process {
        foreach ($itemname in $Name) {
            $uri = $F5Session.BaseURL.Replace('/ltm/','/apm/acl/') 
            $response = Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method Post -Uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json' -WebSession $F5Session.WebSession
