Function Add-APMRole { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a single ACL entry to existing ACL Role Object. This function is hard coded for LDAP lookups. Change as needed. .DESCRIPTION F5 stores VPN user ACL to LDAP role mappings in what they call an aggreagte reasource assign group. In our shop we link ACL permissions to LDAP user groups. This will append: 'expression' = "expr { [mcget {session.ldap.last.attr.memberOf}] contains "CN=ldapgroupname," } to the array of mappings tied to each specific ACL. .PARAMETER name The name of the aggregate reasrouce group assigned to the VPN access profile. This defaults to the production instance and can be omitted. These can be found at the REST endpoint /apm/policy/agent/resource-assign/ As of 6/18 dev was using "aggregate_acl_act_full_resource_assign_ag" and prod was using acl_1_act_full_resource_assign_ag .PARAMETER acl The existing ACL we want to map and LDAP group to. .PARAMETER group The existing LDAP group we want to map to and ACL .EXAMPLE Add-APMRole -acl "myACL" -group "my_LDAPgroup" Adds a mapping for existing ACL myACL to my_LDAPgroup in the aggregate reasource assign macro in the fashion: 'expression' = "expr { [mcget {session.ldap.last.attr.memberOf}] contains "CN=my_LDAPgroup," } Note that omitting name paramter defaults to production 'acl_1_act_full_resource_assign_ag' group. #> [cmdletBinding()] param( [Alias("existing acl Name")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$acl='', [Alias("LDAP group")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$group='', [Alias("APM Role Name")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$name='acl_1_act_full_resource_assign_ag' ) begin { #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format Test-F5Session($F5Session) $role = Get-APMRole -name $name } process { foreach ($itemname in $Name) { #build $newRoleMapping = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'acls' = @( "/Common/$acl") 'expression' = "expr { [mcget {session.ldap.last.attr.memberOf}] contains \`"CN=$acl,\`" }" } $role.rules += $newRoleMapping $JSONBody = $role | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $uri = $F5Session.BaseURL.Replace('/ltm/','/apm/policy/agent/resource-assign/~Common~') + $name $response = Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method Patch -Uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json' -WebSession $F5Session.WebSession $response } } } |