
    Queries salesforce for patients
    Used to query for patients in the salesforce org by status
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-SfPatients.
    An array of PSCustomObject with the properties:
    .PARAMETER Status
    The status to query patients. If not supplid then the default is "Active". Use $null for all patients.
    PS> $allPatients = Get-Patients -Status $null
    PS> $activePatients = Get-Patients
    PS> $pending = Get-Patients -Status "Pending - Activation"
    Assumes config is initialized for org access.

function Get-SfPatients {
    param($Status = "Active")
    if ($Status) {
        Invoke-SfQuery "SELECT Id,phecc__CDRPID__c,phecc__Permission__c,phecc__Status__c,phecc__Tier_of_Service__c,phecc__Delivery_Channel__c FROM phecc__Patient__c WHERE IsDeleted=False AND phecc__Status__c='$($Status)'"
    } else {
        Invoke-SfQuery "SELECT Id,phecc__CDRPID__c,phecc__Permission__c,phecc__Status__c,phecc__Tier_of_Service__c,phecc__Delivery_Channel__c FROM phecc__Patient__c WHERE IsDeleted=False"