.SYNOPSIS eN's support functions library. .DESCRIPTION most commonly required functions such as better logging support for scripts, forking information to screen and file, enchanced GUI controls such as input box, most common connection accelerators and CSV manipulation. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 241114 changes - 241114 major changes and fixes to the load-CSV, connect-Azure - environments [1.4.0] - 241029 [1.3.34] - 241007 CSV2XLS fixes and -open switch - 220523 silent mode for CSV/XLS, default message for get-valueFromInputBox - 220423 updates to select-directory - 220418 convert-CSV2XLS PS7 fix [1.3.33] - 220412 setting 'persistent' as option was a mistake - this must be a default behaviour [1.3.32] - 220411 convert-CSV2XLS out folder change - 220407 rare error to persistent flag (requires rethinking) - 220403 fix for autosave during XLS2CSV load [1.3.31] - 220328 get-CSVDelimiter universalized and TAB delim added for detection [1.3.30] major changes in write-log/start-logging fix to extract icon - incompatibilities between PS5 & PS7 quickEdit mode typedef tuning - 220321 loading in PS 7.x of icon extractor didn't work - 220301 write-log error handling fix [1.3.22] - 220203 fixed retuned values from mutlichoice [1.3.21] - 220202 multichoice for select-ADObject [1.3.2] - 210810 select-OrganizationalUnit replaced with select-ADObject and proxy function for backward compatibility [1.3.1] - 210609 set-QuickEditMode function [1.3.0] - 210524 fix to select-Directory - 210520 fixes to select-OU, new select-Directory,select-File [1.2.0] - 210507 write-log null detection fix [1.1.8], get-valueFromInputBox - 210430 covert-CSV2XLS #typedef - 210422 again fixes to exit - 210421 write-log $message fix - 210408 fixes to import-* function exit - 210402 write-log 3rd output init, get-valueFromInput fix - 210329 write-log init fix - 210321 select-OU extention - 210317 upgrade to CSVtoXLS, get-ValueFromInput, delimiter detection, select-OU - 210315 many changes to CSV functions, experimental import-XLS - 210309 proper pipelining for CSV convertion, get-AzureADConnectionStatus - 210308 select-OU, convert-XLS2CSV, convert-CSV2XLS - 210302 write-log fix, check-exoconnection ext - 210301 connect-azure fix - 210219 import-structuredCSV function added, with alias load-csv, fix to connect-azure - 210212 wl fix - 210210 write-log and start-logging init fix - 210209 get-answerBox changes, get-valueFromInputBox, wl fix - 210206 write-log accepts all unnamed parameters as messages - 210205 write-log fixes - 210202 tuned write-log and start-logging, fixes and logical separation. v0.9 - 201018 initialize #> #################################################### GENERAL function start-Logging { <# .SYNOPSIS initilizes log file under $logFile variable for write-log function. .DESCRIPTION all scripts require logging mechinism. write-log function forking each output to the screen and to the logfile is a very convinient way keeping all logs consistent with very nice host output. for those who use scripts with 'always verbose' paradigm meaning that while running a script you want to have information what is going on (on screen) and have it logged in case anything goes wrong. this function initilizes $logFiles variable creation, and initiates the log file itself. in order to ease the creation there are several ways of initilizing $logFile: - using write-log directly - from console host - from script - using start-logging function directly - no parameters - defaults to $ScriptRoot/Logs folder or user documents/Logs if run from console - using 'useProfile' - to store logs in User Documents/Logs directory - using 'logFolder' parameter to define particular folder for logs - using 'logFileName' - (exclusive to logFolder) presenting full path for the log or logfile name logFile name changes automatically when script name changes. you can use 'persistent' switch to make given logFile persistent for all scripts run later - this is especially important if you use externall calls (invoke-command or &) so they are still logging to the same single file. script initializes $logFiles array variable to keep tract on log file names run from different context. write-log creates simple [string]$LogFile variable so you can easly reference the log file name in your scripts. .EXAMPLE write-log using write-log will inderectly call start-logging function and initialize the log file with generic name, saved in 'Logs' subfolder under script run path or 'documents' folder if run directly from console. .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFileName c:\temp\myLogs\somelog.log write-log 'test message' initializes the log file as c:\temp\myLogs\somelog.log . .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFileName c:\temp\myLogs\somelog.log -persistent:$false write-log 'test message' initializes the log file as c:\temp\myLogs\somelog.log and makes it non-persistent - next script run from this script will generate new logfile name. this is usefull for 'launchers' - scripts that launch series of other scripts that supposed to run with its own logfiles .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFileName somelog.log write-log 'test message' initializes the log file as .\somelog.log . .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFolder c:\temp\myLogs write-log 'test message' initializes the log file under c:\temp\myLogs\ folder with generic name containing script name and date. .EXAMPLE start-Logging -userProfilePath write-log 'test message' initializes the log file in Logs subfolder uder user profile path with generic name containing script name and date. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS log file under $logFile variable. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 220412 changes: - 220412 persistence set as default - multilevel calls are not expected by default - 220328 rewritten with many fixes, and mostly - supports multi-level calls. when calling script-from-script. persistent switch added which related to multi-level calls. - 210408 breaks - 210210 removing recurrency to write-log (loop elimination) - 210205 fixes to logfilename initialization - 210203 added 'logFolder' and proper log initilization when called indirectly - 210127 v1 - 201018 initialize #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FilePath')] param( #provide custom name or full file path for log file. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='FilePath',mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$logFileName, #create log file with automatic name in the user profile folder rather than script run path [Parameter(ParameterSetName='userProfile',mandatory=$false,position=0)] [alias('useProfile')] [switch]$userProfilePath, #similar to logFileName, but takes folder only and log file name is generic. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Folder',mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$logFolder, #make this logFile persisent till the end of the PS Session or re-running start-Logging (write-log will not generate new name) [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [switch]$persistent = $true ) #prepare baseName of the logFile #main global object used to keep record if(-not $global:logFiles) { $global:logFiles = @() for($lvl = 0; $lvl -lt 10; $lvl++ ) { #yeah.. hardcoding such limits is a risk, but I assume script will not be nested/stacked more 1o times $global:logFiles += [PSCustomObject]@{ #need to be array as $script context is broken and to handle nested invocation need to keep seperate values logName = '' #actual logFile name declared persistent = $false #enforce all scripts to use this name until directly changed with start-logging lastScriptUsed = '' #name of the script that created the logFile } } } $scriptCallStack = (Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object {$_.command -ne 'write-log' -and $_.command -ne 'start-logging' -and $_.ScriptName -notmatch "\.psm1$"} ) $runLevel = $scriptCallStack.count - 1 if( -not ($scriptCallStack | ? ScriptName) ) { #if run from console - set the logfile name as 'console' $scriptBaseName = 'console' } else { $scriptBaseName = ([System.IO.FileInfo]$scriptCallStack[0].ScriptName).basename #after removing write-log and start-logging from callStack, next is a script that called } $logFiles[$runLevel].lastScriptUsed = $scriptBaseName #dependently on the parameters prepare actual logFile name and folder switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'userProfile' { $logFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\Logs' $logFiles[$runLevel].logName = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } 'Folder' { $logFiles[$runLevel].logName = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } 'filePath' { if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logFileName) ) { #start-logging used without any parameters (default) if($scriptBaseName -eq 'console') { $logFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\Logs' $logFiles[$runLevel].logName = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } else { $logFolder = "$(split-path $scriptCallStack[0].scriptname -Parent)\Logs" $logFiles[$runLevel].logName = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } } else { #$logFileName provided . it can be: 1. file, 2. folder, 3. fullpath if( [string]::isNullOrEmpty( (split-path $logFileName) ) ) { #no path - only file name if( $scriptBaseName -eq 'console' ) { #run directly from console $logFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\Logs' } else { $logFolder = $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot } } else { if( test-path $logFileName -PathType Container ) { #folder ...ups! write-host "$logFileName seems to be an existing folder. use 'logFolder' parameter or change log name. quitting." -ForegroundColor Red return } $logFolder = split-path $logFileName -Parent $logFileName = split-path $logFileName -Leaf } $logFiles[$runLevel].logName = "$logFolder\$logFileName" } } default { write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta 'very strange error' return } } if(-not (test-path $logFolder) ) { try{ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $logFolder -ErrorAction Stop|Out-Null write-host "$LogFolder created." } catch { write-error $_.exception break } } if($persistent.IsPresent) { $logFiles[$runLevel].Persistent = $true } else { $logFiles[$runLevel].Persistent = $false } "*logging initiated $(get-date) in $($logFiles[$runLevel].logName)"|Out-File $logFiles[$runLevel].logName -Append write-host "*logging initiated $(get-date) in $($logFiles[$runLevel].logName)" "*script parameters:"|Out-File $logFiles[$runLevel].logName -Append if($script:PSBoundParameters.count -gt 0) { $script:PSBoundParameters|Out-File $logFiles[$runLevel].logName -Append } else { "<none>"|Out-File $logFiles[$runLevel].logName -Append } "***************************************************"|Out-File $logFiles[$runLevel].logName -Append } function write-log { <# .SYNOPSIS replacement for tee-object and write-host, forking information to a log file and screen (and possibly to third object), with flexible log initialization and colouring. .DESCRIPTION function has been developed with a paradigm 'always verbose' - if you need to see script run, and same time have it in a log file. it automates forking of output on two different endpoints - on the host, using write-host and to the file, appening its content, similarly to tee-object, but adds more options like message tag (error, info, warning) with cloured output and timestamps. ...actually there is option to fork on third source, described later... write-log converts everything to a string, so you can use it for virtually any type of variable - including objects. in order to use write-log, $logFiles variable requires to be set up. you can initialize the value directly with 'start-Logging', configure $logFile manually or simply run write-log to have it initialized automatically. by default logs are stored in $PSScriptRoot/Logs directory with generic file name. if you need special location refer to start-logging help how to initialize variable. function may also be used directly from command line - in this scenario log file will be created in Logs directory under User Documents folder. file with be named 'console-<date>.log'. THIRD OBJECT third object was introduced to help developing GUI apps and ability to show log on Forms elements, but may be used for regular strings as well and may be easily extended on other types. referenced objects must be provided as '([ref]$OBJECTNAME)' - with parenthesis and [ref]. as example, lets assume you have a Forms Label to show progress: $LabelStatus = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label you can then use write-log to fork on the screen, the file and show it on the label: write-log "something happens" -type info -thirdOutput $labelStatus GLOBAL VARIABLES start-logging initializes $logFiles variable which is an array, allowing to store different log file names for scripts run on different stack levels (when you do dot sourcing, &, invokes etc). this variable persists gloabally so the next script has 'a memory' to reuse the name. write-log creates simple [string]$logFile globally so you can easily reference the name in your srcipts e.g.: write-log "script run finished. check $logFile for details" -type ok .EXAMPLE write-log "all is fine" output '<timestamp> all is fine' on the screen and to the log file. .EXAMPLE write-log all is fine -skip outputs all is fine on the screen and to the log file - all unnamed parameters are displayed .EXAMPLE write-log -message "trees`nare`ngreen" -type ok shows: '<timestamp> OK: trees are green' in Green colour, and send text to a log file. .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFileName ("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}" -f $PSScriptRoot,'\Logs\_',$env:USERNAME,'myScript-',$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm),'.log') write-log -message $someObject -type info if you need to create a logfile with some custom name or location - just use 'start-Logging' function which initializes logfile with required values. .EXAMPLE $someObject=get-process write-log -message $someObject -type info -skipTimeStamp -silent outputs processes object to the log file as -silent disables screen output. it will lack timestamp in a message header but will contain 'INFO:' block. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS text log file under $logFile .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 220407 changes: - 220407 tiny fix to persistant logging - 220328 v3 rewritten with many fixes, and mostly - supports multi-level calls. when calling script-from-script. skipTimeStamp changed to noTimeStamp. - 220301 error handling for add-content - issue found when trying to write to network drives and timeout occurs. - 210526 ...saga with catching $null continues - 210507 rare issue with message type check - 210421 interpreting $message elements fix - 210402 3rd output init - 210329 write-log init fix - 210302 do not convert to 'out-string' when it's already a string - 210212 imporper name when calling from console thru module - 210210 v2. init finally works! - 210209 when initialized on console, wl was not creating script log and using console file. - 210209 init from console fix - 210206 valueFromRemainingArguments - 210205 fix when run directly from console, init fixes - 210203 properly initiating log with new start-logging, when called indirectly - 210127 v1 - 201018 initialize #TO|DO - colouring codes for text - change screen text colour on ** <y></y> <r></r> <g></g> #> #DO NOT ADD 'parameter' data as it will break ValueFromRemainingArgs taking over numbered parameters param( #message to display - can be an object [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true,mandatory=$false,position=0)] $message, #adds description and colour dependently on message type [string][validateSet('error','info','warning','ok')]$type, #do not output to a screen - logfile only [switch]$silent, # do not show timestamp with the message [Alias('skipTimestamp')] [switch]$noTimeStamp, #experimantal - 3rd output object so you can add virtually anything that accepts text to be set to. [ref][alias('thirdOutput')]$externallyReferencedObject ) #region INIT_LOG_FILE_NAME #0. no logFile - new #1. logfile & persistent - keep the same # logfile and not persisent: # 2. different script name - new # 3. same script and the same level (invocations) - keep the same # 4. same script but different level - new $scriptCallStack = (Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object {$_.command -ne 'write-log' -and $_.command -ne 'start-logging' -and $_.ScriptName -notmatch "\.psm1$"} ) $runLevel = $scriptCallStack.count - 1 #$scriptCallStack|fl|Out-Host $scriptBaseName = ([System.IO.FileInfo]$scriptCallStack[0].ScriptName).basename if( $logFiles ) { #$logFiles already initialized if( -not ($logFiles | Where-Object persistent) ) { #logFiles set but not Persistent if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($scriptBaseName)) { #run directly from console $scriptBaseName = 'console' } if($logFiles[$runLevel].lastScriptUsed -ne $scriptBaseName) { #logFiles exists and for the same script - check if the same level start-Logging } $LogFile = $logFiles[$runLevel].logName } else { #if persisent - then don't generate new $LogFile = ($logFiles | Where-Object persistent)[0].logName } } else { #no $logFiles - create new start-Logging $LogFile = $logFiles[$runLevel].logName } #endregion INIT_LOG_FILE_NAME #ensure that whatever the type is - array, object.. - it will be output as string, add runtime if($null -eq $message) { $message='' } else { #ValueFromRemainingArguments changes how variable is presented. running "write-log 'output text'" will pass 'output text' as a "List`1" object #as that's how 'valueFromRemainingArguments' is bulding variable and ruturns an array. but if passed directly with "write-log -message 'output text'" #retruns true type of the passed variable - in this case [string]. try { switch( $message.GetType().name ) { 'List`1' { for($count=0;$count -lt $message.count;$count++) { if($message[$count].GetType().name -ne 'string') { $message[$count]=($message[$count]|out-String).trim()+"`n" } else { $message[$count]+=' ' } } $message=$message -join '' } 'String' { #do nothing - string is fine. } 'Default' { ($message|out-String).trim()+"`n" } } } catch { #there simply is no way to catch all nulls - any type of comparison generates exceptions. $message='' } } #region 3rdOUTPUT if($externallyReferencedObject) { if($externallyReferencedObject.Value.GetType().FullName -match 'System.Windows.Forms') { if($externallyReferencedObject.Value.multiline) { $externallyReferencedObject.Value.Text += "$message`n`r" } else { $externallyReferencedObject.Value.Text = $message } $externallyReferencedObject.Value.refresh() } else { $externallyReferencedObject.Value = $message } } #endregion 3rdOUTPUT #region FILE_OUTPUT try { $finalMessageString=@() if(-not $noTimestamp) { $finalMessageString += "$(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss>") " } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $type) ) { $finalMessageString += $type.ToUpper()+": " } $finalMessageString += $message $message=$finalMessageString -join '' try { Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Value $message -ErrorAction Stop $global:logFile = $logFile } catch { "ERROR WRITING TO LOG FILE: $($_.exception)" | out-host } if(-not $silent) { switch($type) { 'error' { write-host -ForegroundColor Red $message } 'info' { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray $message } 'warning' { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $message } 'ok' { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $message } default { Write-Host $message } } } } catch { Write-Error 'not able to write to log. suggest to cancel the script run.' $_.exception } #endregion FILE_OUTPUT } function get-CSVDelimiter { <# .SYNOPSIS support function for CSV import. primitive function trying to detect delimiter used in CSV file. .DESCRIPTION different languages have different separators. CSV actually means 'Country-specyfic Separator Value' when you use Excel. to avoid necessity to transporm semicolon-separated to/from comma-separated, this function counts characters to guess the separator. it requires at least two data lines as the trick is to compare characters in the first and the second line to chose which occures in consistent number. currently function checks free most common separators: ';', ',' and TAB. otherwise returns default ',' as English regionals are the most common. .EXAMPLE get-CSVDelimiter c:\temp\mydata.csv .INPUTS csv table .OUTPUTS [char] .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210219 last changes - 210219 initialized #TO|DO #> param( [string]$inputCSV ) #header check - at least 2 lines required $FirstLines = Get-Content $inputCSV -Head 3 if($FirstLines[0] -match '^#') { #comments and #TYPE defs from export - skip $FirstLines=$FirstLines[1..2] } if($FirstLines.count -lt 2) { write-log "$inputCSV is not proper stuctured CSV - at least 2 lines expected (header and data)." -type error return $null } #this is very simple delimiter check based on number of columns in two first lines $FirstLines=$FirstLines -replace '''.*?''|".*?"','ANTI-DELIMITER' #change all quoted strings to simple string to avoid quoted delimiter characters $delims=@(",",";","`t") $current = ',' $maxCount = 0 foreach($delimiter in $delims) { $fl = $FirstLines[0].split($delimiter).Length - 1 $sl = $FirstLines[1].split($delimiter).Length - 1 if( ($sl - $fl) -eq 0 ) { if( $maxCount -lt $fl ) { $maxCount = $fl $current = $delimiter } } } write-log "'$current' detected as delimiter." -type info return $current } function import-structuredCSV { <# .SYNOPSIS loads CSV file with header check and auto delimiter detection. .DESCRIPTION support function to gather data from CSV file with ability to ensure it is correct CSV file by enumerating header. if you operate on data you need to ensure that it is CORRECT file, and not some random CSV. extremally usuful in the projects when you use xls/csv as data providers and need to ensure that you stick to the standard column names. You have an ability to force adding columns when only several are obligatory and others are not (default) or define string checking making entire header structure critical. additionally you can manipulate parameter names during the import by adding prefix and suffix to parameter names - e.g. you import CSV with columns 'username' and 'activity' but want to have 'AD_username' and 'AD_actitivity' for easier recognition. .EXAMPLE $data = load-csv c:\temp\ADUserActivity.csv imports CSV, automatically detecting delimiter .EXAMPLE $inputCSV = "c:\temp\ADUserActivity.csv" $header=@('username','activity') $data = load-CSV -header $header -headerIsCritical -delimiter ';' -inputCSV $inputCSV above code will load CSV expecting minimum of 'username' and 'activity' columns to be present (there might be more). since 'headerIsCritical' flag is added, script will terminate if any of these columns is missing. delimiter enforces semicolon as CSV delimiter. .EXAMPLE $inputCSV = "c:\temp\ADUserActivity.csv" $header=@('username','activity') $data = load-CSV -header $header -inputCSV $inputCSV -prefix 'AD_' above code will import CSV while ensuring that columns 'username' and 'activity' exist. If any of the column is not found in the CSV, script will ask what to do - add them, terminate or simply continue. imported data columns/attribute names will be prefixed with 'AD_' - here 'AD_username' and 'AD_activity'. delimiter is detected automatically. .EXAMPLE $inputCSV = "c:\temp\ADUserActivity.csv" $header=@('AD_username','AD_activity') $data = load-CSV -header $header -inputCSV $inputCSV -transformation @{'username' = 'AD_UserName';'password' = 'AD_Password'} above code will import CSV while ensuring that columns 'AD_username' and 'AD_activity' are present but not in CSV but AFTER TRANSFORMATION. transformation is processed PRELOADING - beafore header is checked .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 221114 last changes - 221114 transformation table for column names - 221113 fixes to PS7 - isPresent doesn't work on non-switch parametrs, encoding - 221112 attribute prefix/suffix while loading - 210523 silent mode - 210421 exit/return/break tuning - 210317 delimiter detection as function - 210315 finbished auto, non-terminating from console, header not mandatory - 210311 auto delimiter detection, min 2lines - 210219 initialized #TO|DO #> param( #path to CSV file containing data [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string]$inputCSV, #expected header to check if this is the CSV you're actually expecting [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [string[]]$header, #this flag causes exit on load if any column is missing. [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [switch]$headerIsCritical, #CSV delimiter if different then regional settings. auto - tries to detect between comma and semicolon. uses comma if failed. [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [string]$delimiter='auto', #CSV encoding - deafult vlaue of ansi is breaking diactritics. here UTF8 is chosen, but for Azure outputs it's recommended to use [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [validateSet('ansi','ascii','bigendianunicode','bigendianutf32','oem','unicode','utf7','utf8','utf8BOM','utf8NoBOM','utf32')] [string]$encoding='utf8', #add prefix to all column names *after checking the CSV header* [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=5)] [string]$prefix, #add suffix to all column names *after checking the CSV header* [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=6)] [string]$suffix, #column name transformation table. transformation is proccessed *before checking the header* [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=7)] [hashtable]$transformationTable, #silent - no output on screen. my script are in always-verbose logic, so this is opposite to regular PS, 'silent' allows to disable output [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=8)] [switch]$silent ) if($silent.IsPresent) { $PSDefaultParameterValues=@{"write-log:silent"=$true} } if(-not (test-path $inputCSV) ) { write-log "$inputCSV not found." -type error return } if($delimiter -eq 'auto') { $delimiter = get-CSVDelimiter -inputCSV $inputCSV if($null -eq $delimiter) { return } } try { $CSVData = import-csv -path "$inputCSV" -delimiter $delimiter -Encoding $encoding } catch { Write-log "not able to import $inputCSV. $($_.exception)" -type error return } #region tranformation if($transformationTable) { $CSVData | ForEach-Object { foreach($propertyName in ( ($_.psobject.Properties | ? memberType -eq 'NoteProperty')).name ) { if($transformationTable.ContainsKey($propertyName) ) { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $transformationTable[$propertyName] -Value $_.$propertyName $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($propertyName) } } } } #endregion transformation #region header check if($null -ne $header) { $csvHeader = $CSVData | get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | select-object -ExpandProperty Name $hmiss = @() foreach($el in $header) { if($csvHeader -notcontains $el) { Write-log """$el"" column missing in imported csv" -type warning $hmiss += $el } } if($hmiss) { if($headerIsCritical) { Write-log "Wrong CSV header. check delimiter used. quitting." -type error return } $ans = Read-Host -Prompt "some columns are missing. type 'add' to add them, 'c' to continue or anything else to cancel" switch($ans) { 'add' { foreach($newCol in $hmiss) { write-host "adding $newCol" $CSVData | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $newCol -value '' } write-log "header extended" -type info } 'c' { write-log "continuing without header change" -type info } default { write-log "cancelled. exitting." -type info return } } } } #endregion header check #region addPrefix if(-not [string]::isNullOrEmpty($prefix)) { $CSVData | ForEach-Object { foreach($propertyName in ( ($_.psobject.Properties | ? memberType -eq 'NoteProperty')).name ) { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$prefix$propertyName" -Value $_.$propertyName $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($propertyName) } } } #endregion addPrefix #region addSuffix if(-not [string]::isNullOrEmpty($suffix)) { $CSVData | ForEach-Object { foreach($propertyName in ( ($_.psobject.Properties | ? memberType -eq 'NoteProperty')).name ) { $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$propertyName$suffix" -Value $_.$propertyName $_.PSObject.Properties.Remove($propertyName) } } } #endregion addSuffix return $CSVData } set-alias -Name load-CSV -Value import-structuredCSV function convert-XLStoCSV { <# .SYNOPSIS export all tables in XLSX files to CSV files. enumerates all sheets, and each table goes to another file. if sheet does not contain table - whole sheet is saved as csv .DESCRIPTION if file contains information outside of table objects - they will not be exported. files will be named after the sheet name + table/worksheet name and placed in seperate directory. separate script with ability to drag'n'drop may be downloaded from https://github.com/nExoRek/eN-Lib/blob/master/convert-XLSX2CSV.ps1 .EXAMPLE convert-XLS2CSV -fileName .\myFile.xlsx extracts tables/worksheets to CSV files under folder named after file .EXAMPLE ls *.xlsx | convertTo-CSVFromXLS converts all xlsx file in current directory to series of CSVs. .INPUTS XLSX file. .OUTPUTS Series of CSV files representing tables and/or worksheets (if lack of tables). .LINK https://w-files.pl .LINK https://github.com/nExoRek/eN-Lib/blob/master/convert-XLSX2CSV.ps1 drag'n'drop version - separate file. .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 231016 last changes - 231016 return/exit, cleanup - 220523 silent mode - for import-xls - 220403 autosave error when not on OD - 220401 stupid autosave behaviour, file open error handling - 210422 ...again fixes to exit/break/return - 210408 proper 'run from console' detection and exit - 210317 firstWorksheet, suppress directory creation info - 210315 error detection during creation - 210309 proper pipeline - 210308 module function - 201121 output folder changed, descirption, do not export hidden by default, saveAs CSVUTF8 - 201101 initialized TO|DO - explore silent mode #> [cmdletbinding()] param( # XLSX file name to be converted to CSV files [Parameter(ParameterSetName='byName',mandatory=$true,position=0,ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$XLSfileName, # XLSX file object to be converted to CSV files [Parameter(ParameterSetName='byObject',mandatory=$true,position=0,ValueFromPipeline)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$XLSFile, #export only first worksheet, not all [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [switch]$firstWorksheetOnly, #include hidden worksheets? [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [switch]$includeHiddenWorksheets, #silent - no output on screen. my scripts are built with always-verbose logic, opposite to regular PS [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [switch]$silent ) begin { if($silent.IsPresent) { $PSDefaultParameterValues=@{"write-log:silent"=$true} } try{ $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application } catch { write-log "not able to initialize Excel lib. requires Excel to run.`n$($_.exception)" -type error break } $Excel.Visible = $false $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false } process { if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byName') { if(-not (test-path $XLSFileName)) { write-log "$XLSfileName not found. exitting" -type error return } $XLSFile=get-Item $XLSfileName } if($XLSFile.Extension -notmatch '\.xls.$') { write-log "$($XLSFile.Name) doesn't look like excel file. exitting" -type error return } $outputFolder=$XLSFile.DirectoryName+'\'+$XLSFile.BaseName+'.exported' if( -not (test-path($outputFolder)) ) { new-Item -ItemType Directory $outputFolder|Out-Null } try { $workBookFile = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($XLSFile) } catch { write-log "can't open $XLSfileName. $($_.Exception)" -type error return } #if file is opened from OneDrive and workbook is set to autosave - additional sheet will autoamtically be saved, although script is deleting it /: try { $workBookFile.autoSaveOn = $false } catch { #silence out error when already disabled } #excel file save statics $fileType=62 #CSVUTF8 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlfileformat $localLanguage=$true write-log "converting $($XLSFile.Name) tables to CSV files..." -type info $CSVFileList=@() foreach($worksheet in $workBookFile.Worksheets) { if($worksheet.Visible -eq $false -and -not $includeHiddenWorksheets.IsPresent) { write-log "worksheet $($worksheet.name) found but it is hidden. use -includeHiddenWorksheets to export" -type info continue } Write-log "found worksheet: $($worksheet.name)" -type info $tableList=$worksheet.listObjects|Where-Object SourceType -eq 1 if($tableList) { foreach($table in $tableList ) { Write-log "found table $($table.name) on $($worksheet.name)" -type info $exportFileName=$outputFolder +'\'+($worksheet.name -replace '[^\w\d\-_\.]', '') + '_' + ($table.name -replace '[^\w\d]', '') + '.csv' $tempWS=$workBookFile.Worksheets.add() $table.range.copy()|out-null $tempWS.paste($tempWS.range("A1")) $tempWS.SaveAs($exportFileName, $fileType,$null,$null,$null,$null,$sddToMRU,$null,$null,$localLanguage) write-log "$($table.name) saved as $exportFileName" $tempWS.delete() Remove-Variable -Name tempWS $CSVFileList += get-Item $exportFileName } } else { Write-log "$($worksheet.name) does not contain tables. exporting whole sheet..." -type info $exportFileName=$outputFolder +'\'+($worksheet.name -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]', '') + '_sheet.csv' $worksheet.SaveAs($exportFileName, $fileType,$null,$null,$null,$null,$sddToMRU,$null,$null,$localLanguage) write-log "worksheet $($worksheet.name) saved as $exportFileName" $CSVFileList += get-Item $exportFileName } if($firstWorksheetOnly) { break } } $Excel.Workbooks.Close() } end { $Excel.Quit() #any method of closing Excel file is not working 1oo%. there are scenarios where excel process stays in memory. #Remove-Variable -name workBookFile #Remove-Variable -Name excel #[gc]::collect() #[gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() #https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/lync/en-US/81dcbbd7-f6cc-47ec-8537-db23e5ae5e2f/excel-releasecomobject-doesnt-work?forum=ITCG while( [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel) ){} Write-log "done and cleared." -type ok return $CSVFileList } } Set-Alias -Name convert-XLS2CSV -Value convert-XLStoCSV function convert-CSVtoXLS { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts CSV file into XLS with table. .DESCRIPTION creates XLXS out of CSV file and formats data as a table of preferable style. .EXAMPLE convert-CSV2XLSX c:\temp\test.csv -delimiter ',' Converts test.csv to test.xlsx enforcing comma as delimiter in CSV interpretation .EXAMPLE ls *.csv | convert-CSV2XLS -outputFileName myfile.xlsx converts all csv files in current directory into sinlge xls file with multiple worksheets. .EXAMPLE start (convert-CSVtoXLS myfile.csv) convrts file and opens it in Excel .INPUTS CSV file or file name .OUTPUTS XLSX file. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 241007 last changes - 241007 CSV2XLS fixes and -open switch - 220523 silent mode - 220418 further fixes for PS7 - 220411 destination folder changed to CSV location - to mach convert-XLS2CSV behaviour - 210430 #typedef skip - 210422 ...again fixes to exit/break/return - 210408 breaks - 210402 proper 'run from console' detection and exit - 210317 processing multiple CSV will create single XLS, delimiter autodetection, output file name - 210309 proper pipelining - 210308 module function - 201123 initialized TO|DO #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( #CSV file name to convert [Parameter(ParameterSetName='byName',mandatory=$true,position=0,ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$CSVfileName, #CSV file object to convert [Parameter(ParameterSetName='byObject',mandatory=$true,position=0,ValueFromPipeline)] [System.IO.FileInfo]$CSVfile, #output XLSX file name [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [alias('outputFileName')] [string]$XLSfileName=$null, #style intensity [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [alias('intensity')] [string][validateSet('Light','Medium','Dark')]$tableStyleIntensity='Medium', #style number [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [alias('nr')] [int]$tableStyleNumber=21, #open excel file automatically after conversion [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [alias('run')] [switch]$openOnConversion, #CSV delimiter character [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=5)] [string]$delimiter='auto', #silent - no output on screen. my script are in always-verbose logic, so this is opposite to regular PS [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=6)] [switch]$silent ) begin { if($silent.IsPresent) { $PSDefaultParameterValues=@{"write-log:silent"=$true} } try{ $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application } catch { write-log "not able to initialize Excel lib. requires Excel to run.`n$($_.Exception)" -type error break } $Excel.Visible = $false $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add(1) $XLSfileList = @() $counter=0 if($delimiter -eq 'auto') { $autoDelimiter=$true } if(![string]::isNullOrEmpty($XLSfileName) ){ $XLSFolder = Split-Path $XLSfileName -Parent if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($XLSFolder)) { $XLSfileName = ($pwd).path +'\'+$XLSfileName } else { $XLSFileName = (Resolve-Path $XLSFolder).Path + '\' + (Split-Path $XLSfileName -Leaf) } if($XLSFileName -notmatch "\.xls[x]?") { $XLSfileName+=".xlsx" } write-log "creating $XLSfileName excel file..." -type info } } process { #$ErrorActionPreference="SilentlyContinue" #read CSV if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'byName') { if(-not (test-path $CSVfileName) ) { write-host -ForegroundColor Red "file $CSVfileName is not accessible" return } #typedef skip from PSobjects $TYPEline = $false if((Get-Content $CSVfileName -Head 1) -match "^#") { $TYPEline = $true Get-Content $CSVfileName|select-object -Skip 1|Out-File "$CSVfileName-tmp" -Encoding utf8 $CSVFile = get-Item "$CSVfileName-tmp" } else { $CSVFile = get-Item $CSVfileName } } #convert output file name to full path if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($XLSfileName)) { $XLSfileName = ($CSVfile.DirectoryName) + '\' + $CSVFile.BaseName + '.xlsx' write-log "creating $XLSfileName excel file..." -type info } try { write-log "adding $($CSVfile.Name) data as worksheet..." -type info if($autoDelimiter) { $delimiter = get-CSVDelimiter -inputCSV $CSVfile.FullName if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($delimiter) ) { $delimiter=',' } } if($counter++ -gt 0) { $worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value,$workbook.Worksheets.Item($workbook.Worksheets.count)) } $worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item($workbook.Worksheets.count) if($CSVfile.BaseName.Length -gt 20) { $wksName = $CSVfile.BaseName.Substring(0,19) } else { $wksName = $CSVfile.BaseName } $worksheet.name = $wksName ### Build the QueryTables.Add command and reformat the data $TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $CSVFile.FullName) $Connector = $worksheet.QueryTables.add($TxtConnector,$worksheet.Range("A1")) $query = $worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name) $query.TextFileOtherDelimiter = $delimiter $query.TextFileParseType = 1 $query.TextFileColumnDataTypes = ,1 * $worksheet.Cells.Columns.Count $query.AdjustColumnWidth = 1 $query.TextFilePlatform = 65001 ### Execute & delete the import query $query.Refresh() | out-null $range=$query.ResultRange $query.Delete() #can't load assembly on PS7 and don't have access to enums. so far didn't found a method to load types on PS7 correctly. #https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/12052 $Table = $worksheet.ListObjects.Add( #[Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlListObjectSourceType]::xlSrcRange, 1, $Range, "importedCSV", 1 #[Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlYesNoGuess]::xlYes ) <# TableStyle: - Light - Medium - Dark tableStyleNumber: - 1,8,15 black - 2,9,16 navy blue - 3,1o,17 orange - 4,11,18 gray - 5,12,19 yellow - 6,13,2o blue - 7,14,21 green #> $tableStyle=[string]"$tableStyleIntensity$tableStyleNumber" $Table.TableStyle = "TableStyle$tableStyle" #green with gray shadowing } catch { write-log "error converting CSV to XLS: $($_.exception)" -type error return -2 } if($TYPEline) { remove-item "$CSVfileName-tmp" } } end { $errorSaving=$false try { $worksheet.SaveAs($XLSfileName, 51,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,'True') #|out-null } catch { write-log "error saving $XLSfileName. $($_.exception)" -type error $errorSaving=$true } $workbook = $null $Excel.Workbooks.Close() $Excel.Quit() while( [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel) ){} if(!$errorSaving) { write-log "convertion done, saved as $XLSfileName" $XLSfileList += (Get-Item $XLSfileName) Write-log "done and cleared." -type ok if($openOnConversion) { & $XLSfileName } return $XLSfileList } else { return $null } } } Set-Alias -Name convert-CSV2XLS -Value convert-CSVtoXLS function import-XLS { <# .SYNOPSIS EXPERIMENTAL - importing XLS as table object, using convert+load .DESCRIPTION .INPUTS XLS file. .OUTPUTS table .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 220523 last changes - 220523 silent import - 210317 use of firstWorksheet - 210315 initialized #TO|DO - add cleanup of files after xls output #> param( # XLSX file name to be converted to CSV files [Parameter(ParameterSetName='byName',mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string]$XLSfileName ) $tempCSV = convert-XLStoCSV -XLSfileName $XLSfileName -firstWorksheetOnly -silent if( $tempCSV ) { return (import-structuredCSV -inputCSV $tempCSV[0].FullName) } } function new-RandomPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS generate random password with given char ranges (complexity) and lenght .DESCRIPTION by default it genrates 8-long string with .EXAMPLE $pass = new-RandomPassword generated 8-char long semi-complex password .EXAMPLE $pass = new-RandomPassword -specialCharacterRange 3 generated 8-char long password with full complexity .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS string of random characters .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210127 last changes - 210127 initialized #TO|DO - character sets: - upper case letters - lower case letters - digits - spec0 = '.-_ ' - spec1 - spec2 - spec3 - at least one char per set - redo - avoid similarities (Il, 0O) #> param( #password length [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [int]$length=8, #password complexity based on a range of special characters. [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [int][validateSet(1,2,3)]$specialCharacterRange=1, #uniquness - related to complexity, recommended to leave. this guarantee that password will have characters from given number of char sets. [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [int][validateSet(1,2,3,4)]$uniqueSets=4 ) function new-CharSet { param( # set up password length [int]$length, # number of 'sets of sets' defining complexity range [int]$setSize ) $safe=0 while ($safe++ -lt 100) { $array=@() 1..$length|ForEach-Object{ $array+=(Get-Random -Maximum ($setSize) -Minimum 0) } if(($array|Sort-Object -Unique|Measure-Object).count -ge $setSize) { return $array } else { Write-Verbose "[new-CharSet]bad array: $($array -join ',')" } } return $null } #prepare char-sets $smallLetters=$null 97..122|ForEach-Object{$smallLetters+=,[char][byte]$_} $capitalLetters=$null 65..90|ForEach-Object{$capitalLetters+=,[char][byte]$_} $numbers=$null 48..57|ForEach-Object{$numbers+=,[char][byte]$_} $specialCharacterL1=$null @(33;35..38;43;45..46;95)|ForEach-Object{$specialCharacterL1+=,[char][byte]$_} # !"#$%& $specialCharacterL2=$null 58..64|ForEach-Object{$specialCharacterL2+=,[char][byte]$_} # :;<=>?@ $specialCharacterL3=$null @(34;39..42;44;47;91..94;96;123..125)|ForEach-Object{$specialCharacterL3+=,[char][byte]$_} # [\]^` $ascii=@() $ascii+=,$smallLetters $ascii+=,$capitalLetters $ascii+=,$numbers if($specialCharacterRange -ge 2) { $specialCharacterL1+=,$specialCharacterL2 } if($specialCharacterRange -ge 3) { $specialCharacterL1+=,$specialCharacterL3 } $ascii+=,$specialCharacterL1 #prepare set of character-sets ensuring that there will be at least one character from at least $uniqueSets different sets $passwordSet = new-CharSet -length $length -setSize $uniqueSets $password=$NULL 0..($length-1)|ForEach-Object { $password+=($ascii[$passwordSet[$_]] | Get-Random) } return $password } function Set-QuickEditMode { <# .SYNOPSIS function allowing to disable/enable Quick Edit Mode for current PS host session. .DESCRIPTION accidental mouse-press on PS screen will lead to script pause. this is real problem - especially if you're providing scripts to unaware users. this simple function taken from CodeOverflow allows to control Quick Edit Mode setting for current PS host. this will allow to disable this feature before running the script. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> set-QuickEditMode -DisableQuickEdit disables Quick Edit mode for current PS Session .EXAMPLE PS C:\> set-QuickEditMode enables Quick Edit mode for current PS Session .LINK source code taken from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30872345/script-commands-to-disable-quick-edit-mode/42792718 .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210609 last changes - 210609 initialized #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$DisableQuickEdit ) add-type -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public static class DisableConsoleQuickEdit { const uint ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT = 0x0040; // STD_INPUT_HANDLE (DWORD): -10 is the standard input device. const int STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10; [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern bool GetConsoleMode(IntPtr hConsoleHandle, out uint lpMode); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern bool SetConsoleMode(IntPtr hConsoleHandle, uint dwMode); public static bool SetQuickEdit(bool SetEnabled) { IntPtr consoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); // get current console mode uint consoleMode; if (!GetConsoleMode(consoleHandle, out consoleMode)) { // ERROR: Unable to get console mode. return false; } // Clear the quick edit bit in the mode flags if (SetEnabled) { consoleMode &= ~ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT; } else { consoleMode |= ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT; } // set the new mode if (!SetConsoleMode(consoleHandle, consoleMode)) { // ERROR: Unable to set console mode return false; } return true; } } "@ -Language CSharp if( [DisableConsoleQuickEdit]::SetQuickEdit($DisableQuickEdit) ) { Write-Log "QuickEdit settings has been updated." -type info } else { Write-Log "Something went wrong." -type info } } #################################################### PowerShell GUI function get-answerBox { <# .SYNOPSIS win32 forms message box to get YES/NO input from user .DESCRIPTION replacement for simple messageBox giving option to customize buttons, giving option to add some additional information .EXAMPLE $response = get-answerBox -OKButtonText 'YES' -CancelButtonText 'NO' -info 'choose your answer' -message 'do you find this function useful?' if($response) { write-host 'thank you!' } .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS true/false .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210209 last changes - 210209 detailedInfo -> message (alias left for compatibility), autosize, anchors - 210208 icon, tune, info -> title - 210127 module - 210110 initialized #TO|DO #> param( #OK button text [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$OKButtonText = "OK", #Canel button text [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [string]$CancelButtonText = "Cancel", #title bar text [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [string]$title = "Which option?", #message text [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [alias('detailedInfo')] [string]$message = "What is your choice:", #messagebox icon [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [validateSet('Asterisk','Error','Exclamation','Hand','Information','None','Question','Stop','Warning')] [string]$icon='Question' ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $messageBoxForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $messageBoxForm.Text = $title $messageBoxForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,120) $messageBoxForm.AutoSize = $true $messageBoxForm.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $messageBoxForm.FormBorderStyle = 'Fixed3D' $messageBoxForm.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::$icon $messageBoxForm.Topmost = $true $messageBoxForm.MaximizeBox = $false $okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $okButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(50,50) $okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $okButton.Anchor = 'left,bottom' $okButton.Text = $OKButtonText $okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $messageBoxForm.AcceptButton = $okButton $messageBoxForm.Controls.Add($okButton) $cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $cancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(160,50) $cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $cancelButton.Anchor = 'right,bottom' $cancelButton.Text = $CancelButtonText $cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel $messageBoxForm.CancelButton = $cancelButton $messageBoxForm.Controls.Add($cancelButton) $label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,20) $label.AutoSize = $true $label.Anchor = 'left,top' $label.Text = $message $messageBoxForm.Controls.Add($label) $result = $messageBoxForm.ShowDialog() if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { return $true } return $false } function get-valueFromInputBox { <# .SYNOPSIS simple input message box function for PS GUI scripts .EXAMPLE $response = get-valueFromInputBox -title 'WARNING!' -text "type 'YES' to continue" -type Warning if($null -eq $response) { 'cancelled' exit 0 } if($response -ne 'YES') { 'not correct. quitting' exit } else { "you agreed, let's continue" } write-host 'code to execute here' .EXAMPLE $computerName = get-valueFromInbox -title 'Provide computer name' -maxChars 15 -allowedCharacters '[a-zA-Z0-9_-]' limit input to 15 characters and allow only letters,digits, underscore and minus. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS User Input or $null for cancel .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210523 last changes - 210523 default message to be displayed while loading - 210507 maxChars fix - 210402 allowcharacter check worked for last character only. - 210317 allowCharacter - 210209 anchored layout - 210113 initialized #TO|DO #> param( [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$title='input', [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [alias('text')] [string]$message='put your input', [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [validateSet('Asterisk','Error','Exclamation','Hand','Information','None','Question','Stop','Warning')] [string]$type='Question', #maximum number of characters allowed [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [alias('maxChars')] [int]$maxCharacters = 30, #regular expression limiting characters -eg 'only digits' [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [alias('regex')] [regex]$allowedCharacters, #default value to be shown on screen [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=5)] [string]$defaultMessage ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $promptWindowForm = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $promptWindowForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(250,140) $promptWindowForm.text = $title $promptWindowForm.BackColor = "#ffffff" $promptWindowForm.AutoSize = $true $promptWindowForm.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $promptWindowForm.FormBorderStyle = 'Fixed3D' $promptWindowForm.MaximizeBox = $false $promptWindowForm.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::$type $promptWindowForm.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif', 10) $lblPromptInfo = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $lblPromptInfo.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,5) #$lblPromptInfo.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(230,40) $lblPromptInfo.AutoSize = $true $lblPromptInfo.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(235,10) $lblPromptInfo.Anchor = 'left,top' $lblPromptInfo.Text = $message $txtUserInput = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtUserInput.multiline = $false $txtUserInput.ReadOnly = $false $txtUserInput.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(230,25) $txtUserInput.autosize = $true $txtUserInput.Anchor = "none" #effectively - center $txtUserInput.MaxLength = $maxCharacters $txtUserInput.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0, 35) $btOK = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $btOK.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(30,70) $btOK.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(70,20) $btOK.ForeColor = "Green" $btOK.Anchor = "left,bottom" $btOK.Text = "Continue" $btOK.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $btCancel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $btCancel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,70) $btCancel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(70,20) $btCancel.ForeColor = "Red" $btCancel.Anchor = "right,bottom" $btCancel.Text = "Cancel" $btCancel.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel $promptWindowForm.AcceptButton=$btOK $promptWindowForm.CancelButton=$btCancel $promptWindowForm.Controls.AddRange(@($lblPromptInfo, $txtUserInput,$btOK,$btCancel)) $promptWindowForm.Topmost = $true $promptWindowForm.Add_Shown( { $promptWindowForm.Activate();$txtUserInput.Select() }) $txtUserInput.add_KeyUp({ if($allowedCharacters -and $txtUserInput.text) { $cursor=$txtUserInput.SelectionStart if($txtUserInput.text[$cursor-1] -notmatch $allowedCharacters) { $tempText='' for($len=0;$len -lt $txtUserInput.text.Length;$len++) { if($len -ne $cursor-1) { $tempText+=$txtUserInput.text[$len] } } $txtUserInput.Text=$tempText $txtUserInput.Select($cursor-1, 0); } } }) $promptWindowForm.add_Shown({ if($defaultMessage) { $txtUserInput.Text = $defaultMessage $txtUserInput.SelectionStart = 0 $txtUserInput.SelectionLength = $defaultMessage.Length } }) $result = $promptWindowForm.ShowDialog() if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { $response = $txtUserInput.Text return $response } else { return $null } } function get-Icon { param( [int]$iconNumber, [string]$fileContaining = 'Shell32.dll' ) #icon extractor if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) { $ref = @('System.Drawing') } else { $ref = @('System.Drawing.Common','System.Runtime.InteropServices') } Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System { public class IconExtractor { public static Icon Extract(string file, int number, bool largeIcon) { IntPtr large; IntPtr small; ExtractIconEx(file, number, out large, out small, 1); try { return Icon.FromHandle(largeIcon ? large : small); } catch { return null; } } [DllImport("Shell32.dll", EntryPoint = "ExtractIconExW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] private static extern int ExtractIconEx(string sFile, int iIndex, out IntPtr piLargeVersion, out IntPtr piSmallVersion, int amountIcons); } } "@ -ReferencedAssemblies $ref return [System.IconExtractor]::Extract($fileContaining, $iconNumber, $true) } function select-Directory { <# .SYNOPSIS accelerator function allowing to select system directory with GUI. .DESCRIPTION function is using winforms treeView to display directory structure. returns folder path on select or folder object if 'object' parameter used. WARNING! text search looks up only for loaded branches. use 'loadAll' to be able to seach entire branch. best is to combine with 'startingDirectory' for performance reasons - loading whole disk structure may take a long, long time. .EXAMPLE cd (select-Directory) displays forms treeview enabling to choose directory using GUI and changes location .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS directory name/object .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 220423 last changes - 220423 added disk dorpdown and filter, fixes to search, 'hidden' changed to 'force' - 210524 fix to shortcut folders - 210521 optimization, tuning - 210519 initialized #TO|DO - multichoice - default folder should select it but let app open #> [cmdletbinding()] param( #starting folder (tree root) [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$startingDirectory='\', #search mask for files [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [string]$filter, #include files [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [switch]$files, #return directory path as string instead of 'folder object' [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [switch]$object, #enable text search box - will load entire tree which might take time, but will allow to search thru entire tree. best used with -startingDirectory for subfolders [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [switch]$loadAll, #show hidden folders [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=5)] [alias('hidden')] [switch]$force ) Function add-Nodes { param( $node, [int]$localDepth=0 ) write-verbose "check $($node.tag.name)" if($node.tag.unfolded -eq $false -and $node.tag.type -eq 'DirectoryInfo') { write-verbose "addingNode $($node.tag.name)" #directories first, later files [if chosen] $listParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' Path = $node.tag.FullName Directory = $true } if($force.IsPresent) { $listParams.Add("Force",$true) } $SubDirList = Get-ChildItem @listParams $lblLoading.Text = "Loading $($node.tag.name) ($($SubDirList.count) subs)..." $loading.refresh() $node.tag.unfolded = $true foreach ( $dir in $SubDirList ) { $NodeSub = $Node.Nodes.Add($dir.Name) $NodeSub.tag = [psobject]@{ fullName = $dir.FullName unfolded = $false name = $dir.name type = $dir.gettype().name } $script:NodeList += $NodeSub.tag } #load files [if -files switch present] if($files.IsPresent) { $listParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' Path = $node.tag.FullName file = $true } if($filter) { $listParams.Add("Filter",$filter) } if($force.IsPresent) { $listParams.Add("Force",$true) } $fileList = Get-ChildItem @listParams $node.tag.unfolded = $true foreach ( $file in $fileList ) { $NodeSub = $Node.Nodes.Add($file.Name) $NodeSub.tag = [psobject]@{ fullName = $file.FullName unfolded = $true #files are not to be unfolded... name = $file.name type = $file.gettype().name } $script:NodeList += $NodeSub.tag } } if($localDepth -gt 0) { foreach($SubNode in $node.Nodes) { add-Nodes -node $SubNode -localDepth ($localDepth - 1) } } } else { } } Function select-NodeByPath { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Windows.Forms.TreeView]$TreeView, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path ) # Split the path into its components $pathComponents = $Path.Split([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) # Start with the root node $currentNodes = $TreeView.Nodes foreach ($component in $pathComponents) { $foundNode = $null write-host $component foreach ($node in $currentNodes) { write-host "test: $($node.text)" if ($node.Text -eq $component) { $foundNode = $node #break } } # If the component wasn't found, exit if (-not $foundNode) { #return $null } # Otherwise, move to the child nodes for the next iteration $currentNodes = $foundNode.Nodes } # Select the found node $TreeView.SelectedNode = $foundNode } Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() #region LOADINGFORM $loading = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $loading.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(250, 30) $loading.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $loading.TopMost = $true $loading.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10) $loading.ControlBox = $false $loading.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedSingle' $loading.padding = 0 $lblLoading = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $lblLoading.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,10) $lblLoading.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(250,30) $loading.Controls.Add($lblLoading) $loading.add_Shown({ [System.windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor = $true [System.windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() }) $loading.add_Deactivate({ [System.windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor = $false [System.windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() }) #endregion LOADINGFORM #region FORM $formFolders = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $formFolders.Text = "select Directory under $startingDirectory" $formFolders.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,500) $formFolders.AutoSize = $true $formFolders.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $formFolders.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Question $formFolders.Topmost = $true $formFolders.MaximizeBox = $false $formFolders.dock = "fill" #region shortcut_buttons $lpUpperMenu = new-object system.windows.forms.TableLayoutPanel $lpUpperMenu.Anchor = 'left,right' $lpUpperMenu.Padding = 0 $lpUpperMenu.ColumnCount = 2 #$lpUpperMenu.RowCount = 1 #$lpUpperMenu.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill $cbDrives = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Combobox $cbDrives.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(40,20) $cbDrives.Text = "C:" $cbDrives.Anchor = 'none' foreach($vol in (get-volume | Where-Object DriveLetter)){ [void]$cbDrives.Items.Add("$($vol.DriveLetter):\") } $cbDrives.add_SelectedIndexChanged({ param($sender,$e) try { $initialDirectory = Get-Item $sender.text -force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip -Property @{ ToolTipIcon = 3 isBalloon = $true }).show('access error',$cbDrives,3000) return } $treeView.Nodes.Clear() $rootNode = $treeView.Nodes.Add($initialDirectory.FullName) $rootNode.Tag=[psobject]@{ fullName = $initialDirectory.FullName unfolded = $false name = $initialDirectory.Name type = $initialDirectory.gettype().name } $DEPTH = 0 if($loadAll) { $DEPTH = 1000 write-log "LOADING FULL TREE (will take time)..." -type warning } add-Nodes $rootNode -localDepth $DEPTH $treeView.refresh() $formFolders.refresh() $treeView.nodes[0].Expand() }) $lpUpperMenu.Controls.Add($cbDrives,0,0) $gbShortcuts = new-object system.windows.forms.groupBox $gbShortcuts.Text = 'Shortcuts' $gbShortcuts.Anchor = 'left,right' $gbShortcuts.Height = 55 $lpIcons = new-object system.windows.forms.TableLayoutPanel $lpIcons.ColumnCount = 6 $lpIcons.Dock = [System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill #debug #$lpIcons.BackColor = 'Gray' #$lpIcons.padding = 1 [void]$lpIcons.ColumnStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Percent,100)) ) [void]$lpIcons.ColumnStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) [void]$lpIcons.ColumnStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) [void]$lpIcons.ColumnStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) [void]$lpIcons.ColumnStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) [void]$lpIcons.ColumnStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Percent,100)) ) $pbxDocument = New-Object System.windows.forms.pictureBox $pbxDocument.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(25,25) $pbxDocument.SizeMode = 'StretchImage' $pbxDocument.Image = get-Icon -iconNumber 1 $pbxDocument.add_Click({ select-NodeByPath -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) -treeView $treeView #$result.value = ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) #$formFolders.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK #$formFolders.Close() }) $lpIcons.controls.add($pbxDocument,1,0) $pbxDownloads = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.pictureBox $pbxDownloads.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(25,25) $pbxDownloads.SizeMode = 'StretchImage' $pbxDownloads.Image = get-Icon -iconNumber 122 $pbxDownloads.add_Click({ $result.value = ((New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:Downloads').Self.Path) $formFolders.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $formFolders.Close() }) $lpIcons.controls.add($pbxDownloads,2,0) $pbxDesktop = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.pictureBox $pbxDesktop.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(25,25) $pbxDesktop.SizeMode = 'StretchImage' $pbxDesktop.Image = get-Icon -iconNumber 34 $pbxDesktop.add_Click({ $result.value = ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")) $formFolders.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $formFolders.Close() }) $lpIcons.controls.add($pbxDesktop,3,0) $pbxTemp = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.pictureBox $pbxTemp.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(25,25) $pbxTemp.SizeMode = 'StretchImage' $pbxTemp.Image = get-Icon -iconNumber 35 $pbxTemp.add_Click({ $result.value = ($env:temp) $formFolders.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $formFolders.Close() }) $lpIcons.controls.add($pbxTemp,4,0) $gbShortcuts.Controls.Add($lpIcons) $lpUpperMenu.Controls.Add($gbShortcuts,1,0) #endregion shortcut_buttons $txtSearch = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtSearch.multiline = $false $txtSearch.ReadOnly = $false $txtSearch.MinimumSize = new-object System.Drawing.Size(300,20) $txtSearch.AutoSize = $true $txtSearch.Height = 20 $txtSearch.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif', 8) $txtSearch.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(3,3) $txtSearch.TabIndex = 2 $txtSearch.add_gotFocus({ $okButton.Enabled = $false }) $txtSearch.add_KeyUp({ #param($sender,$e) $searchTimer.start() }) #regular Tree View component - after loading $treeView = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TreeView $treeView.Dock = 'Fill' $treeView.CheckBoxes = $false $treeView.Name = 'treeView' $treeView.TabIndex = 1 $treeview.add_beforeExpand({ param($sender, $e) write-verbose "beforeExand: $($e.node.tag.name)" $treeView.SelectedNode = $e.node }) $treeview.add_afterSelect({ param($sender, $e) write-verbose "afterSelect: $($e.node.tag.name)" $okButton.Enabled = $true #$e.node.Expand() $loading.Show() foreach($subNode in $e.node.Nodes) { add-Nodes -node $subNode } $loading.Hide() [System.windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor = $false [System.windows.Forms.Application]::DoEvents() $formFolders.Focus() }) #'shadow' Tree View component used during text search $SearchTreeView = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TreeView $SearchTreeView.Dock = 'Fill' $SearchTreeView.CheckBoxes = $false $SearchTreeView.name = 'SearchTreeView' #region OKCANCEL $okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $okButton.Anchor = 'left' $okButton.Text = "OK" $okButton.Enabled = $false $okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $okButton.TabIndex = 3 $formFolders.AcceptButton = $okButton $okButton.add_Click({ $currentView=($mainTable.controls|Where-Object name -match 'treeView') if($currentView.name -eq 'treeView') { $result.value = $currentView.SelectedNode.tag.FullName } else { $result.value = $currentView.SelectedNode.text } $formFolders.close() }) $cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $cancelButton.anchor = 'right' $cancelButton.Text = "Cancel" $cancelButton.TabIndex = 4 $cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel $formFolders.CancelButton = $cancelButton #endregion OKCANCEL $mainTable = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel $mainTable.AutoSize = $true $mainTable.ColumnCount = 2 $mainTable.RowCount = 4 $mainTable.Dock = "fill" [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,65)) ) [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Percent,100)) ) [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) $mainTable.Controls.add($lpUpperMenu,0,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($lpUpperMenu,2) $mainTable.controls.Add($txtSearch,1,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($txtSearch,2) $mainTable.Controls.Add($treeView,2,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($treeView,2) $mainTable.Controls.add($okButton,3,0) $mainTable.Controls.add($cancelButton,3,1) $formFolders.Controls.Add($mainTable) $searchTimer = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Timer $searchTimer.Interval = 1000 #endregion FORM #region FORM_FUNCTIONS $formFolders.add_Load({ $toolTip = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip $toolTip.SetToolTip($pbxDocument,'My Documents') $toolTip.SetToolTip($pbxDownloads,'Downloads') $toolTip.SetToolTip($pbxDesktop,'Desktop') $toolTip.SetToolTip($pbxTemp,'Temp') if(!$loadAll.IsPresent) { $toolTip.SetToolTip($txtSearch,'directories are not fully loaded - results will be limited. check "loadAll" flag usage.') } $formFolders.refresh() }) $formFolders.add_Shown({ $initialDirectory = Get-Item $startingDirectory -force $rootNode = $treeView.Nodes.Add($initialDirectory.FullName) $rootNode.Tag=[psobject]@{ fullName = $initialDirectory.FullName unfolded = $false name = $initialDirectory.Name type = $initialDirectory.gettype().name } $DEPTH = 0 if($loadAll) { $DEPTH = 1000 write-log "LOADING FULL TREE (will take time)..." -type warning } add-Nodes $rootNode -localDepth $DEPTH $treeView.refresh() $formFolders.refresh() $treeView.nodes[0].Expand() }) $formFolders.add_Closing({ $loading.dispose() }) $searchTimer.add_Tick({ if($txtSearch.Text.Length -gt 1 -and ($mainTable.Controls|Where-Object name -eq 'treeView')) { $mainTable.Controls.Remove($treeView) $mainTable.controls.add($searchTreeView,2,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($searchTreeView,2) $formFolders.Refresh() } if($txtSearch.Text.Length -le 1) { $mainTable.Controls.Remove($searchTreeView) $mainTable.Controls.Add($treeView,2,0) $formFolders.Refresh() } if($txtSearch.Text.Length -gt 1) { $searchTreeView.Nodes.Clear() foreach($n in $NodeList) { try { if($txtSearch.Text.indexof('*') -ge 0) { if($n.name -like $txtSearch.Text) { $searchTreeView.Nodes.Add($n.FullName) } } else { if($n.name -match $txtSearch.Text) { $searchTreeView.Nodes.Add($n.FullName) } } } catch { }#eliminate regexp errors } } $searchTimer.stop() }) $SearchTreeView.add_afterSelect({ $okButton.Enabled = $true }) #endregion FORM_FUNCTIONS $script:NodeList=@() $result = @{ Value='' } $ret = $formFolders.ShowDialog() if($ret -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { if($object.IsPresent) { return (Get-Item $result.value -force) } else { return $result.value } } } function select-File { <# .SYNOPSIS wrapper function for select-directory with 'files' flag .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 220423 last changes - 220423 filter - 210520 initialized #TO|DO #> param( #starting folder (tree root) [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$startingDirectory='\', #search mask for files and folders [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [string]$filter, #return directory path as string instead of 'folder object' [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [switch]$object, #enable text search box - will load entire tree which might take time, but will allow to search thru entire tree. best used with -startingDirectory for subfolders [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [switch]$loadAll, #show hidden folders [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [alias('hidden')] [switch]$force ) select-Directory -files @PSBoundParameters } function select-ADObject { <# .SYNOPSIS accelerator function allowing to select OU with GUI. .DESCRIPTION function is using winforms treeView to display OU structure. returns DistinguishedName on select or OU object if 'object' parameter used. WARNING! text search looks up only for loaded branches. use 'loadAll' to be able to seach entire branch. best is to combine with 'startingOU' for performance reasons - loading whole AD structure may take a long time. .EXAMPLE $ou = select-OU displays forms treeview enabling to choose OU from the tree. .EXAMPLE new-ADUser -name 'some user' -path (select-OrganizationalUnit -start OU=LU,DC=w-files,DC=pl -loadAll) allows to select OU starting from OU=LU and preloading entire tree .EXAMPLE $ou = select-OU -object $ou.ObjectGUID returns full OU object instead of distinguishedName only. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS DistinguishedName .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 220203 last changes - 220203 fixed how multichoice is returned - 220202 improvements - 220201 multichoice initial, load fixes - 210520 icons, load improvements, behaviour fixes - 210511 return object - 210321 loadAll - 210317 rootNode, disableRoot - 210308 initialized #TO|DO - [optimization] loading and viewing is very slow, using a lot of recursion and re-reading. especialy painful on slow DC connections. should use some caching mechanism... - [optimization] multichoice should use additional table to store chosen values - to quickly return values #> param( #starting OU (tree root) [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$startingOU=(get-ADRootDSE).defaultNamingContext, #root node can't be selected [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [switch]$disableRoot, #return OU object instead of string name [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [switch]$object, #enable text search box - will load entire tree which might take time, but will allow to search thru entire tree [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [switch]$loadAll, # do not load leaf objects - only OU structure [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [validateSet('computer','user','group','organizationalUnit')] [string]$filterObject, #enable multichoice [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=5)] [switch]$multichoice, #if critical - will exit instead of returning false [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=6)] [switch]$isCritical ) Function add-Nodes { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] $node, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,position=1)] [int]$localDepth=0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,position=2)] [ValidateSet('computer','group','user','organizationalUnit')] [string[]]$filterObject ) write-verbose ("(adding node) {0} | type: {1} | deph: {2}" -f $node.text, $node.tag.type, $localDepth) if($node.tag.type -notmatch 'organizationalUnit|container|root') { return } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filterObject)) { $Filter = "*" } elseif($filterObject -eq 'organizationalUnit') { $Filter="objectClass -eq 'organizationalUnit' -or objectClass -eq 'container'" } else { $Filter="objectClass -eq '$filterObject' -or objectClass -eq 'organizationalUnit' -or objectClass -eq 'container'" } if($node.tag.unfolded -eq $false ) { try { $OUobjects = get-ADObject -Filter $Filter -SearchBase $node.tag.distinguishedName -SearchScope OneLevel|Sort-Object @{E={$_.ObjectClass};Ascending=$false},name } catch { write-log "error getting objects using provided values. $($_.exception)" -type error break } $node.tag.unfolded = $true foreach($obj in $OUobjects) { if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($obj.name)) { continue } try { $NodeSub = $Node.Nodes.Add($obj.Name) } CATCH { write-host 'err' -ForegroundColor red $obj } $NodeSub.tag = [psobject]@{ distinguishedName = $obj.DistinguishedName unfolded = $false name = $rxADObjName.Match($obj.DistinguishedName).groups[1].value type = $obj.objectClass } switch($Obj.objectClass) { 'computer' { $NodeSub.ImageIndex = $nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 2 } 'group' { $NodeSub.ImageIndex = $nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 3 } 'user' { $NodeSub.ImageIndex = $nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 4 } 'contact' { $NodeSub.ImageIndex = $nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 5 } {($_ -eq 'organizationalUnit') -or ($_ -eq 'container')} { $NodeSub.ImageIndex = 0 $nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 1 } default { #write-log "unknown AD object type: $($obj.objectClass)" $NodeSub.ImageIndex = $nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 6 } } $script:NodeList += $NodeSub.tag if($localDepth -gt 0) { $addNodes=@{ node = $NodeSub localDepth = $localDepth - 1 } if($filterObject) { $addNodes.add('filterObject',$filterObject) } add-Nodes @addNodes } } } else { foreach($SubNode in $node.Nodes) { if($localDepth -gt 0) { $addNodes=@{ node = $SubNode localDepth = $localDepth -1 } if($filterObject) { $addNodes.add('filterObject',$filterObject) } add-Nodes @addNodes } } } } Function list-Nodes { param( #reference to an object [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0)] $nodeSet, #flat - for searchlist and treeview for regular treeview object [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [validateSet('flat','treeView')] $type='treeView' ) write-verbose ("(list nodes) {0} : {1}" -f $nodeSet.checked,$nodeSet.Tag.distinguishedName) if($type -eq 'treeView') { foreach($node in $nodeSet.nodes) { list-Nodes $node } if($nodeSet.checked) { if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($filterObject) -or ($filterObject -eq $nodeSet.tag.type) ) { $nodeSet.tag.distinguishedName } } } else { foreach($node in $nodeSet.nodes) { if($node.checked) { if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($filterObject) -or ($filterObject -eq $node.tag.type) ) { $node.text } } } } } Function check-Nodes { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] $nodeSet, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [bool]$set ) foreach($node in $nodeSet.Nodes) { $node.checked = $set check-Nodes -nodeSet $node -set $set } } [regex]$rxADObjName="^(?:OU|CN)=(.*?)," $script:NodeList=@() #region FORM Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $Form.Text = "Select AD object under $startingOU" $form.MinimumSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,500) $Form.AutoSize = $true $Form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $Form.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Question $Form.Topmost = $true $Form.MaximizeBox = $false $form.dock = "fill" $treeView = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TreeView $treeView.Dock = 'Fill' if($multichoice.IsPresent) { $treeView.CheckBoxes = $true } else { $treeView.CheckBoxes = $false } $treeView.Name = 'treeView' $treeViewImageList = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ImageList $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 4 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #0 folder $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 6 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #1 opened folder $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 104 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #2 computer $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 74 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #3 group $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 208 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #4 user $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 124 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #5 contact $treeViewImageList.Images.Add( (get-Icon -iconNumber 63 -fileContaining 'imageres.dll') ) #6 other $treeView.ImageList = $treeViewImageList $treeView.ImageIndex = 0 $treeView.SelectedImageIndex = 1 $treeview.add_afterSelect({ param($sender,$e) [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Current = 'WaitCursor' [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor=$true if(!$script:COLLAPSING) { $okButton.Enabled = $true $e.node.Expand() $addNodes=@{ node = $treeView.SelectedNode localDepth = 1 } if($filterObject) { $addNodes.add('filterObject',$filterObject) } add-Nodes @addNodes if($treeView.SelectedNode.text -eq $startingOU -and $disableRoot) { $okButton.Enabled = $false } else { $okButton.Enabled = $true } } else { $script:COLLAPSING = $false } [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor=$false }) $treeView.add_BeforeCollapse({ $script:COLLAPSING = $true }) $treeview.add_beforeExpand({ param($sender, $e) $treeView.SelectedNode = $e.node }) $treeView.add_afterCheck({ param($sender, $e) [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Current = 'WaitCursor' [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor=$true $addNodes=@{ node = $e.node localDepth = 1000 } if($filterObject) { $addNodes.add('filterObject',$filterObject) } add-Nodes @addNodes check-Nodes -nodeSet $e.node -set $e.node.checked [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor=$false [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Current = 'Default' }) $rootNode = $treeView.Nodes.Add($startingOU) $rootNode.Tag=[psobject]@{ distinguishedName = $startingOU unfolded = $false type = "root" } $SearchTreeView = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TreeView $SearchTreeView.Dock = 'Fill' if($multichoice.IsPresent) { $SearchTreeView.CheckBoxes = $true } else { $SearchTreeView.CheckBoxes = $false } $SearchTreeView.name = 'SearchTreeView' $SearchTreeView.add_afterSelect({ $okButton.Enabled = $true }) $SearchTreeView.add_afterCheck({ $okButton.Enabled = $true }) $txtSearch = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtSearch.multiline = $false $txtSearch.ReadOnly = $false $txtSearch.MinimumSize = new-object System.Drawing.Size(300,20) $txtSearch.Height = 20 $txtSearch.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif', 8) $txtSearch.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(3,3) $txtSearch.add_KeyUp({ #param($sender,$e) if($txtSearch.Text.Length -gt 1 -and ($mainTable.Controls|Where-Object name -eq 'treeView')) { $mainTable.Controls.Remove($treeView) $mainTable.controls.add($searchTreeView,1,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($searchTreeView,2) $form.Refresh() } if($txtSearch.Text.Length -le 1) { $mainTable.Controls.Remove($searchTreeView) $mainTable.Controls.Add($treeView,1,0) $form.Refresh() } if($txtSearch.Text.Length -gt 1) { $searchTreeView.Nodes.Clear() foreach($n in $NodeList) { if($n.name -match $txtSearch.Text) { $searchTreeView.Nodes.Add($n.distinguishedName) } } } }) $txtSearch.add_gotFocus({ $okButton.Enabled = $false }) #region MAINFORM-END $okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $okButton.Anchor = 'left' $okButton.Text = "OK" $okButton.Enabled = $false $okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $Form.AcceptButton = $okButton $cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $cancelButton.anchor = 'right' $cancelButton.Text = "Cancel" $cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel $Form.CancelButton = $cancelButton $mainTable = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel $mainTable.AutoSize = $true $mainTable.ColumnCount = 2 $mainTable.RowCount = 3 $mainTable.Dock = "fill" [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Percent,100)) ) [void]$mainTable.RowStyles.Add( (new-object System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle([System.Windows.Forms.SizeType]::Absolute,30)) ) $mainTable.controls.Add($txtSearch,0,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($txtSearch,2) $mainTable.Controls.Add($treeView,1,0) $mainTable.SetColumnSpan($treeView,2) $mainTable.Controls.add($okButton,2,0) $mainTable.Controls.add($cancelButton,2,1) $form.Controls.Add($mainTable) #endregion MAINFORM-END #region SCRIPT_BODY $COLLAPSING = $false $DEPTH = 1 if($loadAll) { $DEPTH = 1000 write-log "LOADING FULL TREE..." -type warning } else { write-log "loading..." -type info } $addNodes=@{ node = $rootNode localDepth = $DEPTH } if($filterObject) { $addNodes.add('filterObject',$filterObject) } #[System.Windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor=$true $form.UseWaitCursor=$true add-Nodes @addNodes $treeView.nodes[0].Expand() #[System.Windows.Forms.Application]::UseWaitCursor=$false $form.UseWaitCursor=$false $result = $Form.ShowDialog() #endregion SCRIPT_BODY #region results if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { $currentView=($mainTable.controls|? name -match 'treeView') if($currentView.name -eq 'treeView') { #return from regular treeview if($object.IsPresent) { #return as object if($multichoice.IsPresent) { return (list-Nodes $currentView|%{Get-ADObject $_ -properties *}) } else { return (Get-ADObject $currentView.SelectedNode.tag.distinguishedName -properties *) } } else { #return as string - default if($multichoice.IsPresent) { return (list-Nodes $currentView) } else { return $currentView.SelectedNode.tag.distinguishedName } } } else { #return from 'search' space - which is not a treeview anymore if($object.IsPresent) { if($multichoice.IsPresent) { return (list-Nodes $currentView -type flat|%{Get-ADObject $_ -properties *}) } else { return (Get-ADObject $currentView.SelectedNode.text -properties *) } } else { if($multichoice.IsPresent) { return (list-Nodes $currentView -type flat) } else { return $currentView.SelectedNode.text } } } } if($isCritical.IsPresent) { write-log "cancelled." break } return $false #endregion results } function select-OrganizationalUnit { <# .SYNOPSIS proxy function for backward compatibility - replaced by select-ADObject .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210810 last changes - 210810 initialized #TO|DO #> param( #starting OU (tree root) [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$startingOU=(get-ADRootDSE).defaultNamingContext, #root node can't be selected [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [switch]$disableRoot, #return OU object instead of string name [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [switch]$object, #enable text search box - will load entire tree which might take time, but will allow to search thru entire tree [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=3)] [switch]$loadAll, #if critical - will exit instead of returning false [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=4)] [switch]$isCritical ) $runParam = @{ startingOU = $startingOU filterObject = 'organizationalUnit' } if($disableRoot) { $runParam.Add('disableRoot',$true) } if($object) { $runParam.Add('object',$true) } if($loadAll) { $runParam.Add('loadAll',$true) } if($isCritical) { $runParam.Add('isCritical',$true) } select-ADObject @runParam } set-alias -Name select-OU -Value select-OrganizationalUnit #################################################### connection checkers function get-ExchangeConnectionStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS check Ex/EXO connection status. .DESCRIPTION Exchange is using Remoting commands. this function verifies if session connection exists. .EXAMPLE get-ExchangeConnectionStatus -isCritical checks connection and exits if not present. .EXAMPLE if(-not get-ExchangeConnectionStatus) { write-log "you should connect to Exchange first, scrpt will run with limited options" } checks connection and warns about lack of Exchange connectivity. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210302 last changes - 210302 validation domain added - 210208 initialized #TO|DO - isCritical flag - verify domain name #> param( #define if connection to EXO or Ex Onprem [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [validateSet('OnPrem','EXO')] [string]$ExType='EXO', #if connection is not established exit with error instead of returning $false. [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [switch]$isCritical, #you can enforce check against particular tenant so script does not run in improper tenant [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [string]$validateDomainName ) $exConnection=$false foreach($session in $(get-PSSession)) { if($session.ConfigurationName -eq 'Microsoft.Exchange') { if($ExType -eq 'EXO' -and $session.ComputerName -eq 'outlook.office365.com') { $exConnection=$true } if($ExType -eq 'OnPrem' -and $session.ComputerName -ne 'outlook.office365.com') { $exConnection=$true } } } if($isCritical.IsPresent -and !$exConnection) { write-log "connection to $ExType not established. quitting." -type error exit } if($validateDomainName) { $connectionDomainName = (Get-AcceptedDomain | Where-Object default).Name if($connectionDomainName -ne $validateDomainName) { write-log "conection established to $connectionDomainName but session expected to $validateDomainName. " -type error if($isCritical.IsPresent) { exit } else { $exConnection = $false } } } return $exConnection } function get-AzureADConnectionStatus { param( #defines if connection is critical (will exit). by default script will return $null or defalt azure domain name. [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [switch]$isCritical ) $testAAD=$null try { $testAAD=( Get-AzureADDomain |Where-Object isDefault ).name } catch { if($isCritical) { write-Log "connection to AAD not established. please use connect-AzureAD first. quitting" -type error exit } else { write-Log "connection to AAD not established." -type warning } } return $testAAD } function connect-Azure { <# .SYNOPSIS quick Azure connection check by verifying AzContext. .DESCRIPTION there is no life session to Azure. Az commandlets are using saved AzContext and token. when token expires, context is returned, but connection attemt will return error. to clean it up - best is to clear context and exforce re-authentication. function is checking azcontext and test connection by calling get-AzTenant. clears context if connection is broken. .EXAMPLE connect-Azure checks AzContext and connection health .EXAMPLE connect-Azure checks AzContext and connection health .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 241110 last changes - 241110 Environments - 210302 fix to expired token - PSMessageDetail is not populated on many OSes. why? - 210301 proper detection of expired tokens - 210220 proper handiling of consonle call - return instead of exit - 210219 extended handling of context expiration - 210208 initialized #TO|DO #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( #Provide cloud type [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [validateSet('AzureCloud','AzureChinaCloud','AzureUSGovernment')] [string]$Environment = 'AzureCloud', #confirm the connection [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [switch]$Confirm ) Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings "true" try { $AzSourceContext = Get-AzContext } catch { write-log $_.exception -type error write-log "trying to fix" -type info Clear-AzContext -Force } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $AzSourceContext ) ) { write-log "you need to be connected before running this script. use connect-AzAccount first." -type warning $AzSourceContext = Connect-AzAccount -Environment $Environment -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($AzSourceContext) ) { write-log "cancelled" if( (Get-PSCallStack).count -gt 2 ) { #run from script exit } else { #run from console return $null } } $AzSourceContext = Get-AzContext } else { #1. check if context is from a proper Cloud Environment if($AzSourceContext.Environment.Name -ne $Environment) { write-Log -message "different Cloud environment connected: $($AzSourceContext.Environment.Name); requested: $Environment." -type error Clear-AzContext -Force write-log "re-run the script." if( (Get-PSCallStack).count -gt 2 ) { #run from script exit } else { #run from console return $null } } #2. token exist, check if it is still working try{ #if access token has been revoked, Az commands return warning "Unable to acquire token for tenant" Get-AzSubscription -WarningAction stop|Out-Null } catch { if($_.Exception -match 'Unable to acquire token for tenant') { write-log "token expired, clearing cache" -type info Clear-AzContext -Force write-log "re-run the script." if( (Get-PSCallStack).count -gt 2 ) { #run from script exit } else { #run from console return $null } } else { write-log $_.exception return -3 } } } write-log "connected to $($AzSourceContext.Subscription.name) as $($AzSourceContext.account.id)" -silent -type info write-host "Your Azure connection:" write-host " subscription: " -noNewLine write-host -foreground Yellow "$($AzSourceContext.Subscription.name)" write-host " connected as: " -noNewLine write-host -foreground Yellow "$($AzSourceContext.account.id)" if($Confirm.IsPresent) { write-log "Is that a correct account? (press 'y' to continue)" -type warning -skipTimestamp $keyPress = [console]::ReadKey($true) if ($keyPress.KeyChar -ne 'y') { Write-log "wrong account. disconnecting." -type warning exit -1 } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias 'load-CSV','select-OU','convert-XLS2CSV','convert-CSV2XLS' |