.VERSION 1.0 .GUID 4e2be68a-f71d-4442-881c-edb7f10bde77 .AUTHOR jbritt@microsoft.com .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT Microsoft .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI http://aka.ms/azmononboarding .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES July 6, 2018 Initial Release #> <# .SYNOPSIS Configure a subscription or series of subscriptions to send their Azure Activity Logs to a Log Analytics Workspace or Event Hub Rule ID for analysis. Use of Silent switch "-Silent" runs the script without prompting, if all required parameters are provided. .DESCRIPTION This script takes a SubscriptionID, and either an EventHub Rule ID or an Log Analytics ResourceID as parameters, to enabling Azure Activity Logs to be sent for selected subscriptions to either sink point. .PARAMETER Silent Specify silet if you want to execute the script without prompting .PARAMETER WSID The resourceID of your OMS workspace within Azure .PARAMETER SubId The subscriptionID of the Azure Subscription that contains the Azure Activity Logs (this can be a single value or an array) .PARAMETER EHID The Event Hub RuleID of the target Event Hub to store Azure Activity Logs .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -WSID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/OI-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/OMSWS" -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" Take in parameters for WSRESOURCEID and SubscriptionID and prompts for confirmation .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -WSID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/OI-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/OMSWS" -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -Silent Take in parameters for WSRESOURCEID and SubscriptionID and executes silently without prompting .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -EHID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/EH-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/EH001/AuthorizationRules/RootManageSharedAccessKey" -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" Take in parameters for EventHub RuleID and SubscriptionID and prompts for confirmation .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -EHID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/EH-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/EH001/AuthorizationRules/RootManageSharedAccessKey" -SubscriptionId "fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512" -Silent Take in parameters for EventHub RuleID and SubscriptionID and executes silently without prompting .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -SubID $(Get-Content -Path C:\Temp\subscriptions.txt) -EHID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/EH-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/EH001/AuthorizationRules/RootManageSharedAccessKey" Leverage this example to provide a text file of subscription IDs (one per line) in a txt file and configure each subscription's activity logs to be sent to the specified EventHub RuleID. .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -EHID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/EH-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/EH001/AuthorizationRules/RootManageSharedAccessKey" Leverage this example to gather a list of subscriptions to process and configure (from currently authenticated user context). Each subscription's activity logs will to be sent to the specified EventHub RuleID. .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -SubID $(Get-Content -Path C:\Temp\subscriptions.txt) -WSID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/OI-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/OMSWS" Leverage this example to provide a text file of subscription IDs (one per line) in a txt file and configure each subscription's activity logs to be sent to the specified Log Analytics Workspace (Resource ID). .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -WSID "/subscriptions/fd2323a9-2324-4d2a-90f6-7e6c2fe03512/resourceGroups/OI-EAST-USE/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/OMSWS" Gather a list of subscriptions to process and configure (from currently authenticated user context). Each subscription's activity logs will to be sent to the specified Log Analytics Workspace (Resource ID). .EXAMPLE .\enable-AzureActivityLogs.ps1 -Verbose To Support Verbose log Output .NOTES AUTHOR: Jim Britt Senior Program Manager - AzureCAT LASTEDIT: July 6, 2018 Initial Release .LINK This script posted to and discussed at the following locations: http://aka.ms/azmononboarding #> Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="EHID")] $EHID, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="WSID")] $WSID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][array]$SubID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Switch]$Silent ) # Function used to build numbers in tables function Add-IndexNumberToArray ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [array]$array ) { for($i=0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++) { Add-Member -InputObject $array[$i] -Name "#" -Value ($i+1) -MemberType NoteProperty } $array } function AuthToAzure { # Login to Azure - if already logged in, use existing credentials. Write-Host "Authenticating to Azure..." -ForegroundColor Cyan try { $AzureLogin = Get-AzureRmSubscription } catch { $null = Login-AzureRmAccount $AzureLogin = Get-AzureRmSubscription } } function ValidateID { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]$EHID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]$WSID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]$SubID ) # Function to validate EHID, WSID, SUBID $ValidID = $False $cnt = 0 IF($EHID) { $cnt = $($EHID.Split("/").Count+1) if($($EHID.Split("/", $Cnt)[1]) -eq "Subscriptions" -and $($EHID.Split("/", $Cnt)[6]) -eq "Microsoft.EventHub" -and $cnt -ge 12) { # Valid EH RuleID $ValidID = $True } else { write-host "Invalid value passed to EHID" -ForegroundColor Red $ValidID = $False } } IF($WSID) { $cnt = $($WSID.Split("/").Count+1) if($($WSID.Split("/", $Cnt)[1]) -eq "Subscriptions" -and $($WSID.Split("/", $Cnt)[6]) -eq "Microsoft.OperationalInsights" -and $cnt -eq 10) { # Valid Workspace Resource ID $ValidID = $True } else { write-host "Invalid value passed to WSID" -ForegroundColor Red $ValidID = $False } } if($SubID) { [guid]$GUIDVAR = $SubID If($GUIDVAR) { $ValidID = $True } Else { $ValidID = $False write-host "Invalid value passed to SubID" -ForegroundColor Red } } $ValidID } # MAIN SCRIPT #Test the ID for EventHub Rule ID or ResourceID for Workspace ID for proper format If($EHID) { $ValidID = ValidateID -EHID $EHID } If($WSID) { $ValidId = ValidateID -WSID $WSID } If($ValidID) { # Ensure you are logged in $Auth = AuthToAzure if($SubID.count -eq 1) { $ValidID = ValidateID -SubID $SubID[0] if($ValidID) { # Below line to go against one subscription $subs = get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubID[0] } } elseif($SubID.count -eq 0) { # Below line to go against all subscriptions $subs = get-azurermsubscription } elseif($SubID.Count -gt 1) { $SUBS = @() $Count = 0 $ValidSubID = $True while($ValidSubID -eq $True -and $SubID.count -gt $Count) { Foreach($Sub in $SubID) { $ValidSubID = ValidateID -SubID $Sub if($ValidSubID) { $MyObj = New-Object System.Object Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "ID" -Value ($Sub) -MemberType NoteProperty $Subs = $Subs + $Myobj $count++ } } $ValidID = $ValidSubID } } If($Subs.count -gt 1 -and !$Silent -and $ValidID) { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("This operation will configure Activity Logs in ALL $($Subs.Count) subscriptions in your AD tenant. Continue?", "Configure All Subscriptions")) { $Ready = $True } Else { $Ready = $False } } If($Subs.count -eq 1 -and !$Silent -and $ValidID) { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("This operation will configure Activity Logs in the $($Subs[0].Name) subscription. Continue?", "Update $($Subs.Name)?")) { $Ready = $True } Else { $Ready = $False } } If(($Ready -or $Silent) -and $ValidID) { If($EHID) { # Build Locations $locations = (Get-AzureRmLocation).Location # Add Global since it is not returned by default $locations += "global" # Build a table to represent configuration state $logProfiles = @() Write-Host "Starting configuration for Activity Logs to Event Hub" foreach ($sub in $subs) { try { $Error.Clear() $SelectedActityLogSub = Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $sub.id -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Updating " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan write-Host " $($SelectedActityLogSub.Name) " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " subscription to send Azure Activity Logs to EventHub" -ForegroundColor Cyan $ProfileConfig = Add-AzureRmLogProfile -Name default -serviceBusRuleId $EHID -Locations $locations ` -RetentionInDay 90 -Categories Write,Delete,Action $logProfiles += $ProfileConfig | Select @{Label ="Subscription";` Expression = {$SelectedActityLogSub.Name}}, @{Label = "Enabled";Expression = {$_.RetentionPolicy.Enabled}} } catch { $PSObject = New-Object psobject Write-Host "Error Updating subscription " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $Sub.ID -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Verbose $Error.Exception.Message $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Subscription $Sub.id $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Enabled "Error" $logProfiles += $PSObject } } $BuildTable = Add-IndexNumbertoArray ($logProfiles) $logProfiles | select "#", Subscription, Enabled | ft } If($WSID) { $SplitCnt = $($WSID.Split("/").Count+1) $RG = $($WSID.Split("/", $SplitCnt)[4]) $WKSPACE = $($WSID.Split("/", $SplitCnt)[8]) $WorkspaceSubID = $($WSID.Split("/", $SplitCnt)[2]) # Build a table to represent configuration state $logProfiles = @() Write-Host "Starting configuration for all Activity Logs to Log Analytics Workspace: $WKSPACE" $SelectedSub = Select-AzureRmSubscription $WorkspaceSubID foreach ($sub in $subs) { try { $error.Clear() $SelectedActityLogSub = Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $sub.id -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Updating " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan write-Host " $($SelectedActityLogSub.Name) " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " subscription to send Azure Activity Logs to Log Analytics" -ForegroundColor Cyan $ProfileConfig = New-AzureRmOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource -WorkspaceName $WKSPACE ` -ResourceGroupName $RG -SubscriptionId $SelectedActityLogSub.Id -Name $SelectedActityLogSub.id -Force $logProfiles += $ProfileConfig | Select @{Label ="Subscription";` Expression = {$SelectedActityLogSub.Name}}, WorkspaceName, @{Label = "Enabled";Expression = {if($_.Kind -eq "AzureActivityLog"){$true}}} } catch { $PSObject = New-Object psobject Write-Host "Error Updating subscription " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $Sub.ID -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Verbose $Error.Exception.Message $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Subscription $Sub.id $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty WorkspaceName $WKSPACE $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Enabled "Failed" $logProfiles += $PSObject } } $BuildTable = Add-IndexNumbertoArray ($logProfiles) $logProfiles | select "#", WorkspaceName, Subscription, Enabled | ft } } Else { Write-Host "Operation Cancelled!" -ForegroundColor Red } } if(!$ValidID) { Write-host "Either Event Hub RuleID, SubscriptionID or ResourceID for Workspace is not in the proper format" -ForegroundColor Yellow } |