.SYNOPSIS eN's support functions library. .DESCRIPTION most commonly required functions such as better logging support for scripts, forking information to screen and file, enchanced GUI controls such as input box, most common connection accelerators. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210206 changes - 210206 write-log accepts all unnamed parameters as messages - 210205 write-log fixes - 210202 tuned write-log and start-logging, fixes and logical separation. v0.9 - 201018 initialize #> #################################################### GENERAL $logFile='' function start-Logging { <# .SYNOPSIS initilizes log file under $logFile variable for write-log function. .DESCRIPTION all scripts require logging mechinism. write-log function forking each output to screen and to logfile is a very convinient way keeping all logs consistent with very nice host output. this function initilizeds $logFile variable creation, and initiates the log file itself. in order to ease the creation there are several ways of initilizing $logFile: - using write-log directly - from console host - from script - using this function directly - no parameters - defaults to $ScriptRoot/Logs folder - using 'useProfile' - to store logs in User Documents/Logs directory - using 'logFolder' parameter to define particular folder for logs - using 'logFileName' - (exclusive to logFolder) presenting full path for the log or logfile name .EXAMPLE write-log using write-log will inderctly call start-logging function and initializes the log file with generic name, saved in 'Logs' subfolder under script run path. .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFileName c:\temp\myLogs\somelog.log write-log 'test message' initializes the log file as c:\temp\myLogs\somelog.log . .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFileName somelog.log write-log 'test message' initializes the log file as .\somelog.log . .EXAMPLE start-Logging -logFolder c:\temp\myLogs write-log 'test message' initializes the log file under c:\temp\myLogs\ folder with generic name containing script name and date. .EXAMPLE start-Logging -userProfilePath write-log 'test message' initializes the log file in Logs subfolder uder user profile path .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS log file under $logFile variable. .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210205 changes: - 210205 fixes to logfilename initialization - 210203 added 'logFolder' and proper log initilization when called indirectly - 210127 v1 - 201018 initialize #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FilePath')] param( # full name for custom log file. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='FilePath',mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$logFileName, #create log in profile folder rather than script run path [Parameter(ParameterSetName='userProfile',mandatory=$false,position=0)] [alias('useProfile')] [switch]$userProfilePath, #similar to logFileName, but takes folder only and log file name is generic. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Folder',mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$logFolder ) $scriptBaseName = ([System.IO.FileInfo]$($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)).basename if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($scriptBaseName) ) { $scriptBaseName = 'console' } switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'userProfile' { $logFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\Logs' $script:logFile = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } 'Folder' { $script:logFile = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } default { #by default 'filepath' is used and empty if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logFileName) ) { $logFolder="$($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot)\Logs" $script:logFile = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) } else { $logFolder = Split-Path $logFileName -Parent if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($logFolder) ) { #logfile name without full path, name only if( [string]::isNullOrEmpty($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot) ) { #run directly from console $logFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\Logs' } else { $logFolder = $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot } } $logFile = Split-Path $logFileName -Leaf if( test-path $logFile -PathType Container ) { write-host "$logFileName seems to be an existing folder. use 'logFolder' parameter or change log name. quitting." -ForegroundColor Red exit -1 } $script:logFile = "$logFolder\$logFile" } } } if(-not (test-path $logFolder) ) { try{ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $logFolder|Out-Null write-host "$LogFolder created." } catch { write-error $_.exception exit -2 } } write-Log "*logging initiated $(get-date) in $($script:logFile)" -skipTimestamp #-silent write-Log "*script parameters:" -silent -skipTimestamp if($script:PSBoundParameters.count -gt 0) { write-log $script:PSBoundParameters -silent -skipTimestamp } else { write-log "<none>" -silent -skipTimestamp } write-log "***************************************************" -silent -skipTimestamp } function write-log { <# .SYNOPSIS replacement for write-host, forking information to a log file and screen. .DESCRIPTION automates forking of output on two different endpoints - on the host, using write-host and to the file, appening its content. write-log converts everything to a string, so you can use it for virtually any type of variable. additionaly it adds timestamp, message type header and color (on host). information is written to a $logFile - you must initialize the value with 'start-Logging' or configure it manually. in order to use write-log, $logFile variable requires to be set up. this is during initialization by start-logging. by default logs are stored in $PSScriptRoot/Logs directory with generic file name. if you need special location refer to start-logging help how to initialize variable. function may also be used from command line - in this scenario log file will be created in Logs directory under User Documents folder. file with be named 'console-<date>.log'. .EXAMPLE write-log "all is fine" output 'all is fine' on the screen and to the log file. .EXAMPLE write-log all is fine outputs all is fine on the screen and to the log file - all unnamed parameters are displayed .EXAMPLE write-log -message "trees are green" -type ok shows 'trees are green' in Green colour, and send text to a log file. .EXAMPLE $someObject=get-process write-log -message $someObject -type info -noTimestamp -silent outputs processes object to the log file as -silent disables screen output. it will lack timestamp in a message header but will contain '[INFO]' block. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS text log file under $logFile .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210206 changes: - 210206 valueFromRemainingArguments - 210205 fix when run directly from console, init fixes - 210203 properly initiating log with new start-logging, when called indirectly - 210127 v1 - 201018 initialize #TO|DO - greedy variables as for write-host - colouring codes for text #> param( #message to display - can be an object [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true,mandatory=$false,position=0)] $message, #adds description and colour dependently on message type [string][validateSet('error','info','warning','ok')]$type, #do not output to a screen - logfile only [switch]$silent, # do not show timestamp with the message [switch]$skipTimestamp ) #if function is called without pre-initialize with start-logging, run it to initialize log. if( [string]::isNullOrEmpty($script:logFile) ){ #these need to be calculated here, as $myinvocation context changes giving library name instead of script if( [string]::isNullOrEmpty($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath) ) { #it's run directly from console. $scriptBaseName = 'console' } else { $scriptBaseName = ([System.IO.FileInfo]$($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)).basename } if([string]::isNullOrEmpty($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot) ) { #it's run directly from console $logFolder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\Logs' } else { $logFolder = "$($MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot)\Logs" } $logFile = "{0}\_{1}-{2}.log" -f $logFolder,$scriptBaseName,$(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmm) start-Logging -logFileName $logFile } #ensure that whatever the type is - array, object.. - it will be output as string, add runtime if($null -eq $message) {$message=''} $message=($message|out-String).trim() try { $finalMessageString=@() if(-not $skipTimestamp) { $finalMessageString += "$(Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss>") " } if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $type) ) { $finalMessageString += $type.ToUpper()+": " } $finalMessageString += $message $message=$finalMessageString -join '' Add-Content -Path $script:logFile -Value $message if(-not $silent) { switch($type) { 'error' { write-host -ForegroundColor Red $message } 'info' { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray $message } 'warning' { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $message } 'ok' { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $message } default { Write-Host $message } } } } catch { Write-Error 'not able to write to log. suggest to cancel the script run.' $_.exception } } function new-RandomPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS generate random password with given char ranges (complexity) and lenght .DESCRIPTION by default it genrates 8-long string with .EXAMPLE $pass = new-RandomPassword generated 8-char long semi-complex password .EXAMPLE $pass = new-RandomPassword -specialCharacterRange 3 generated 8-char long password with full complexity .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS string of random characters .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210127 last changes - 210127 initialized #> param( #password length [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [int]$length=8, #password complexity based on a range of special characters. [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [int][validateSet(1,2,3)]$specialCharacterRange=1, #uniquness - related to complexity, recommended to leave. this guarantee that password will have characters from given number of char sets. [Parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [int][validateSet(1,2,3,4)]$uniqueSets=4 ) function generate-Set { param( # set up password length [int]$length, # number of 'sets of sets' defining complexity range [int]$setSize ) $safe=0 while ($safe++ -lt 100) { $array=@() 1..$length|%{ $array+=(Get-Random -Maximum ($setSize) -Minimum 0) } if(($array|Sort-Object -Unique|Measure-Object).count -ge $setSize) { return $array } else { Write-Verbose "[generate-Set]bad array: $($array -join ',')" } } return $null } #prepare char-sets $smallLetters=$null 97..122|%{$smallLetters+=,[char][byte]$_} $capitalLetters=$null 65..90|%{$capitalLetters+=,[char][byte]$_} $numbers=$null 48..57|%{$numbers+=,[char][byte]$_} $specialCharacterL1=$null @(33;35..38;43;45..46;95)|%{$specialCharacterL1+=,[char][byte]$_} # !"#$%& $specialCharacterL2=$null 58..64|%{$specialCharacterL2+=,[char][byte]$_} # :;<=>?@ $specialCharacterL3=$null @(34;39..42;44;47;91..94;96;123..125)|%{$specialCharacterL3+=,[char][byte]$_} # [\]^` $ascii=@() $ascii+=,$smallLetters $ascii+=,$capitalLetters $ascii+=,$numbers if($specialCharacterRange -ge 2) { $specialCharacterL1+=,$specialCharacterL2 } if($specialCharacterRange -ge 3) { $specialCharacterL1+=,$specialCharacterL3 } $ascii+=,$specialCharacterL1 #prepare set of character-sets ensuring that there will be at least one character from at least $uniqueSets different sets $passwordSet = generate-Set -length $length -setSize $uniqueSets $password=$NULL 0..($length-1)|% { $password+=($ascii[$passwordSet[$_]] | Get-Random) } return $password } #################################################### PowerShell GUI function get-AnswerBox { <# .SYNOPSIS win32 forms message box to get YES/NO input from user .DESCRIPTION replacement for simple messageBox giving option to customize buttons, giving option to add some additional information .EXAMPLE $response = get-answerBox -OKButtonText 'YES' -CancelButtonText 'NO' -info 'choose your answer' -detailedInfo 'do you find this function useful?' if($response) { write-host 'thank you!' } .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS true/false .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210127 last changes - 210127 module - 210110 initialized TO|DO - icon - docked layouts #> param( [string]$OKButtonText = "OK", [string]$CancelButtonText = "Cancel", [string]$info = "Which option?", [string]$detailedInfo = "What is your choice:" ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $form.Text = $info $form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,120) $form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $form.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Question $form.Topmost = $true $okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $okButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(65,50) $okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $okButton.Text = $OKButtonText $okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $form.AcceptButton = $okButton $form.Controls.Add($okButton) $cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $cancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(160,50) $cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $cancelButton.Text = $CancelButtonText $cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel $form.CancelButton = $cancelButton $form.Controls.Add($cancelButton) $label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,20) $label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $label.Text = $detailedInfo $form.Controls.Add($label) $result = $form.ShowDialog() if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { return $true } return $false } function get-valueFromInputBox { <# .SYNOPSIS simple input message box function for PS GUI scripts .EXAMPLE $response = get-valueFromInputBox -title 'WARNING!' -text "type 'YES' to continue" -type Warning if($null -eq $response) { 'cancelled' exit 0 } if($response -ne 'YES') { 'not correct. quitting' exit -1 } else { "you agreed, let's continue" } write-host 'code to execute here' .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS User Input or $null for cancel .LINK https://w-files.pl .NOTES nExoR ::))o- version 210113 last changes - 210113 initialized TO|DO - docked layout #> param( [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)] [string]$title='input', [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=1)] [string]$text='put your input', [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=2)] [validateSet('Asterisk','Error','Exclamation','Hand','Information','None','Question','Stop','Warning')] [string]$type='Question' ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $promptWindowForm = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $promptWindowForm.ClientSize = '250,100' $promptWindowForm.text = $title $promptWindowForm.BackColor = "#ffffff" $promptWindowForm.AutoSize = $true $promptWindowForm.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' $promptWindowForm.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::$type $promptWindowForm.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif', 10) $lblPromptInfo = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $lblPromptInfo.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,5) $lblPromptInfo.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(230,40) $lblPromptInfo.Text = $text $txtUserInput = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtUserInput.multiline = $false $txtUserInput.ReadOnly = $false $txtUserInput.width = 230 $txtUserInput.height = 25 $txtUserInput.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 50) $btOK = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $btOK.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(30,80) $btOK.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(70,20) $btOK.ForeColor = "Green" $btOK.Text = "Continue" $btOK.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $btCancel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $btCancel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,80) $btCancel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(70,20) $btCancel.ForeColor = "Red" $btCancel.Text = "Cancel" $btCancel.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel $promptWindowForm.AcceptButton=$btOK $promptWindowForm.CancelButton=$btCancel $promptWindowForm.Controls.AddRange(@($lblPromptInfo, $txtUserInput,$btOK,$btCancel)) $promptWindowForm.Topmost = $true $promptWindowForm.Add_Shown( { $promptWindowForm.Activate();$txtUserInput.Select() }) $result=$promptWindowForm.ShowDialog() if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) { $response = $txtUserInput.Text return $response } else { return $null } } #################################################### connection checkers function get-ExchangeConnectionStatus { param( [parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0)][validateSet('OnPrem','EXO')][string]$ExType='EXO' ) $exConnection=$false foreach($session in $(get-PSSession)) { if($session.ConfigurationName -eq 'Microsoft.Exchange') { if($ExType -eq 'EXO' -and $session.ComputerName -eq 'outlook.office365.com') { $exConnection=$true } if($ExType -eq 'OnPrem' -and $session.ComputerName -ne 'outlook.office365.com') { $exConnection=$true } } } return $exConnection } function connect-Azure { try { $AzSourceContext=Get-AzContext } catch { write-log $_.exception -type error exit -1 } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $AzSourceContext ) ) { write-log "you need to be connected before running this script. use connect-AzAccount first." -type error exit -1 } write-log "connected to $($AzSourceContext.Subscription.name) as $($AzSourceContext.account.id)" -silent -type info write-host "Your Azure connection:" write-host " subscription: " -noNewLine write-host -foreground Yellow "$($AzSourceContext.Subscription.name)" write-host " connected as: " -noNewLine write-host -foreground Yellow "$($AzSourceContext.account.id)" Set-Item Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings "true" } Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable 'logFile' |