
# So the v5 files need to be handled differently.
# We will start with a BeforeDiscovery which will gather the Instance Information up front
# Gather the instances we know are not contactable

BeforeDiscovery {
    # Gather the instances we know are not contactable
    [string[]]$NotContactable = (Get-PSFConfig -Module dbachecks -Name global.notcontactable).Value
    # Get all the tags in use in this run
    $Tags = Get-CheckInformation -Check $Check -Group Agent -AllChecks $AllChecks -ExcludeCheck $ChecksToExclude

    $InstancesToTest = @(Get-Instance).ForEach{
        # just add it to the Not Contactable list
        if ($NotContactable -notcontains $psitem) {
            $Instance = $psitem
            try {
                $InstanceSMO = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $Instance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorvar
            catch {
                $NotContactable += $Instance
            if ($NotContactable -notcontains $psitem) {
                if ($null -eq $InstanceSMO.version) {
                    $NotContactable += $Instance
                # ToDo: Give cool message about Agent not existing on Express Edition?!
                elseif (($InstanceSMO).Edition -like "Express Edition*") {}
                else {
                    # Get the relevant information for the checks in one go to save repeated trips to the instance and set values for Not Contactable tests if required
                    Get-AllAgentInfo -Instance $InstanceSMO -Tags $Tags

    #TODO : Clean this up
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Instances = $($InstancesToTest.Name)" -Level Verbose

    Set-PSFConfig -Module dbachecks -Name global.notcontactable -Value $NotContactable

    # Get-DbcConfig is expensive so we call it once
    $__dbcconfig = Get-DbcConfig

Describe "Database Mail XPs" -Tag DatabaseMailEnabled, CIS, security, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skip = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.databasemailenabled' }).Value
    Context "Testing Database Mail XPs on <_.Name>" {
        It "Testing Database Mail XPs is set to <_.ConfigValues.DatabaseMailEnabled> on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skip {
            $PSItem.DatabaseMailEnabled | Should -Be $PSItem.ConfigValues.DatabaseMailEnabled -Because 'The Database Mail XPs setting should be set correctly'

Describe "SQL Agent Account" -Tag AgentServiceAccount, ServiceAccount, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipServiceState = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.servicestate' }).Value
    $skipServiceStartMode = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.servicestartmode' }).Value

    Context "Testing SQL Agent is running on <_.Name>" {
        It "SQL Agent should be running for <_.InstanceName> on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipServiceState {
            $PSItem.Agent.State | Should -Be "Running" -Because 'The agent service is required to run SQL Agent jobs'
    if ($PSItem.IsClustered) {
        It "SQL Agent service should have a start mode of Manual for FailOver Clustered Instance <_.InstanceName> on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipServiceStartMode {
            $PSItem.Agent.StartMode | Should -Be "Manual" -Because 'Clustered Instances required that the Agent service is set to manual'
    else {
        It "SQL Agent service should have a start mode of Automatic for standalone instance <_.InstanceName> on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipServiceStartMode {
            $PSItem.Agent.StartMode | Should -Be "Automatic" -Because 'Otherwise the Agent Jobs wont run if the server is restarted'

Describe "DBA Operator" -Tag DbaOperator, Operator, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipOperatorName = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.dbaoperatorname' }).Value
    $skipOperatorEmail = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.dbaoperatoremail' }).Value

    Context "Testing DBA Operators exists on <_.Name>" {
        It "The Operator <_.ExpectedOperatorName> exists on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipOperatorName -ForEach ($PSItem.Operator | Where-Object ExpectedOperatorName -NE 'null') {
            $PSItem.ExpectedOperatorName | Should -BeIn $PSItem.ActualOperatorName -Because 'This Operator is expected to exist'

        It "The Operator email <_.ExpectedOperatorEmail> is correct on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipOperatorEmail -ForEach ($PSItem.Operator | Where-Object ExpectedOperatorEmail -NE 'null') {
            $PSItem.ExpectedOperatorEmail | Should -BeIn $PSItem.ActualOperatorEmail -Because 'This operator email is expected to exist'

Describe "Failsafe operator" -Tag FailsafeOperator, Operator, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipFailsafeOperator = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.failsafeoperator' }).Value

    Context "Testing failsafe operator exists on <_.Name>" {
        It "The failsafe operator <_.FailSafeOperator.ExpectedFailSafeOperator> exists on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipFailsafeOperator {
            $PSItem.FailSafeOperator.ActualFailSafeOperator | Should -Be $PSItem.FailSafeOperator.ExpectedFailSafeOperator -Because 'The failsafe operator will ensure that any job failures will be notified to someone if not set explicitly'

Describe "Database Mail Profile" -Tag DatabaseMailProfile, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipDatabaseMailProfile = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.databasemailprofile' }).Value

    Context "Testing Database Mail Profile exists on <_.Name>" {
        It "The Database Mail profile <_.DatabaseMailProfile.ExpectedDatabaseMailProfile> exists on <_.Name>" -Skip:$skipDatabaseMailProfile { #-ForEach ($PSItem.DatabaseMailProfile | Where-Object ExpectedDatabaseMailProfile -NE 'null') {
            $PSItem.DatabaseMailProfile.ActualDatabaseMailProfile | Should -BeIn $PSItem.DatabaseMailProfile.ExpectedDatabaseMailProfile -Because 'The database mail profile is required to send emails'

Describe "Agent Mail Profile" -Tag AgentMailProfile, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentMailProfile = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.mailprofile' }).Value

    Context "Testing SQL Agent Alert System database mail profile is set on <_.Name>" {
        It "The SQL Server Agent Alert System has the mail profile <_.AgentMailProfile.ExpectedAgentMailProfile> enabled as profile on <_.Name>." -Skip:$skipAgentMailProfile { #-ForEach ($PSItem.DatabaseMailProfile | Where-Object ExpectedDatabaseMailProfile -NE 'null') {
            $PSItem.AgentMailProfile.ActualAgentMailProfile | Should -Be $PSItem.AgentMailProfile.ExpectedAgentMailProfile -Because 'The SQL Agent Alert System needs an enabled database mail profile to send alert emails'

Describe "Valid Job Owner" -Tag ValidJobOwner, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentJobTargetOwner = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.jobowner' }).Value

    Context "Testing SQL Agent Job Owner on <_.Name>" {
        It "The Job <_.JobName> has the Job Owner <_.ActualJobOwnerName> that should exist in this list ($([String]::Join(', ', "<_.ExpectedJobOwnerName>"))) on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentJobTargetOwner -ForEach ($PSItem.JobOwner) {
            $PSItem.ActualJobOwnerName | Should -BeIn $PSItem.ExpectedJobOwnerName -Because 'The account that is the job owner is not what was expected'

Describe "Invalid Job Owner" -Tag InvalidJobOwner, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentJobTargetInvalidOwner = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq '' }).Value

    Context "Testing Invalid SQL Agent Job Owner on <_.Name>" {
        It "The Job <_.JobName> has the Job Owner <_.ActualJobOwnerName> that shouldn't exist in this list ($([String]::Join(', ', "<_.InvalidJobOwnerName>"))) on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentJobTargetInvalidOwner -ForEach ($PSItem.InvalidJobOwner) {
            $PSItem.ActualJobOwnerName | Should -Not -BeIn $PSItem.InvalidJobOwnerName -Because 'The account that is the job owner has been defined as not valid'

Describe "Last Agent Job Run" -Tag LastJobRunTime, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentJobLastRun = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.lastjobruntime' }).Value

    Context "Testing last job run time on <_.Name>" {
        It "Job <_.JobName> last run duration (<_.Duration> seconds) should not be greater than <_.ExpectedRunningJobPercentage>% extra of the average run time (<_.Average> seconds) on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentJobLastRun -ForEach ($PSItem.LastJobRuns) {
            $PSItem.ActualRunningJobPercentage | Should -BeLessThan $PSItem.ExpectedRunningJobPercentage -Because "The last run of job $($PSItem.JobName) was $($PSItem.Duration) seconds. This is more than the $($PSItem.ExpectedRunningJobPercentage)% specified as the maximum variance"

Describe "Long Running Agent Jobs" -Tag LongRunningJob, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentLongRunningJobs = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.longrunningjobs' }).Value

    Context "Testing long running jobs on <_.Name>" {
        It "Running job <_.JobName> duration should not be more than <_.ExpectedLongRunningJobPercentage>% extra of the average run time (<_.Average> seconds) on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentLongRunningJobs -ForEach ($PSItem.LongRunningJobs) {
            $PSItem.ActualLongRunningJobPercentage | Should -BeLessThan $PSItem.ExpectedLongRunningJobPercentage -Because "The current running job $($PSItem.JobName) has been running for $($PSItem.Diff) seconds longer than the average run time. This is more than the $($PSItem.ExpectedLongRunningJobPercentage)% specified as the maximum"

Describe "SQL Agent Failed Jobs" -Tag FailedJob, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentFailedJobs = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.failedjobs' }).Value
    $excludecancelled = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'agent.failedjob.excludecancelled' }).Value

    Context "Checking for failed enabled jobs since on <_.Name>" {
        if (-not $skipAgentFailedJobs) {
            It "We chose to skip this as <_.JobName>'s last run outcome is unknown on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip -ForEach ($PSItem.JobsFailed | Where-Object { $_.LastRunOutcome -eq "Unknown" }) {
                $PSItem.LastRunOutcome | Should -Be $PSItem.ExpectedOutcome -Because 'All Agent Jobs should have succeed this one is unknown - you need to investigate the failed jobs'
            It "You chose to skip this as <_.JobName>'s last run outcome is cancelled on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip -ForEach ($PSItem.JobsFailed | Where-Object { $_.LastRunOutcome -eq "Cancelled" -and ($excludecancelled -eq $true) }) {
                $PSItem.LastRunOutcome | Should -Be $PSItem.ExpectedOutcome -Because 'All Agent Jobs should have succeed this one is Cancelled - you need to investigate the failed jobs'
        It "Job <_.JobName> last run outcome is <_.LastRunOutcome> on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentFailedJobs -ForEach ($PSItem.JobsFailed | Where-Object { $_.LastRunOutcome -notin ("Cancelled", "Unknown") }) {
            $PSItem.LastRunOutcome | Should -Be $PSItem.ExpectedOutcome -Because "All Agent Jobs should have succeed - you need to investigate the failed jobs"

Describe "Agent Alerts" -Tag AgentAlert, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentAlerts = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.alert' }).Value
    $AgentAlertJob = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'agent.alert.Job' }).Value
    $AgentAlertNotification = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'agent.alert.Notification' }).Value

    Context "Testing Agent Alerts Severity exists on <_.Name>" {
        It "Severity <_.AgentAlertSeverity> Alert should exist on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.Severities) { #| Where-Object { $_.Severity -NE $null }) {
            $PSItem.Severity | Should -Be $PSItem.AgentAlertSeverity -Because "Recommended Agent Alerts to exists"

        It "Severity <_.AgentAlertSeverity> Alert should be enabled on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.Severities) {
            $PSItem.IsEnabled | Should -Be $true -Because "Configured alerts should be enabled"
        if ($AgentAlertJob) {
            It "A job name for Severity <_.AgentAlertSeverity> Alert on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.Severities) {
                $PSItem.JobName -ne $null | Should -Be $true -Because "Should notify by SQL Agent Job"
        if ($AgentAlertNotification) {
            It "Severity <_.AgentAlertSeverity> Alert should have a notification on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.Severities) {
                $PSItem.HasNotification -in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | Should -Be $true -Because "Should notify by Agent notifications"


    Context "Testing Agent Alerts MessageID exists on <_.Name>" {
        It "MessageID <_.AgentMessageID> Alert should exist on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.MessageIDs) {
            $PSItem.MessageID | Should -Be $PSItem.AgentMessageID -Because "Recommended Agent Alerts to exists"
        It "MessageID <_.AgentMessageID> Alert should be enabled on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.MessageIDs) {
            $PSItem.IsEnabled | Should -Be $true -Because "Configured alerts should be enabled"
        if ($AgentAlertJob) {
            It "A job name for MessageID <_.AgentMessageID> on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.MessageIDs) {
                $PSItem.JobName -ne $null | Should -Be $true -Because "Should notify by SQL Agent Job"
        if ($AgentAlertNotification) {
            It "MessageID <_.AgentMessageID> Alert should have a notification on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentAlerts -ForEach ($PSItem.AgentAlerts.MessageIDs) {
                $PSItem.HasNotification -in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | Should -Be $true -Because "Should notify by Agent notifications"

Describe "Job History Configuration" -Tag JobHistory, Agent -ForEach $InstancesToTest {
    $skipAgentJobHistory = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'skip.agent.JobHistory' }).Value
    [int]$minimumJobHistoryRows = ($__dbcconfig | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'agent.history.maximumhistoryrows' }).Value

    if ($minimumJobHistoryRows -eq -1) {
        It "The maximum job history configuration should be set to disabled on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentJobHistory -ForEach ($PSItem.JobHistory) {
            $PSItem.CurrentMaximumHistoryRows | Should -Be $PSItem.ExpectedMaximumHistoryRows -Because "Maximum job history configuration should be disabled"
    } else {
        It "The maximum job history number of rows configuration should be greater or equal to <_.ExpectedMaximumHistoryRows> on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentJobHistory -ForEach ($PSItem.JobHistory) {
            $PSItem.CurrentMaximumHistoryRows | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $PSItem.ExpectedMaximumHistoryRows -Because "We expect the maximum job history row configuration to be greater than the configured setting <_.ExpectedMaximumHistoryRows>"
        It "The maximum job history rows per job configuration should be greater or equal to <_.ExpectedMaximumJobHistoryRows> on <_.InstanceName>" -Skip:$skipAgentJobHistory -ForEach ($PSItem.JobHistory) {
            $PSItem.CurrentMaximumJobHistoryRows | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $PSItem.ExpectedMaximumJobHistoryRows -Because "We expect the maximum job history row configuration per agent job to be greater than the configured setting <_.ExpectedMaximumJobHistoryRows>"