
$filename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")

# Get all the info in the function
function Get-ClusterObject {
    param (

    [PsCustomObject]$return = @{ }
    # Don't think you can use the cluster name here it won't run remotely
    try {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $return.Cluster = (Get-Cluster -Name $ClusterVM)
        $return.Nodes = (Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterVM)
        $return.Resources = (Get-ClusterResource -Cluster $ClusterVM)
        $return.Network = (Get-ClusterNetwork -Cluster $ClusterVM)
        $return.Groups = (Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster $ClusterVM)
        $return.AGs = $return.Resources.Where{ $psitem.ResourceType -eq 'SQL Server Availability Group' }
    catch {
        $return.Cluster = 'FailedToConnect'
        $return.Nodes = 'FailedToConnect'
        $return.Resources = 'FailedToConnect'
        $return.Network = 'FailedToConnect'
        $return.Groups = 'FailedToConnect'
        $return.AGs = 'FailedToConnect'
    $return.AvailabilityGroups = @{ }
    #Add all the AGs
    foreach ($AGResource in $return.AGs) {
        try {
            # Because several replicas can be on the same cluster node,
            # cluster node can appear several times, then we want to
            # avoid duplicate detection of replicas
            If ($PreviousClusterNode -ne $AGResource.OwnerNode.Name) {
                $PreviousClusterNode = $AGResource.OwnerNode.Name
                # We get cluster node owner first ...
                # We need then for each owner to find out the corresponding replicas => SQL Instance Name + Port
                $Replicas = Find-DbaInstance -ComputerName $AGResource.OwnerNode.Name

            # Finally for each replica detected (SQL Server + Port)
            # We try to find the corresponding AG(s) info
            foreach ($replica in $Replicas){
                $AGs = Get-DbaAvailabilityGroup -SqlInstance "$($replica.ComputerName),$($replica.Port)"

                foreach ($AG in $AGs){
                    If ($AG.AvailabilityGroup -eq $AGResource.Name) {
                        $return.AvailabilityGroups[$AGResource.Name] = $AG
        catch {
            $return = $null

    Return $return

# Import module or bomb out

# needs the failover cluster module
if (-not (Get-Module FailoverClusters)) {
    try {
        if ($IsCoreCLR) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "FailoverClusters module cannot be loaded in PowerShell Core unfortunately" -ErrorRecord $psitem
        else {
            Import-Module FailoverClusters -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "FailoverClusters module could not load - Please install the Failover Cluster module using Windows Features " -ErrorRecord $psitem
else {
    if ($IsCoreCLR) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "FailoverClusters module cannot be loaded in PowerShell Core unfortunately" -ErrorRecord $psitem

# Grab some values
$clusters = Get-DbcConfigValue app.cluster
$skipClusterNetInterface = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.cluster.netclusterinterface
$skipAgListenerPing = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.hadr.listener.pingcheck
$skipAgListenerTcpPort = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.hadr.listener.tcpport
$skipReplicaTcpPort = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.hadr.replica.tcpport
$domainName = Get-DbcConfigValue
$agTcpPort = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.agtcpport
$sqlTcpPort = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.tcpport

# hadr endpoint config parameters
$hadrEndPointName = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.endpointname
$hadrEndPointPort = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.endpointport
$hadrSessionTimeout = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.sessiontimeout

# cluster config parameters
$clustAgResFailureConditionLevel = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.failureconditionlevel
$clustAgResHealthCheckTimeout = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.healthchecktimeout
$clustAgResLeaseTimeout = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.hadr.leasetimeout
$clustPrivateNetworkProtocolsIPV4 = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.cluster.NetworkProtocolsIPV4
$clustAgReshostRecordTTL = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.cluster.hostrecordttl
$clustAgResRegisterAllProvidersIP = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.cluster.registerallprovidersIP

#Check for Cluster config value
if ($clusters.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Warning "No Clusters to look at. Please use Set-DbcConfig -Name app.cluster to add clusters for checking"

foreach ($clustervm in $clusters) {
    try {
        # pick the name here for the output - we cant use it as we are accessing remotely
        $clustername = (Get-Cluster -Name $clustervm -ErrorAction Stop).Name
    catch {
        # so that we don't get the error and Get-ClusterObject fills it as FailedtoConnect
        $clustername = $clustervm

    Describe "Cluster $clustername Health using Node $clustervm" -Tags ClusterHealth, $filename {
        $return = @(Get-ClusterObject -ClusterVM $clustervm)

        Context "Cluster nodes for $clustername" {
                It "This node should be available - Node $($psitem.Name)" {
                    $psitem.State | Should -Be 'Up' -Because 'Every node in the cluster should be available'
        Context "Cluster resources for $clustername" {
            # Get the resources that are no IP Addresses with an owner of Availability Group
            $return.Resources.Where{ ( $_.ResourceType -in ($_.ResourceType -ne 'IP Address') ) -and ($_.OwnerGroup -in $Return.Ags) }.ForEach{
                It "This resource should be online - Resource $($psitem.Name)" {
                    $psitem.State | Should -Be 'Online' -Because 'All of the cluster resources should be online'
            # Get the resources where IP Address is owned by AG and group by AG
            @($return.Resources.Where{ $_.ResourceType -eq 'IP Address' -and $_.OwnerGroup -in $return.AGs } | Group-Object -Property OwnerGroup).ForEach{
                It "One of the IP Addresses should be online for AvailabilityGroup $($Psitem.Name)" {
                    $psitem.Group.Where{ $_.State -eq 'Online' }.Count | Should -Be 1 -Because "There should be one IP Address online for Availability Group $($PSItem.Name)"

            $return.Resources.Where{ $_.ResourceType -eq 'Network Name' -and $_.OwnerGroup -in $return.AGs }.ForEach{
                It "HostRecordTTL should be $clustAgReshostRecordTTL for Resource $($PSItem.Name)"  {
                    $hostRecordTTL = ($PSItem | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'HostRecordTTL' }).Value
                    $hostRecordTTL | Should -be $clustAgReshostRecordTTL -Because "$clustAgReshostRecordTTL is what we expect to be for hostRecordTTL"
                It "RegisterAllProvidersIP should be $clustAgResRegisterAllProvidersIP for Resource $($PSItem.Name)" {
                    $RegisterAllProvidersIP = ($PSItem | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'RegisterAllProvidersIP' }).Value
                    $RegisterAllProvidersIP | Should -be $clustAgResRegisterAllProvidersIP -Because "$clustAgResRegisterAllProvidersIP is what we expect to be for RegisterAllProvidersIP"
                It "StatusNetBIOS should be $clustAgResStatusNetBIOS for Resource $($PSItem.Name)" {
                    $StatusNetBIOS = ($PSItem | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'StatusNetBIOS' }).Value
                    $StatusNetBIOS | Should -be 0 -Because "NetBIOS State should be healthy"
                It "StatusDNS should be $clustAgStatusDNS for Resource $($PSItem.Name)" {
                    $StatusDNS = ($PSItem | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'StatusDNS' }).Value
                    $StatusDNS | Should -be 0 -Because "DNS State should be healthy"
                It "StatusKerberos should be $clustAgStatusKerberos for Resource $($PSItem.Name)" {
                    $StatusKerberos = ($PSItem | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'StatusKerberos' }).Value
                    $StatusKerberos | Should -be 0 -Because "Kerberos State should be healthy"
        Context "Cluster network for $clustername" {
            It "At least 2 dedicated networks for the cluster should exist for cluster $clustername" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                $return.Network.count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual 2 -Because "To prevent heartbeat traffic to be overwhelmed by the public workload"
            It "One Cluster Network interface should be dedicated for cluster traffic for cluster $clustername" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                $ | Should -Contain 'Cluster' -Because "Heartbeat traffic is sensitive to network latency and network interface should be dedicated for this specific usage"
            It "One Cluster Network interface should be dedicated for public traffic for cluster $clustername" {
                $ | Should -Contain 'ClusterAndClient' -Because "Public network is mandatory to handle public workload"

            $ClusterNetwork = $return.Network | Where-Object { $_.Role -eq 'Cluster' }
            Foreach ($node in $return.Nodes){

                $ReplicaNetInterfaces = Get-DbaWsfcNetworkInterface -ComputerName $clustervm | `
                                        Where-Object { $_.Network -eq $ClusterNetwork.Name -And $_.Node -eq $node.Name}

                Foreach ($rni in $ReplicaNetInterfaces | Where-Object { $_.IPv4Addresses -ne $null }){
                    $netinterface = ($rni.Name.Split('-')[1]).Trim()
                    $netbindings = Get-NetAdapter -Name $netinterface -CimSession $node.Name | `
                                    Get-NetAdapterBinding | `
                                    Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq $true }
                    It "Only required network protocols should be configured for IPV4 cluster interface on node $($node.Name)" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                        $netbindings.Count | Should -Be $clustPrivateNetworkProtocolsIPV4.Count -Because "Heartbeat traffic is sensitive to network latency and network protocols should be configured optimally"
                    $IpConfig = Get-NetIPConfiguration -CimSession $node.Name -InterfaceAlias $netinterface
                    It "No default gateway should be configured for cluster network interface - Node $($node.Name)" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                        $IpConfig.IPv4DefaultGateway | Should -BeNullOrEmpty -Because "Heartbeat traffic should not be routable"
                    $IpDNS = Get-DnsClientServerAddress -CimSession $node.Name -InterfaceAlias $netinterface
                    It "No DNS entries should be configured for cluster network interface - Node $($node.Name)" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                        $IpDNS.ServerAddresses.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "Heartbeat traffic doesn't use DNS resolution"
                    $DNSRegistration = Get-NetAdapter `
                                        -Name $netinterface `
                                        -CimSession $node.Name | Get-DNSClient
                    It "DNS Registration should be disabled for cluster network interface - Node $($node.Name)" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                        $DNSRegistration.RegisterThisConnectionsAddress | Should -Be $false -Because "Heartbeat traffic doesn't use DNS resolution"
                    $AdapterNetBios = Get-CimInstance `
                                        -ClassName 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' `
                                        -CimSession $node.Name `
                                        -Filter "InterfaceIndex = $((Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $node.Name -Name $netinterface).ifIndex)"

                    It "NetBios Over TCP/IP should be disabled for cluster network interface - Node $($node.Name)" -Skip:$skipClusterNetInterface {
                        $AdapterNetBios.TcpipNetbiosOptions | Should -Be 2 -Because "Heartbeat traffic doesn't use NetBios resolution"

                It "The Network should be up - Network $($psitem.Name)" {
                    $psitem.State | Should -Be 'Up' -Because 'All of the Cluster Networks should be up'

        $AGResources = $return.Resources | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq 'SQL Server Availability Group'}

        Context "Cluster Availability Group Resources for $clustername" {
            ForEach($AGRes in $AGResources){
                It "Failure Condition Level should be $clustAgResFailureConditionLevel for AG Resource $($AGRes.Name)" {
                    $AGResourceResult = $AGRes | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'FailureConditionLevel' }
                    $AGResourceResult.Value | Should -Be $clustAgResFailureConditionLevel -Because "$clustAgResFailureConditionLevel is what we expect to be for Flexible automatic failover policy"
                It "HealthCheck Timeout should be $clustAgResHealthCheckTimeout for AG Resource $($AGRes.Name)" {
                    $AGResourceResult = $AGRes | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'HealthCheckTimeout' }
                    $AGResourceResult.Value | Should -Be $clustAgResHealthCheckTimeout -Because "$clustAgResHealthCheckTimeout is what we expect to be for health check timeout"
                It "Lease Timeout should be $clustAgResLeaseTimeout for AG Resource $($AGRes.Name)" {
                    $AGResourceResult = $AGRes | Get-ClusterParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'LeaseTimeout' }
                    $AGResourceResult.Value | Should -Be $clustAgResLeaseTimeout -Because "$clustAgResLeaseTimeout is what we expect to be for lease timeout"

        $AGs = $return.AGs.Name
        foreach ($AGName in $AGs) {
            $AG = @($return.AvailabilityGroups[$AGName])

            Context "HADR status for $($AG.SqlInstance) on $clustername" {
                It "HADR should be enabled on the replica $($AG.SqlInstance)" {
                    try {
                        $HADREnabled = (Get-DbaAgHadr -SqlInstance $AG.SqlInstance -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).IsHadrEnabled
                    catch {
                        $HADREnabled = $false
                    $HADREnabled | Should -BeTrue -Because 'All of the nodes should have HADR enabled'

            Context "Cluster Connectivity for Availability Group $($AG.Name) on $clustername" {
                    try {
                        $results = Test-DbaConnection -SqlInstance $_.Name
                    Catch {
                        $results = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            IsPingable     = $false
                            ConnectSuccess = $false
                            DomainName     = $false
                            TCPPort        = $false

                    It "Listener should be pingable for $($results.SqlInstance)" -skip:$skipaglistenerping {
                        $results.IsPingable | Should -BeTrue -Because 'The listeners should be pingable'
                    It "Listener should be connectable on $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $results.ConnectSuccess | Should -BeTrue -Because 'The listener should process SQL commands successfully'

                    It "Listener domain name should be $domainname on $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $results.DomainName | Should -Be $domainname -Because "$domainname is what we expect the domain name to be"

                    $results = Test-DbaConnection -SqlInstance $PsItem.Name
                    It "Replica should be Pingable for $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $results.IsPingable | Should -BeTrue -Because 'Each replica should be pingable'
                    It "Should be able to connect with SQL on Replica $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $results.ConnectSuccess | Should -BeTrue -Because 'Each replica should be able to process SQL commands'

                    It "Replica domain name should be $domainname on Replica $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $results.DomainName | Should -Be $domainname -Because "$domainname is what we expect the domain name to be"

                    # Consolidated environments with multi-instances / AG replicas
                    # In this case we cannot configure the same tcpport than those used for AG listeners
                    # TCP port conflict
                    # Adding exclusion for these scenarios

                    It "HADR TCP port should be in $tcpport for replica $($results.SqlInstance)" -Skip:$skipReplicaTcpPort {
                        $results.TCPPort | Should -BeIn $sqlTcpPort -Because "We expect the TCP Port to be in $sqlTcpPort"

                    $resultshadrendpoint = Get-DbaEndpoint -SqlInstance $results.SqlInstance -Endpoint $hadrEndPointName
                    It "HADR endpoint name should be $hadrEndPointName for replica $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $resultshadrendpoint.Name | Should -BeIn $hadrEndPointName -Because "$hadrEndPointName is what we expect the compliant name to be"
                    It "HADR TCP endpoint state should be Started for replica $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $resultshadrendpoint.EndpointState | Should -BeIn "Started" -Because "We expect the HADR Endpoint to get ready for log block replication"

                    It "Session timeout should be $hadrSessionTimeout for replica $($results.SqlInstance)" {
                        $replica = Get-DbaAgReplica -SqlInstance $PsItem.Name
                        $replica.SessionTimeout | Should -BeIn $hadrSessionTimeout -Because "$hadrSessionTimeout is what we expect the session time value to be"

            Context "Availability group status for $($AG.Name) on $clustername" {
                    It "The replica should not be in unknown availability mode for $($psitem.Name)" {
                        $psitem.AvailabilityMode | Should -Not -Be 'Unknown' -Because 'The replica should not be in unknown state'
                @($AG.AvailabilityReplicas).Where{ $psitem.AvailabilityMode -eq 'SynchronousCommit' }.ForEach{
                    It "The replica should be synchronised $($psitem.Name)" {
                        $psitem.RollupSynchronizationState | Should -Be 'Synchronized' -Because 'The synchronous replica should be synchronised'
                $AG.AvailabilityReplicas.Where{ $psitem.AvailabilityMode -eq 'ASynchronousCommit' }.ForEach{
                    It "The replica should be synchronising $($psitem.Name)" {
                        $psitem.RollupSynchronizationState | Should -Be 'Synchronizing' -Because 'The asynchronous replica should be synchronizing '
                    It "The replica should be connected $($psitem.Name)" {
                        $psitem.ConnectionState | Should -Be 'Connected' -Because 'The replica should be connected'

            Context "Database availability group status for $($AG.Name) on $clustername" {
                @($ag.AvailabilityReplicas.Where{ $_.AvailabilityMode -eq 'SynchronousCommit' }).ForEach{
                    @(Get-DbaAgDatabase -SqlInstance $psitem.Name -AvailabilityGroup $Ag.Name).ForEach{
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should be synchronised on the replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.SynchronizationState | Should -Be 'Synchronized'  -Because 'The database on the synchronous replica should be synchronised'
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should be failover ready on the replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.IsFailoverReady | Should -BeTrue -Because 'The database on the synchronous replica should be ready to failover'
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should be joined on the replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.IsJoined | Should -BeTrue -Because 'The database on the synchronous replica should be joined to the availability group'
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should not be suspended on the replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.IsSuspended | Should -Be  $False -Because 'The database on the synchronous replica should not be suspended'
                @($ag.AvailabilityReplicas.Where{ $_.AvailabilityMode -eq 'AsynchronousCommit' }).ForEach{
                    @(Get-DbaAgDatabase -SqlInstance $PSItem.Name -AvailabilityGroup $Ag.Name).ForEach{
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should be synchronising as it is Async on the secondary replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.SynchronizationState | Should -Be 'Synchronizing' -Because 'The database on the asynchronous secondary replica should be synchronising'
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should not be failover ready on the secondary replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.IsFailoverReady | Should -BeFalse -Because 'The database on the asynchronous secondary replica should be ready to failover'
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should be joined on the secondary replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.IsJoined | Should -BeTrue -Because 'The database on the asynchronous secondary replica should be joined to the availability group'
                        It "Database $($psitem.DatabaseName) should not be suspended on the secondary replica $($psitem.Replica)" {
                            $psitem.IsSuspended | Should -Be  $False -Because 'The database on the asynchronous secondary replica should not be suspended'

            Context "Always On extended event status for replica $($AG.SqlInstance) on $clustername" {
                try {
                    $Xevents = Get-DbaXEsession -SqlInstance $AG.SqlInstance -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                catch {
                    $Xevents = 'FailedToConnect'
                It "There should be an extended event session called AlwaysOn_health on Replica $($psitem.Name)" {
                    $Xevents.Name  | Should -Contain 'AlwaysOn_health' -Because 'The extended events session should exist'
                It "The Always On Health extended event session should be running on Replica $($psitem.Name)" {
                    $Xevents.Where{ $_.Name -eq 'AlwaysOn_health' }.Status | Should -Be 'Running' -Because 'The extended event session will enable you to troubleshoot errors'
                It "The Always On Health extended event session should be set to auto start on Replica $($psitem.Name)" {
                    $Xevents.Where{ $_.Name -eq 'AlwaysOn_health' }.AutoStart | Should -BeTrue  -Because 'The extended event session will enable you to troubleshoot errors'
# SIG # Begin signature block
# Kr6p3q3SNOPh+SUZH+SyY8EA2I3wR7BMoT7rnZNolTwGjUXn7bRC6vISWg16N202
# 1RBWdTGW2rVPBVLF4HA46jle4hcpEVquXdj3yGYa99ko1w2FOWzLjKvtLqj4tzOh
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# Ib6xKDv40PblKq5c9AFVldXUGVeBJbLhcEAA1nSPSLGdc7j4J2SulGISYY7ocuX3
# tkv01te72Mv2KkqqpfkLEAQjXgtM0hlgwuc8/A4if+I0YtboCMkVQuwBpbR9/6ys
# bDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL3NoYTItYXNzdXJlZC1jcy1nMS5jcmwwNaAzoDGGL2h0
# dHA6Ly9jcmw0LmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9zaGEyLWFzc3VyZWQtY3MtZzEuY3JsMEwG
# aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0U0hBMkFzc3VyZWRJ
# ggEBANuBGTbzCRhgG0Th09J0m/qDqohWMx6ZOFKhMoKl8f/l6IwyDrkG48JBkWOA
# QYXNAzvp3Ro7aGCNJKRAOcIjNKYef/PFRfFQvMe07nQIj78G8x0q44ZpOVCp9uVj
# sLmIvsmF1dcYhOWs9BOG/Zp9augJUtlYpo4JW+iuZHCqjhKzIc74rEEiZd0hSm8M
# asshvBUSB9e8do/7RhaKezvlciDaFBQvg5s0fICsEhULBRhoyVOiUKUcemprPiTD
# xh3buBLuN0bBayjWmOMlkG1Z6i8DUvWlPGz9jiBT3ONBqxXfghXLL6n8PhfppBhn
# A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD407Mcfw4Rr2d3B9MLMUkZz9D7RZmxOttE9X/lqJ3bMtdx
# 6nadBS63j/qSQ8Cl+YnUNxnXtqrwnIal2CWsDnkoOn7p0WfTxvspJ8fTeyOU5JEj
# YBi+qsSyrnAxZjNxPqxwoqvOf+l8y5Kh5TsxHM/q8grkV7tKtel05iv+bMt+dDk2
# DZDv5LVOpKnqagqrhPOsZ061xPeM0SAlI+sIZD5SlsHyDxL0xY4PwaLoLFH3c7y9
# Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBDBggrBgEFBQcwAoY3aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGlnaWNlcnQu
# NoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9v
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# SIG # End signature block