
using namespace System.IO
using namespace System.IO.Compression

# Root class DBOps #

class DBOps {
    hidden [void] ThrowException ([string]$Message, [object]$Target, [string]$Category) {
        $callStack = (Get-PSCallStack)[1]
        $splatParam = @{
            Tag             = 'DBOps', 'class', $this.GetType().Name
            FunctionName    = $this.GetType().Name
            ModuleName      = 'dbops'
            File            = $callStack.Position.File
            Line            = $callStack.Position.StartLineNumber
            Message         = $Message
            Target          = $Target
            Category        = $Category
            EnableException = $true
        Stop-PSFFunction @splatParam

    hidden [void] WriteVerbose ([string]$Message, [object]$Target) {
        $callStack = (Get-PSCallStack)[1]
        $splatParam = @{
            Tag             = 'DBOps', 'class', $this.GetType().Name
            FunctionName    = $this.GetType().Name
            ModuleName      = 'dbops'
            File            = $callStack.Position.File
            Line            = $callStack.Position.StartLineNumber
            Message         = $Message
            Target          = $Target
            Level           = 'Verbose'
        Write-PSFMessage @splatParam
    hidden [void] WriteDebug ([string]$Message, [object]$Target) {
        $callStack = (Get-PSCallStack)[1]
        $splatParam = @{
            Tag          = 'DBOps', 'class', $this.GetType().Name
            FunctionName = $this.GetType().Name
            ModuleName   = 'dbops'
            File         = $callStack.Position.File
            Line         = $callStack.Position.StartLineNumber
            Message      = $Message
            Target       = $Target
            Level        = 'Debug'
        Write-PSFMessage @splatParam

    hidden [void] ThrowArgumentException ([object]$object, [string]$message) {
        $this.ThrowException($message, $object, 'InvalidArgument')
    hidden [DBOpsFile] NewFile ([string]$Name, [string]$PackagePath, [string]$CollectionName) {
        return $this.NewFile($Name, $PackagePath, $CollectionName, [DBOpsFile])
    hidden [DBOpsFile] NewFile ([string]$Name, [string]$PackagePath, [string]$CollectionName, [type]$Type) {
        $f = $Type::new($Name, $PackagePath)
        $this.AddFile($f, $CollectionName)
        return $this.GetFile($PackagePath, $CollectionName)
    hidden [void] AddFile ([DBOpsFile[]]$DBOpsFile, [string]$CollectionName) {
        foreach ($file in $DBOpsFile) {
            $file.Parent = $this
            if ($CollectionName -notin $this.PsObject.Properties.Name) {
                $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "$CollectionName is not a valid collection name")
            foreach ($collectionItem in $this.$CollectionName) {
                if ($collectionItem.PackagePath -eq $file.PackagePath) {
                    $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "File $($file.PackagePath) already exists in $this.$CollectionName.")
            if (($this.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -eq $CollectionName).TypeNameOfValue -like '*`[`]') {
                $this.$CollectionName += $file
            else {
                $this.$CollectionName = $file
    hidden [DBOpsFile]GetFile ([string]$PackagePath, [string]$CollectionName) {
        if (!$CollectionName) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "No collection name provided")
        if (!$PackagePath) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, 'No path provided')
        return $this.$CollectionName | Where-Object { $_.PackagePath -eq $PackagePath }
    hidden [void] RemoveFile ([string[]]$PackagePath, [string]$CollectionName) {
        if ($this.$CollectionName) {
            foreach ($path in $PackagePath) {
                $this.$CollectionName = $this.$CollectionName | Where-Object { $_.PackagePath -ne $path }
    hidden [void] UpdateFile ([DBOpsFile[]]$DBOpsFile, [string]$CollectionName) {
        foreach ($file in $DBOpsFile) {
            $this.RemoveFile($file.PackagePath, $CollectionName)
            $this.AddFile($file, $CollectionName)

# DBOpsPackageBase class #

class DBOpsPackageBase : DBOps {
    #Public properties

    #Regular file properties

    #hidden properties
    hidden [string]$FileName
    hidden [string]$PackagePath

    [void] Init () {
        $this.ScriptDirectory = 'content'
        $this.Configuration = [DBOpsConfig]::new()
        $this.Configuration.Parent = $this
        $this.PackagePath = ""
    [void] Init ([object]$jsonObject) {
        if ($jsonObject) {
            $this.ScriptDirectory = $jsonObject.ScriptDirectory
    [void] RefreshFileProperties() {
        if ($this.FileName) {
            $FileObject = Get-Item -LiteralPath $this.FileName -ErrorAction Stop
            $this.PSPath = $FileObject.PSPath.ToString()
            $this.PSParentPath = $FileObject.PSParentPath.ToString()
            $this.PSChildName = $FileObject.PSChildName.ToString()
            $this.PSDrive = $FileObject.PSDrive.ToString()
            $this.PSIsContainer = $FileObject.PSIsContainer
            $this.Mode = $FileObject.Mode
            $this.BaseName = $FileObject.BaseName
            $this.Name = $FileObject.Name
            $this.Length = $FileObject.Length
            $this.DirectoryName = $FileObject.DirectoryName
            if ($FileObject.Directory) {
                $this.Directory = $FileObject.Directory.ToString()
            $this.IsReadOnly = $FileObject.IsReadOnly
            $this.Exists = $FileObject.Exists
            $this.FullName = $FileObject.FullName
            $this.Extension = $FileObject.Extension
            $this.CreationTime = $FileObject.CreationTime
            $this.CreationTimeUtc = $FileObject.CreationTimeUtc
            $this.LastAccessTime = $FileObject.LastAccessTime
            $this.LastAccessTimeUtc = $FileObject.LastAccessTimeUtc
            $this.LastWriteTime = $FileObject.LastWriteTime
            $this.LastWriteTimeUtc = $FileObject.LastWriteTimeUtc
            $this.Attributes = $FileObject.Attributes

            # Also refresh DBOps module version from the archive
    [DBOpsBuild[]] GetBuilds () {
        return $this.Builds
    [DBOpsBuild] NewBuild ([string]$build) {
        if (!$build) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, 'Build name is not specified.')
            return $null
        if ($this.builds | Where-Object { $ -eq $build }) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Build $build already exists.")
            return $null
        else {
            $newBuild = [DBOpsBuild]::new($build)
            $newBuild.Parent = $this
            $this.builds += $newBuild
            $this.Version = $newBuild.Build
            return $newBuild

    [array] EnumBuilds () {
        return $
    [string] GetVersion () {
        return $this.Version

    [DBOpsBuild] GetBuild ([string]$build) {
        if ($currentBuild = $this.builds | Where-Object { $ -eq $build }) {
            return $currentBuild
        else {
            return $null
    [void] AddBuild ([DBOpsBuild]$build) {
        if ($this.builds | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Build $build already exists.")
        else {
            $build.Parent = $this
            $this.builds += $build
            $this.Version = $build.Build

    [void] RemoveBuild ([DBOpsBuild]$build) {
        if ($this.builds | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }) {
            $this.builds = $this.builds | Where-Object { $ -ne $ }
        else {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Build $build not found.")
        if ($this.Builds) {
            $this.Version = $this.Builds[-1].Build
        else {
            $this.Version = [NullString]::Value
    [void] RemoveBuild ([string]$build) {
    [bool] ScriptExists([string]$fileName) {
        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Path not found: $fileName")
        $hash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash([DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($fileName)))
        foreach ($build in $this.builds) {
            if ($build.HashExists($hash)) {
                return $true
        return $false
    [bool] ScriptModified([string]$fileName, [string]$sourcePath) {
        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Path not found: $fileName")
        $hash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash([DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($fileName)))
        foreach ($build in $this.builds) {
            if ($build.SourcePathExists($sourcePath)) {
                if (!$build.HashExists($hash, $sourcePath)) {
                    return $true
        return $false
    [bool] SourcePathExists([string]$path) {
        foreach ($build in $this.builds) {
            if ($build.SourcePathExists($path)) {
                return $true
        return $false
    # [bool] PackagePathExists([string]$PackagePath) {
    # foreach ($build in $this.builds) {
    # if ($build.PackagePathExists($PackagePath)) {
    # return $true
    # }
    # }
    # return $false
    # }
    # [bool] PackagePathExists([string]$fileName, [int]$Depth) {
    # foreach ($build in $this.builds) {
    # if ($build.PackagePathExists($fileName, $Depth)) {
    # return $true
    # }
    # }
    # return $false
    # }
    [string] ExportToJson() {
        $exportObject = @{} | Select-Object 'ScriptDirectory', 'DeployFile', 'PreDeployFile', 'PostDeployFile', 'ConfigurationFile', 'Builds'
        foreach ($type in $ {
            if ($this.$type -is [DBOps]) {
                $exportObject.$type = $this.$type.ExportToJson() | ConvertFrom-Json
            elseif (($this.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -eq $type).TypeNameOfValue -like '*`[`]') {
                $collection = @()
                foreach ($collectionItem in $this.$type) {
                    if ($collectionItem -is [DBOps]) {
                        $collection += $collectionItem.ExportToJson() | ConvertFrom-Json
                    else {
                        $collection += $collectionItem
                $exportObject.$type = $collection
            else {
                $exportObject.$type = $this.$type
        return $exportObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
    hidden [void] SavePackageFile([ZipArchive]$zipFile) {
        $pkgFileContent = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($this.ExportToJson())
        [DBOpsHelper]::WriteZipFile($zipFile, ([DBOpsConfig]::GetPackageFileName()), $pkgFileContent)
    [void] Alter() {
        $this.SaveToFile($this.FileName, $true)
    [void] Save() {
        $this.SaveToFile($this.FileName, $true)
    [void] SaveToFile([string]$fileName) {
        $this.SaveToFile($fileName, $false)
    [void] SaveToFile([string]$fileName, [bool]$force) {
        $parentFolder = Split-Path $fileName -Parent
        if (!$parentFolder) {
            $parentFolder = (Get-Location).Path
        else {
            $parentFolder = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $parentFolder -ErrorAction Stop).FullName
        $currentFileName = Join-Path $parentFolder (Split-Path $filename -Leaf)
        #Open new file stream
        $writeMode = switch ($force) {
            $true { [System.IO.FileMode]::Create }
            default { [System.IO.FileMode]::CreateNew }
        $stream = [FileStream]::new($currentFileName, $writeMode)
        try {
            #Create zip file
            $zip = [ZipArchive]::new($stream, [ZipArchiveMode]::Create)
            try {
                #Change package file name in the object if it wasn't set before
                if (!$this.FileName) {
                    $this.FileName = $currentFileName
                #Write package file
                #Write files
                foreach ($type in @('DeployFile', 'PreDeployFile', 'PostDeployFile', 'Builds')) {
                    foreach ($collectionItem in $this.$type) {

                #Write configs

                #Write module
            catch { throw $_ }
            finally { $zip.Dispose() }
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Failed to complete the deflate operation against archive $currentFileName" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName $this.GetType().Name
        finally { $stream.Dispose() }

        # Setting regular file properties

    hidden [void] SaveModuleToFile([ZipArchive]$zipArchive) {
        foreach ($file in (Get-DBOModuleFileList)) {
            [DBOpsHelper]::WriteZipFile($zipArchive, (Join-Path "Modules\dbops" $file.Path), [DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($file.FullName))
    #Returns content folder for scripts
    [string] GetPackagePath() {
        return $this.ScriptDirectory

    #Refresh module version from the module file inside the package
    [void] RefreshModuleVersion() {
        if ($this.FileName) {
            $manifestPackagePath = 'Modules\dbops\dbops.psd1'
            $contents = ([DBOpsHelper]::GetArchiveItem($this.FileName, $manifestPackagePath)).ByteArray
            $scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create([DBOpsHelper]::DecodeBinaryText($contents))
            $moduleFile = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
            $this.ModuleVersion = [System.Version]$moduleFile.ModuleVersion

    #Standard ToString() method
    [string] ToString () {
        if ($this.FullName) {
            return $this.FullName
        else {
            return "[DBOpsPackage]"

    #Sets package configuration
    [void] SetConfiguration([DBOpsConfig]$config) {
        $this.Configuration = $config
        $config.Parent = $this

# DBOpsPackage class #

# Supports creating a package object from a zip file, working around a shared default constructor in a base class

class DBOpsPackage : DBOpsPackageBase {
    DBOpsPackage () {
        # Processing deploy file
        $file = [DBOpsConfig]::GetDeployFile()
        # Adding root deploy file
        $this.AddFile([DBOpsRootFile]::new($file.FullName, $file.Name), 'DeployFile')
        # Adding configuration file default contents
        $configFile = [DBOpsRootFile]::new()
        $configContent = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($this.Configuration.ExportToJson())
        $configFile.PackagePath = [DBOpsConfig]::GetConfigurationFileName()
        $this.AddFile($configFile, 'ConfigurationFile')

    DBOpsPackage ([string]$fileName) {
        if (!(Test-Path $fileName -PathType Leaf)) {
            throw "File $fileName not found. Aborting."
        $this.FileName = $fileName
        # Setting regular file properties
        # Reading zip file contents into memory
        $zip = [Zipfile]::OpenRead($fileName)
        try {
            # Processing package file
            $pkgFile = $zip.Entries | Where-Object FullName -eq ([DBOpsConfig]::GetPackageFileName())
            if ($pkgFile) {
                $pkgFileBin = [DBOpsHelper]::ReadDeflateStream($pkgFile.Open()).ToArray()
                $jsonObject = ConvertFrom-Json ([DBOpsHelper]::DecodeBinaryText($pkgFileBin)) -ErrorAction Stop
                # Processing builds
                foreach ($build in $jsonObject.builds) {
                    $newBuild = $this.NewBuild($
                    foreach ($script in $build.Scripts) {
                        $filePackagePath = Join-Path $newBuild.GetPackagePath() $script.packagePath
                        $scriptFile = $zip.Entries | Where-Object FullName -eq $filePackagePath
                        if (!$scriptFile) {
                            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "File not found inside the package: $filePackagePath")
                        $newScript = [DBOpsScriptFile]::new($script, $scriptFile)
                        $newBuild.AddScript($newScript, $true)
                # Processing root files
                foreach ($file in @('DeployFile', 'PreDeployFile', 'PostDeployFile', 'ConfigurationFile')) {
                    $jsonFileObject = $jsonObject.$file
                    if ($jsonFileObject) {
                        $fileBinary = $zip.Entries | Where-Object FullName -eq $jsonFileObject.packagePath
                        if ($fileBinary) {
                            $newFile = [DBOpsRootFile]::new($jsonFileObject, $fileBinary)
                            $this.AddFile($newFile, $file)
                        else {
                            $this.ThrowException("File $($jsonFileObject.packagePath) not found in the package", $this, 'InvalidData')
            else {
                $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Incorrect package format: $fileName")

            # Processing configuration file
            if ($this.ConfigurationFile) {
                $this.Configuration = [DBOpsConfig]::new($this.ConfigurationFile.GetContent())
                $this.Configuration.Parent = $this
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Failed to complete the deflate operation against archive $fileName" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName $this.GetType().Name
        finally {
            # Dispose of the reader


# DBOpsPackageFile class #

# Supports creating a package object from an extracted zip - basically from a json file
class DBOpsPackageFile : DBOpsPackageBase {

    #Apparently, inheriting a class will run a default constructor anyways, DBOpsPackageBase is a new class that has no constructor

    DBOpsPackageFile ([string]$fileName) {
        if (!(Test-Path $fileName -PathType Leaf)) {
            $this.ThrowException("File $fileName not found. Aborting.", $fileName, 'ObjectNotFound')
        # Processing package file
        $pkgFileBin = [DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($fileName)
        if ($pkgFileBin) {
            $jsonObject = ConvertFrom-Json ([DBOpsHelper]::DecodeBinaryText($pkgFileBin)) -ErrorAction Stop
            #Defining package path as a parent folder of the package file
            $folderPath = Split-Path $fileName -Parent
            $this.FileName = $folderPath
            # Setting regular file properties

            $this.PackagePath = $folderPath
            # Processing builds
            foreach ($build in $jsonObject.builds) {
                $newBuild = $this.NewBuild($
                foreach ($script in $build.Scripts) {
                    $contentPath = Join-Path $folderPath $newBuild.GetPackagePath()
                    $filePackagePath = Join-Path $contentPath $script.packagePath
                    if (!(Test-Path $filePackagePath)) {
                        $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "File not found inside the package: $filePackagePath")
                    $newScript = [DBOpsScriptFile]::new($script, (Get-Item -LiteralPath $filePackagePath -ErrorAction Stop))
                    $newBuild.AddScript($newScript, $true)
            # Processing root files
            foreach ($fileType in @('DeployFile', 'PreDeployFile', 'PostDeployFile', 'ConfigurationFile')) {
                $jsonFileObject = $jsonObject.$fileType
                if ($jsonFileObject) {
                    $filePackagePath = Join-Path $folderPath $jsonFileObject.packagePath
                    if (!(Test-Path $filePackagePath)) {
                        $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "File not found inside the package: $filePackagePath")
                    $newFile = [DBOpsRootFile]::new($jsonFileObject, (Get-Item -LiteralPath $filePackagePath -ErrorAction Stop))
                    $this.AddFile($newFile, $fileType)
        else {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Incorrect package format: $fileName")

        # Processing configuration file
        if ($this.ConfigurationFile) {
            $this.Configuration = [DBOpsConfig]::new($this.ConfigurationFile.GetContent())
            $this.Configuration.Parent = $this


    #overloads to prefent unpacked packages from being saved
    [void] Alter() {
        $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Unpacked package cannot be saved without compressing it first. Use SaveToFile('myfile') instead.")
    [void] Save() {

    #Overload to read module file from the folder
    [void] RefreshModuleVersion() {
        if ($this.FileName) {
            $manifestPackagePath = Join-Path $this.FileName 'Modules\dbops\dbops.psd1'
            $contents = ([DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($manifestPackagePath))
            $scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create([DBOpsHelper]::DecodeBinaryText($contents))
            $moduleFile = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
            $this.ModuleVersion = [System.Version]$moduleFile.ModuleVersion


# DBOpsBuild class #

class DBOpsBuild : DBOps {
    #Public properties

    hidden [DBOpsPackageBase]$Parent
    hidden [string]$PackagePath

    DBOpsBuild ([string]$build) {
        if (!$build) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, 'Build name cannot be empty');
        $ = $build
        $this.PackagePath = $build
        $this.CreatedDate = (Get-Date).Datetime

    hidden DBOpsBuild ([psobject]$object) {
        if (!$ {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, 'Build name cannot be empty');
        $ = $
        $this.PackagePath = $object.PackagePath
        $this.CreatedDate = $object.CreatedDate

    #Creates a new script and returns it as an object
    [DBOpsFile[]] NewScript ([object[]]$FileObject) {
        [DBOpsFile[]]$output = @()
        foreach ($p in $FileObject) {
            if ($p.Depth) {
                $depth = $p.Depth
            else {
                $depth = 0
            if ($p.SourcePath) {
                $sourcePath = $p.SourcePath
            else {
                $sourcePath = $p.FullName
            $relativePath = [DBOpsHelper]::SplitRelativePath($sourcePath, $depth)
            $output += $this.NewFile($sourcePath, $relativePath, 'Scripts', [DBOpsScriptFile])
        return $output
    [DBOpsFile] NewScript ([string]$FileName, [int]$Depth) {
        $relativePath = [DBOpsHelper]::SplitRelativePath($FileName, $Depth)
        if ($this.SourcePathExists($relativePath)) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "External script $($relativePath) already exists.")
        return $this.NewFile($FileName, $relativePath, 'Scripts', [DBOpsScriptFile])
    # Adds script to the current build
    [void] AddScript ([DBOpsFile[]]$script) {
        $this.AddScript($script, $false)
    [void] AddScript ([DBOpsFile[]]$script, [bool]$Force) {
        foreach ($s in $script) {
            if (!$Force -and $this.SourcePathExists($s.SourcePath)) {
                $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "External script $($s.SourcePath) already exists.")
            else {
                $this.AddFile($s, 'Scripts')
    [string] ToString() {
        return "[$($]"
    #Searches for a certain hash value within the build
    hidden [bool] HashExists([string]$hash) {
        foreach ($script in $this.Scripts) {
            if ($hash -eq $script.hash) {
                return $true
        return $false
    #Searches for a certain hash value within the build for a specific source file
    hidden [bool] HashExists([string]$hash, [string]$sourcePath) {
        foreach ($script in $this.Scripts) {
            if ($script.SourcePath -eq $sourcePath -and $hash -eq $script.hash) {
                return $true
        return $false
    #Compares file hash and returns true if such has has been found within the build
    [bool] ScriptExists([string]$fileName) {
        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Path not found: $fileName")
        $hash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash([DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($fileName)))
        return $this.HashExists($hash)
    #Returns true if the file was modified since it last has been added to the build
    [bool] ScriptModified([string]$fileName, [string]$sourcePath) {
        if (!(Test-Path $fileName)) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Path not found: $fileName")
        if ($this.SourcePathExists($sourcePath)) {
            $hash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash([DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($fileName)))
            return -not $this.HashExists($hash, $sourcePath)
        else {
            return $false
    #Verify if the file has already been added to the build
    [bool] SourcePathExists([string]$path) {
        foreach ($script in $this.Scripts) {
            if ($path -eq $script.sourcePath) {
                return $true
        return $false
    #Verify if Package Path is already used by a different file
    [bool] PackagePathExists([string]$PackagePath) {
        foreach ($script in $this.Scripts) {
            if ($PackagePath -eq $script.PackagePath) {
                return $true
        return $false
    [bool] PackagePathExists([string]$fileName, [int]$Depth) {
        return $this.PackagePathExists([DBOpsHelper]::SplitRelativePath($fileName, $Depth))
    #Get absolute path inside the package
    [string] GetPackagePath() {
        return Join-Path $this.Parent.GetPackagePath() $this.PackagePath
    #Exports object to Json in the format in which it will be stored in the package file
    [string] ExportToJson() {
        $scriptCollection = @()
        foreach ($script in $this.Scripts) {
            $scriptCollection += $script.ExportToJson() | ConvertFrom-Json
        $fields = @(
        $output = $this | Select-Object -Property $fields
        $output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Scripts -Value $scriptCollection
        return $output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2
    #Writes current build into the archive file
    hidden [void] Save([ZipArchive]$zipFile) {
        foreach ($script in $this.Scripts) {
    #Alter build - includes module updates and scripts
    [void] Alter() {
        #Open new file stream
        $writeMode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open
        $stream = [FileStream]::new($this.Parent.FileName, $writeMode)
        try {
            #Open zip file
            $zip = [ZipArchive]::new($stream, [ZipArchiveMode]::Update)
            try {
                #Write package file
                #Write builds
                #Write module
            catch { throw $_ }
            finally { $zip.Dispose() }
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Failed to modify archive $($this.Parent.FileName)" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName $this.GetType().Name
        finally { $stream.Dispose()    }

        # Refreshing regular file properties for parent object

# DBOpsFile class #

class DBOpsFile : DBOps {
    #Public properties

    #Hidden properties
    hidden [string]$Hash
    hidden [DBOps]$Parent

    DBOpsFile () {}
    DBOpsFile ([string]$SourcePath, [string]$PackagePath) {
        if (!(Test-Path $SourcePath)) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Path not found: $SourcePath")
        if (!$PackagePath) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, 'Path inside the package cannot be empty')
        $this.SourcePath = $SourcePath
        $this.PackagePath = $PackagePath
        $file = Get-Item -LiteralPath $SourcePath -ErrorAction Stop
        $this.Length = $file.Length
        $this.Name = $file.Name
        $this.LastWriteTime = $file.LastWriteTime
        $this.ByteArray = [DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($file.FullName)

    DBOpsFile ([psobject]$fileDescription) {

    DBOpsFile ([psobject]$fileDescription, [ZipArchiveEntry]$file) {
        #Set properties imported from package file

        #Set properties from Zip archive
        $this.Name = $file.Name
        $this.LastWriteTime = $file.LastWriteTime

        #Read deflate stream and set other properties
        $stream = [DBOpsHelper]::ReadDeflateStream($file.Open())
        try {
            $this.ByteArray = $stream.ToArray()
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Failed to read deflate stream from $($file.Name)" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName $this.GetType().Name
        finally {
        $this.Length = $this.ByteArray.Length
    DBOpsFile ([psobject]$fileDescription, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file) {
        #Set properties imported from package file

        #Set properties from the file
        $this.Name = $file.Name
        $this.LastWriteTime = $file.LastWriteTime

        $this.ByteArray = [DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($file.FullName)
        $this.Length = $this.ByteArray.Length

    [void] Init ([psobject]$fileDescription) {
        if (!$fileDescription.PackagePath) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, 'Path inside the package cannot be empty')
        $this.SourcePath = $fileDescription.SourcePath
        $this.PackagePath = $fileDescription.PackagePath
    [string] ToString() {
        return "$($this.PackagePath)"
    [string] GetContent() {
        return [DBOpsHelper]::DecodeBinaryText($this.ByteArray)
    [string] GetPackagePath() {
        return Join-Path $this.Parent.GetPackagePath() $this.PackagePath
    [string] ExportToJson() {
        $fields = @(
        return $this | Select-Object -Property $fields | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1
    #Writes current script into the archive file
    [void] Save([ZipArchive]$zipFile) {
        [DBOpsHelper]::WriteZipFile($zipFile, $this.GetPackagePath(), $this.ByteArray)
    #Updates package content
    [void] SetContent([byte[]]$Array) {
        $this.ByteArray = $Array
    #Initiates package update saving the current file in the package
    [void] Alter() {
        #Open new file stream
        $writeMode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open
        if ($this.Parent -is [DBOpsBuild]) {
            $pkgObj = $this.Parent.Parent
        elseif ($this.Parent -is [DBOpsPackage]) {
            $pkgObj = $this.Parent
        else {
            $pkgObj = $null
        $stream = [FileStream]::new($pkgObj.FileName, $writeMode, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite)
        try {
            #Open zip file
            $zip = [ZipArchive]::new($stream, [ZipArchiveMode]::Update)
            try {
                #Write file
                #Update package file
            catch { throw $_ }
            finally { $zip.Dispose() }
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Failed to modify archive $($pkgObj.FileName)" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName $this.GetType().Name
        finally { $stream.Dispose()    }

        # Refreshing regular file properties for parent object
        if ($pkgObj) {

# DBOpsRootFile class #

#Ignores the parent package path

class DBOpsRootFile : DBOpsFile {
    #Mirroring base constructors
    DBOpsRootFile () : base () { }
    DBOpsRootFile ([string]$SourcePath, [string]$PackagePath) : base($SourcePath, $PackagePath) { }

    DBOpsRootFile ([psobject]$fileDescription) : base($fileDescription) { }

    DBOpsRootFile ([psobject]$fileDescription, [ZipArchiveEntry]$file) : base($fileDescription, $file) { }

    DBOpsRootFile ([psobject]$fileDescription, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file) : base($fileDescription, $file) { }

    #Overloading GetPackagePath to ignore folders of the parent objects
    [string] GetPackagePath() {
        return $this.PackagePath

# DBOpsScriptFile class #

#Keeps track of file hash and disallows its creation when hash does not match

class DBOpsScriptFile : DBOpsFile {
    #Mirroring base constructors adding Hash control pieces
    DBOpsScriptFile () : base () { }
    DBOpsScriptFile ([string]$SourcePath, [string]$PackagePath) : base($SourcePath, $PackagePath) {
        $file = Get-Item -LiteralPath $SourcePath -ErrorAction Stop
        $this.Hash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash([DBOpsHelper]::GetBinaryFile($file.FullName)))

    DBOpsScriptFile ([psobject]$fileDescription) : base($fileDescription) {
        $this.Hash = $fileDescription.Hash

    DBOpsScriptFile ([psobject]$fileDescription, [ZipArchiveEntry]$file) : base($fileDescription, $file) {
        $this.Hash = $fileDescription.Hash
        $fileHash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash($this.ByteArray))
        # Verify file hash and throw an error if it doesn't match

    DBOpsScriptFile ([psobject]$fileDescription, [System.IO.FileInfo]$file) : base($fileDescription, $file) {
        $this.Hash = $fileDescription.Hash
        $fileHash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash($this.ByteArray))
        # Verify file hash and throw an error if it doesn't match
    #Updates file content - overloaded to handle Hashes
    [void] SetContent([byte[]]$Array) {
        $this.ByteArray = $Array
        $this.Hash = [DBOpsHelper]::ToHexString([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( "MD5" ).ComputeHash($Array))
    [void] VerifyHash([string]$Hash) {
        if ($this.Hash -ne $Hash) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "File cannot be loaded, hash mismatch: $($this.Name)")

# DBOpsConfig class #

class DBOpsConfig : DBOps {

    hidden [DBOpsPackageBase]$Parent

    DBOpsConfig () {
    DBOpsConfig ([string]$jsonString) {
        if (!$jsonString) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "Input string has not been defined")

        $jsonConfig = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
        foreach ($property in $ {
            if ($property -in [DBOpsConfig]::EnumProperties()) {
                $this.SetValue($property, $jsonConfig.$property)
            else {
                $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "$property is not a valid configuration item")
    #Hidden methods
    hidden [void] Init () {
        #Reading default values from PSF
        foreach ($prop in [DBOpsConfig]::EnumProperties()) {
            $configValue = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName dbops.$prop
            $this.SetValue($prop, $configValue)

    [hashtable] AsHashtable () {
        $ht = @{}
        foreach ($property in $this.psobject.Properties.Name) {
            $ht += @{ $property = $this.$property }
        return $ht

    [void] SetValue ([string]$Property, [object]$Value) {
        if ([DBOpsConfig]::EnumProperties() -notcontains $Property) {
            $this.ThrowArgumentException($this, "$Property is not a valid configuration item")
        #set proper NullString for String properties
        if ($Value -eq $null -and $Property -in ($this.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object TypeNameOfValue -like 'System.String*').Name) {
            $this.$Property = [NullString]::Value
        elseif ($Value -ne $null -and $Property -eq 'Password') {
            if ($Value -is [SecureString]) {
                $this.$Property = $Value
            else {
                $this.$Property = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Value -ErrorAction Stop
        elseif ($Value -ne $null -and $Property -eq 'Credential') {
            if ($Value -is [pscredential]) {
                $this.$Property = $Value
            else {
                $this.$Property = [pscredential]::new($Value.UserName, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Value.Password -ErrorAction Stop))
        else {
            $this.$Property = $Value
    # Returns a JSON string representin the object
    [string] ExportToJson() {
        $outObject = @{}
        foreach ($prop in [DBOpsConfig]::EnumProperties()) {
            if ($this.$prop -is [securestring]) {
                $outObject += @{ $prop = $this.$prop | ConvertFrom-SecureString }
            elseif ($this.$prop -is [pscredential]) {
                $outObject += @{
                    $prop = @{
                        UserName = $this.$prop.UserName
                        Password = $this.$prop.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString
            else { $outObject += @{ $prop = $this.$prop }}
        return $outObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
    # Save package to an opened zip file
    [void] Save([ZipArchive]$zipFile) {
        $fileContent = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($this.ExportToJson())
        if ($this.Parent.ConfigurationFile) {
            $filePath = $this.Parent.ConfigurationFile.PackagePath
        else {
            $filePath = [DBOpsConfig]::GetConfigurationFileName()
            $newFile = [DBOpsRootFile]::new(@{PackagePath = $filePath})
            $this.Parent.AddFile($newFile, 'ConfigurationFile')
        [DBOpsHelper]::WriteZipFile($zipFile, $filePath, $fileContent)
    #Initiates package update saving the configuration file in the package
    [void] Alter() {
        #only do something if it's a part of a package
        if ($this.Parent -is [DBOpsPackageBase]) {
            #Open new file stream
            $writeMode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open
            $stream = [FileStream]::new($this.Parent.FileName, $writeMode, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite)
            try {
                #Open zip file
                $zip = [ZipArchive]::new($stream, [ZipArchiveMode]::Update)
                try {
                    #Write file
                catch { throw $_ }
                finally { $zip.Dispose() }
            catch {
                Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Failed to modify archive $($this.Parent.FileName)" -ErrorRecord $_ -FunctionName $this.GetType().Name
            finally { $stream.Dispose()    }

            # Refreshing regular file properties for parent object
    #Merge two configurations
    [void] Merge([DBOpsConfig]$config) {
    [void] Merge([hashtable]$config) {
        foreach ($key in $config.Keys) {
            $this.SetValue($key, $config.$key)
    #Save configuration to a file
    [void] SaveToFile([string]$fileName) {
        $this.ExportToJson() | Out-File -FilePath $fileName -Encoding unicode

    #Static Methods
    static [DBOpsConfig] FromJsonString ([string]$jsonString) {
        return [DBOpsConfig]::new($jsonString)
    static [DBOpsConfig] FromFile ([string]$path) {
        if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -EnableException $true -Message "Config file $path not found. Aborting." -FunctionName 'DBOps'
        return [DBOpsConfig]::FromJsonString((Get-Content $path -Raw -ErrorAction Stop))

    static [string] GetPackageFileName () {
        return 'dbops.package.json'

    static [string] GetConfigurationFileName () {
        return 'dbops.config.json'

    static [string[]] EnumProperties () {
        return [DBOpsConfigProperty].GetEnumNames()

    #Returns deploy file name
    static [object]GetDeployFile() {
        return (Get-DBOModuleFileList | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq 'Misc' -and $_.Name -eq "Deploy.ps1"})