$copywrite = "All Rights Reserved Talkingbytes.co.uk October 2024" $hyphens = "----------" function Get-SPF { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-SPF is a quick and easy tool for returning SPF records for domains .INPUTS Simply enter get-spf talkingbytes.co.uk .Description Get-SPF is part of DNSTools Module, Please see https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools for more info. Get-SPF can be used for returning Sender Policy Framework replies for domains. Entering for instance:- get-spf talkingbytes.co.uk v=spf1 include:_spf.thenetworkisdown.co.uk -all I'm always looking to expand on these tools so check out talkingbytes.co.uk for more details. Copyright Talkingbytes.co.uk October 2024, All rights reserved .link https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools .example Get-SPF talkingbytes.co.uk #> param ( $domain ) $spffinal = "" Try { $domaintxt = resolve-dnsname -name $domain -type txt -erroraction stop } Catch { if ($domaintxt -like "*DNS name does not exist*") { $domaintxt = "BadDomain" } } $count = 0 for(;;) { if ($domaintxt -eq $null) { break } if ($domaintxt -like "*BadDomain*"){ $spf = "Invalid Domain" $count = "10" break } $command = $domaintxt[$count].strings if ($command -like "*v=spf1*"){ $spf = $command $outputdomain = $domaintxt[$count].name break } if ($command -like "*,*"){ $spf = $command write-output "SPF has a comma" break } if ($count -eq "50") { $spf = "No SPF Found" break } $count = $count + 1 } write-output $spf } function Get-DMARC { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-Dmarc is a quick and easy tool that can query domain DMARC records. .INPUTS Usage get-dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk [optional -full 1] .Description Get-Dmarc is part of DNSTools Module, Please see https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools for more info. Simply enter "get-dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk" or get-dmarc -domain talkingbytes.co.uk to view DMARC details for a domain. By Default, get-Dmarc will only return shortened replies:- Dmarc Reject Dmarc Quarantine No Dmarc Domain exists: Dmarc isn't setup You can add "-full 1" to the end of the command to display full Dmarc Record The shorter replies may be useful if you're exporting to CSV for example. Copyright Talkingbytes.co.uk October 2024, All rights reserved .link https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools .example get-dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk This will return a reply like the below (all possible options listed in get-help get-dmarc:- Dmarc Reject. .example get-dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk -full 1 This will Return:- Dmarc Reject. v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc_agg@vali.email; ruf=mailto:rufreports@thenetworkisdown.co.uk sp=reject; fo=1 pct=100; adkim=s; aspf=s; #> param ( # Use Get-Dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk. [parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string]$domain, #Add -full 1 for full dmarc record. By default we'll return shorter reply. [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][boolean]$full #Some text here, wonder what will happen now. ) $appendstring = "_dmarc." $dmarcurl = $appendstring + $domain $dmarcfinal = "" if($full -eq "1") { write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor white "Full DMARC record will be output below" } else { write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor white "Try adding -full 1 to your command to show the complete DMARC Record" } if ($domain -eq $null) { write-output "No domain specified. Please check get-help get-dmarc for assistance." break } Try { $dmarc = resolve-dnsname -name $dmarcurl -type txt -erroraction stop } Catch { if ($dmarc -like "*DNS name does not exist*") { $dmarc = "No DMarc Record" #write-output "no dmarc record" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor white "No DMARC Record" } } $dmarcfull = $dmarc if ($dmarc -eq $null) { #write-output "Domain exists: Dmarc isn't setup" $dmarc = "Dmarc Not Setup" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor white "Domain Exists: DMARC isn't setup." } if ($dmarc -like "*DNS name does not exist*") { $dmarc = "No DMarc Record" #write-output "no dmarc record" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor white "No DMARC Record!" } if ($dmarc.strings -like "* p=reject*") { $dmarc = "Dmarc Reject" #write-output "Dmarc Reject" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green "Dmarc Reject" } if ($dmarc.strings -like "* p=quarantine*") { $dmarc = "Dmarc Quarantine" #write-output "Dmarc Quarantine" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow "Dmarc Quarantine" } if ($dmarc.strings -like "*p=none*") { #write-output "Dmarc Report Only" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor red "Dmarc Report Only" $dmarc = "Dmarc is Report-Only" }else { $dmarcfinal = $dmarc.strings write-output $dmarcfinal $dmarc = "cheese" } if($full -eq "1") { #write-output $dmarcfull.strings write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green $dmarcfull.strings } #write-output $dmarc } function Get-MX { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-MX, Part of the DNSTools package is designed to be a quick and simple command for obtaining MX records for a domain. .INPUTS Simply enter get-MX talkingbytes.co.uk to obtain MX records for talkingbytes.co.uk. .Description Get-MX is part of DNSTools Module, Please see https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools for more info. Get-MX can be used for returning MX records for a domain. Copyright Talkingbytes.co.uk October 2024, All rights reserved .link https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools .example Get-MX talkingbytes.co.uk #> param ( $domain ) write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-output "Obtaining MX Records for domain" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black $domain write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens Try { $domainoutput = resolve-dnsname -name $domain -type mx -erroraction silentlycontinue } Catch { if ($error -like "*DNS name does not exist*") { $domainoutput = "BadDomain" } $type = Resolve-DnsName -type mx -name $domain | select type if ($type.type -is "*SOA*") { $domainoutput = "Only SOA record returned - This domain has no MX Records." } } Write-output "Domain Output is below" write-output $domainoutput } function get-allemail { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-Allemail allows you to specify a domain and get the response for get-mx, get-spf and get-dmarc from one command. If you add -full 1 to your command this will be passed through to the get-dmarc command .INPUTS Simply enter get-allemail talkingbytes.co.uk to get all relevant dns responses for this domain. As with Get-dmarc, you can add -full 1 to the end to get the full DMARC reply. .Description Get-allemail is part of DNSTools Module, Please see https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools for more info. .link https://www.talkingbytes.co.uk/dnstools #> param ( $domain, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][boolean]$full ) cls if ($domain) { '' } else { write-output "No domain specified, We'll use domain talkingbytes.co.uk for example." write-output "Please see Get-help get-allemail for information but command usage is 'get-allemail talkingbytes.co.uk' " $domain = "talkingbytes.co.uk" } write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow "Getting DNS Records for:" write-host -backgroundcolor yellow -foregroundcolor black $domain write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "MX Records:" get-mx $domain write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "SPF:" get-spf $domain write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "DMARC:" if($full -eq "1") { get-dmarc $domain -full 1 } else { get-dmarc $domain } write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor yellow -foregroundcolor Black "All completed now, If you've found this useful and have any suggestions for how we can improve this module please email suggestions@talkingbytes.co.uk" } function DNSTools { $yellow = "-backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Blue "DNSTools includes a number of tools, primarily for email related tasks currently, DMARC, MX records, SPF" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow "MX Record checks" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "Simply type GET-MX talkingbytes.co.uk to see the MX records for this domain" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens get-mx talkingbytes.co.uk write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow "SPF Checks" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "Simply type GET-SPF talkingbytes.co.uk to see the MX records for this domain" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens get-spf talkingbytes.co.uk write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow "DMARC Checks" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "Simply type GET-DMARC talkingbytes.co.uk to see the MX records for this domain" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens get-dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "Note: By Default Get-Dmarc will simply return a summary, such as DMARC not applied, or domain doesn't exist." write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "We can add -full 1 to the end of the command to return the complete output" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens get-dmarc talkingbytes.co.uk -full 1 write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow "All emails checks" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "If you wanted to return spf, mx and dmarc in the same query then simply enter" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Green "get-allemail talkingbytes.co.uk" write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Yellow $hyphens write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Red "We're always keen to hear suggestions on how we can improve these tools so for now please email suggestions@talkingbytes.co.uk." write-host -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor Red "We hope you enjoy using these tools." write-host -backgroundcolor yellow -foregroundcolor black $copywrite } export-modulemember -function get-spf export-modulemember -function get-dmarc export-modulemember -function get-mx export-modulemember -function get-allemail export-modulemember -function DNSTools |