
# <copyright file="import-tasks.ps1" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

# Load core task definitions
# TBC: What should constitute a core task?
# NOTE: These are currently overridden when importing the original 'Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build'
# module as an extension.
$taskGroups = @()
$taskGroups | ForEach-Object {
    $taskFilename = "$_.tasks.ps1"
    $taskFilePath = Resolve-Path ([IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, "tasks", $taskFilename))
    Write-Verbose "Importing core task: $taskFilename"
    . $taskFilePath

# Functionality is provided by extensions, for convenience we can provide 1 or more common
# scenarios (e.g. .NET Build, Python Build, Azure Deployment etc.), but a customised set
# of extensions can be specified in 2 ways:
# 1) Defining the '$devopsExtensions' variable early in the calling script (i.e. before calling 'endjin-devops.tasks')
# 2) Via the 'ENDJIN_DEVOPS_EXTENSIONS' environment variables, however note that the former method will take precedence over the environment variable
if ($null -eq $devopsExtensions) {
    [string[]]$devopsExtensions = $env:ENDJIN_DEVOPS_EXTENSIONS ? ($env:ENDJIN_DEVOPS_EXTENSIONS -split ";" | ForEach-Object { $_ }) : @()

# By default, extensions are loaded from the PowerShell Gallery, but this can be overridden
# in a similar fashion to the 'ENDJIN_DEVOPS_EXTENSIONS' property.
$devopsExtensionsRepository ??= !$env:ENDJIN_DEVOPS_EXTENSIONS_PS_REPO ? "PSGallery" : $env:ENDJIN_DEVOPS_EXTENSIONS_PS_REPO

# Process the extensions configuration, obtaining them where necessary and
# filling-out the addtional metadata required by subsequent steps to load them.
if ($devopsExtensions.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Host "*** Registering Extensions..." -f Green
    $registeredExtensions = Register-Extensions -Extensions $devopsExtensions `
                                                -DefaultRepository $devopsExtensionsRepository `
else {
    Write-Warning "No extensions specified"

# Valiate whether extension dependencies are non-conflicting
# For the moment we'll just log a warning and remove duplicate references, with no regard for versioning - first one wins
($registeredExtensions | Group-Object -Property Name) |
    Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1 } |
    ForEach-Object {
        Write-Warning "Multiple versions of extension '$($_.Name)' have been resolved - removing duplicates, will use the first one found: $($_.Group[0] | Select-Object Name,Version,Path | ConvertTo-Json)"
$registeredExtensions = $registeredExtensions |
                            Group-Object -Property Name |
                                ForEach-Object {
                                    $_.Group |
                                    Select-Object -First 1

# Load the process definition
# The logical process needs to be defined before importing the tasks as they will likely
# reference other tasks that they depend on etc.

# First we decide where the core process is being defined:
# 1) Check whether an extension has been declared as providing it via the 'Process' property
# NOTE: For the moment, the first one found wins
# 2) If not, fallback to using the core process defined in this module
[array]$processesFromExtension = $registeredExtensions |
                            Where-Object { $_.ContainsKey("Process") }
if ($processesFromExtension.Count -gt 1) {
    Write-Warning "Multiple extensions have declared a process definition, will use the first one found: $($processesFromExtension[0] | Select-Object Name,Version,Path,Process | ConvertTo-Json)"

$processFromExtension = $processesFromExtension | Select-Object -First 1
if ($processFromExtension) {
    $processPath = Join-Path $processFromExtension.Path $processFromExtension.Process
    Write-Host "Using process from extension '$($processFromExtension.Name)'" -f Green
else {
    $processPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "tasks" "build.process.ps1"
    Write-Host "Using default process" -f Green
# Dot-source the file that defines the tasks representing the top-level process
if (!(Test-Path $processPath)) {
    throw "Process definition not found: $processPath"
Write-Verbose "Importing process definition: $processPath"
. $processPath

# Load tasks & functions from extensions
Write-Host "Loading functions & tasks from extensions..." -f Green
foreach ($extension in $registeredExtensions) {
    Write-Host $extension.Name -f Cyan
    $extensionName = $extension.Name
    if (!$extension.Enabled) {
        Write-Warning "Skipping disabled extension '$extensionName'"

    # Import tasks
    Write-Host "- Importing tasks"
    $tasksDir = Join-Path $extension.Path "tasks"
    $tasksToImport = Get-TasksFileListFromExtension -TasksPath $tasksDir
    if (!($tasksToImport)) {
        Write-Warning "No tasks found in '$extensionName'"
    else {
        $tasksToImport | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose "Importing task '$($_.FullName)'"
            . $_

    # Import functions
    Write-Host "- Importing functions"
    $functionsDir = Join-Path $extension.Path "functions"
    $functionsToImport = Get-FunctionsFileListFromExtension -FunctionsPath $functionsDir
    $functionsToImport | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Verbose "Importing function '$($_.FullName)'"
        . $_

Write-Host "*** Extensions registration complete`n" -f Green