
    Converts a CSV file to message objects for posting to salesforce APIs

    The CSV file must contain the following columns:

        "Type" - either "Measurement" or "Survey"
        "MinuteOffset" - the offset in minutes from StartDate
        "Name" - Either the name of the measurement type or the name of the survey

        The additional columns required are determined by the value of each row in the Type and Name columns

        For Type="Survey":

            The "AnswerFile" column is required. It must specify the name of the file that contains the survey responses.
            See help on Get-SurveyResponsesFromCsv for a description of the format of this file.

            "0","Survey","Blood Pressure Change Survey"

        For Type="Measurement":

            The Measurment name must match a measurement name eCC phecc__Measurement_Type__c table in the org
            A column can be added for each Metric name from the 'phecc__Metric__c' table in the org
            If the column is present the value in this column is used for the message
            And additional column is required to specify the units for the metric. The column must be named '<metric name>:units"
            The value must must be a valid unit for the metric from the 'phecc__Unit__c' table in the org

            "MinuteOffset","Type","Name","Pulse (Average) - Wearable","Pulse (Average) - Wearable:units"

    Accepts the CsvFile to read

    An Array of PSCustomObjects that contains body and endpoints to call

    .PARAMETER CsvFile
    The CSV file to read sample data. Defaults to "data.csv"

    .PARAMETER Patient
    The patient object

    .PARAMETER StartDate
    The StartDate to start inserting the messages using the minute offset of each message


function Convert-CsvToMessages {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
        $CsvFile = "data.csv",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]

    begin {
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Function started"

    end {
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Complete"

    process {
        Write-Debug "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] PSBoundParameters: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"

        $def = Get-MetricDefinitions
        $surveyDefs = Get-SurveyDefinitions

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StartDate')) {
            $StartDate = Get-Date

        $Start = Get-Date -Year $StartDate.year -Month $StartDate.month -Day $StartDate.Day -Hour $StartDate.Hour -Minute $StartDate.Minute -Second 0 -Millisecond 0

        $Rows = Import-Csv -Path $CsvFile
        foreach ($Row in $Rows) {

            $DateTime = $Start.AddMinutes($Row.MinuteOffset)

            switch ($Row.Type) {
                "Measurement" {
                    $measurement = $def.measurements | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Row.Name }
                    if (-not $measurement) {
                        throw "Measurement name $($Row.Name) not found. File $($CsvFile) is invalid."
                    $p = @{
                        PatientId       = $Patient.sfPatient.Id
                        DateTime        = $DateTime
                        DeviceType      = $measurement.phecc__Device_Type_Code__c
                        DeviceId        = (New-Guid).Guid
                        Gateway         = (New-Guid).Guid
                        GatewayDeviceId = (New-Guid).Guid
                        ExternalObsId   = (New-Guid).Guid
                    $observation = New-Observation @p
                    $scalars = @()
                    $measurementMetrics = $def.measurementMetrics | Where-Object { $_.phecc__Measurement_Type__c -eq $measurement.Id }
                    if (-not $measurementMetrics) {
                        throw "Metrics not found for measurement $($measurement.Name). File $($CsvFile) is invalid."
                    foreach ($measurementMetric in $measurementMetrics) {
                        $metrics = $def.metrics | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $measurementMetric.phecc__Metric__c }
                        foreach ($metric in $metrics) {
                            $valueToUse = $Row."$($metric.Name)"
                            if ($valueToUse) {
                                $metricUnits = $def.metricUnits | Where-Object { $_.phecc__Metric__c -eq $metric.Id }
                                foreach ($metricUnit in $metricUnits) {
                                    $unitToUse = $Row."$($metric.Name):units"
                                    $unit = $def.units | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $metricUnit.phecc__Unit__c -and $_.Name -eq $unitToUse }
                                    if ($unit) {
                                        $params = @{
                                            MetricTypeCode = $metric.phecc__Metric_Type_Code__c
                                            UnitTypeCode   = $unit.phecc__Unit_Type_Code__c
                                            Value          = $valueToUse
                                            DateTime       = $DateTime
                                        $scalars += (New-Scalar @params)
                    $Body = New-ObservationScalars -Observation $observation -Scalars $scalars
                    Write-Output @{
                        body     = $Body
                        endpoint = "/services/apexrest/phecc/scalarObservation/postObservationWithScalars"
                "Survey" {
                    $p = @{
                        PatientId       = $
                        DateTime        = $DateTime
                        DeviceType      = (New-Guid).Guid
                        DeviceId        = (New-Guid).Guid
                        Gateway         = (New-Guid).Guid
                        GatewayDeviceId = (New-Guid).Guid
                        ExternalObsId   = (New-Guid).Guid
                    $observation = New-Observation @p
                    # The answer file should be in the same folder as the measurement file
                    $AnswerFile = Join-Path (Get-Item $CsvFile | split-path -parent) $Row.AnswerFile
                    $Body = Get-SurveyResponsesFromCsv -SurveyName $Row.Name -AnswerFile $AnswerFile -SurveyDefinitions $surveyDefs
                    $Body.body.observation = $observation
                        body     = $Body
                        endpoint = "/services/apexrest/phecc/surveyResponseObservation/postObservationWithSurvey"