<# .SYNOPSIS Returns a selected subset of patients in a Salesforce org. .DESCRIPTION Queries for Salesforce patients and queires the associated CDR resources for those patients. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-Patients. .OUTPUTS An array of hashtables. Each hashtable contains the following keys: - sfPatient - the salesforce patient object - cdrPatient - the FHIR resource from PDS or CDR .PARAMETER SelectCdrIds An array of CDR ids to retrieve. .PARAMETER Status Only return patients with this status. Defaults to "Active" Can pass $null for all patients regardless of status. .PARAMETER Prompt If specified will display an interactive UI to select one or more patients. Default is not not prompt. .EXAMPLE PS> $patients = Get-Patients -Prompt -Status $null .LINK Set-FileConfig .NOTES Assumes config is initialized for org access. #> function Get-Patients { param( [String[]]$SelectCdrIds, [String] $Status = "Active", [Switch] $Prompt = $false ) $sfPatients = Get-SfPatients -Status $Status if ($null -eq $sfPatients) { Write-Error "There are no patients of status '$($Status)' the org" } $cdrIds = @($sfPatients | Select-Object phecc__CDRPID__c -ExpandProperty phecc__CDRPID__c) $bundle = Get-CdrPatients $cdrIds $cdrPatients = $bundle.entry | Select-Object resource $selected = &{ if ($SelectCdrIds) { $cdrPatients | Where-Object { $SelectCdrIds.Contains($_.resource.Id) } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty resource | Select-Object -Expandproperty id } elseif ($Prompt) { ($cdrPatients | ForEach-Object { $_.resource } | Select-Object id,@{Name='family';expression={($ | Where-Object {$_.use -eq 'usual'}).family}},@{Name='given';expression={($ | Where-Object {$_.use -eq 'usual'}).given}},birthDate) | Out-GridView -PassThru | Select-Object Id -ExpandProperty Id } else { $cdrPatients | Select-Object -ExpandProperty resource | Select-Object -Expandproperty id } } @($selected | ForEach-Object { $cdrId = $_ @{ sfPatient=($sfPatients | Where-Object {$_.phecc__CDRPID__c -eq $cdrId}) cdrPatient=($cdrPatients | Where-Object {$ -eq $cdrId}) } }) } |