
    Adds data to the DBA database for agent job results in a server list

    Connects to a server list and iterates though reading the agent job results and adds data to the DBA Database - This is run as an agent job on LD5v-SQL11n-I06

dbareports PowerShell module (,
Copyright (C) 2016 Rob Sewell

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


Param (
    [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlInstance")]
    [object]$SqlServer = "--installserver--",
    [string]$InstallDatabase = "--installdb--",
    [string]$LogFileFolder = "--logdir--"

    # Create Log File
    $Date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss
    $LogFilePath = $LogFileFolder + '\' + 'dbareports_AgentJobDetail_' + $Date + '.txt'
        New-item -Path $LogFilePath -itemtype File -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Agent Job Detail Job started" -level info
        Write-error "Failed to create Log File at $LogFilePath"
    # Specify table name that we'll be inserting into
    $table = "info.AgentJobDetail"
    $schema = $table.Split(".")[0]
    $tablename = $table.Split(".")[1]
    # Load up shared functions
    $currentdir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    . "$currentdir\shared.ps1"
    # Connect to dbareports server
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Connecting to $sqlserver" -level info
        $sourceserver = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $sqlserver -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to connect to $sqlserver - $_" -level Error
    # Get columns automatically from the table on the SQL Server
    # and creates the necessary $script:datatable with it
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Intitialising Datatable" -level info
        Initialize-DataTable -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to initialise Data Table - $_" -level Error

        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Getting Instances from $sqlserver" -level info
        $sqlservers = Get-Instances
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message " Failed to get instances - $_" -level Error
    foreach ($sqlsrv in $sqlservers)
        $sqlservername = $sqlsrv.ServerName
        $InstanceName = $sqlsrv.InstanceName
        $InstanceId = $sqlsrv.InstanceId
        if ($InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLServer')
            $Connection = $sqlservername
            $Connection = "$sqlservername\$InstanceName"
        # Connect to Instance
            $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $Connection
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Connecting to $Connection" -level info
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to connect to $Connection - $_" -level Warn
        $jobs = $
        $Date = Get-Date
        foreach ($job in $jobs)
            $lastrundate = $job.LastRunDate
            if ($lastrundate -eq '01/01/0001 00:00:00') { $lastrundate = $null }
                $null = $datatable.rows.Add(
                Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to add Job to datatable - $_" -level Error
                Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Data = $job.DateCreated,
 -level Error
    $rowcount = $datatable.Rows.Count
    if ($rowcount -eq 0)
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "No rows returned. No update required." -level info
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Attempting Import of $rowcount row(s)"
        Write-Tvp -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Successfully Imported $rowcount row(s) of Agent JOb Detail into the $InstallDatabase on $sqlserver

        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Bulk insert failed - $_" -level Error

    Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Agent Job Detail Finished"