
        Get Windows Defender Status
        Will get the current status of the Windows Defender
    .PARAMETER Silent
        Instruct the cmdlet to silence the output written to the console
        If set the output will be silenced, if not set, the output will be written to the console
        PS C:\> Get-WindowsDefenderStatus
        This will get the status of Windows Defender.
        It will write the output to the console.
        PS C:\> Get-WindowsDefenderStatus -Silent
        This will get the status of Windows Defender.
        All outputs will be silenced.
        Inspired by
        Author: Robin Kretzschmar (@darksmile92)
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-WindowsDefenderStatus {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [switch] $Silent
    try {
        $defenderOptions = Get-MpComputerStatus
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($defenderOptions)) {
            if ($Silent -eq $false) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Windows Defender was not found running on the Server: $($env:computername)"

        else {
            if ($Silent -eq $false) {
                Write-PSFHostColor -DefaultColor "Cyan" -String "Windows Defender was found on the Server: $($env:computername)"
                Write-PSFHostColor -DefaultColor "Yellow" -String " Is Windows Defender Enabled? $($defenderOptions.AntivirusEnabled)"
                Write-PSFHostColor -DefaultColor "Yellow" -String " Is Windows Defender Service Enabled? $($defenderOptions.AMServiceEnabled)"
                Write-PSFHostColor -DefaultColor "Yellow" -String " Is Windows Defender Antispyware Enabled? $($defenderOptions.AntispywareEnabled)"
                Write-PSFHostColor -DefaultColor "Yellow" -String " Is Windows Defender OnAccessProtection Enabled? $($defenderOptions.OnAccessProtectionEnabled)"
                Write-PSFHostColor -DefaultColor "Yellow" -String " Is Windows Defender RealTimeProtection Enabled? $($defenderOptions.RealTimeProtectionEnabled)"
            if ($defenderOptions.AntivirusEnabled -eq $true) {
            else {
    catch {
        if ($Silent -eq $false) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Windows Defender was not found running on the Server: $($env:computername)"
