
        Convert an object to boolean
        Convert an object to boolean or default it to the specified boolean value
    .PARAMETER Object
        Input object that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER Default
        The default boolean value you want returned if the convert / cast fails
        PS C:\> ConvertTo-BooleanOrDefault -Object "1" -Default $true
        This will try and convert the "1" value to a boolean value.
        If the convert would fail, it would return the default value $true.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function ConvertTo-BooleanOrDefault {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock', '')]
    param (
        [Object] $Object,

        [Boolean] $Default

    [boolean] $result = $Default;
    $stringTrue = @("yes", "true", "ok", "y")

    $stringFalse = @( "no", "false", "n")

    try {
        if (-not ($null -eq $Object) ) {
            switch ($Object.ToString().ToLower()) {
                {$stringTrue -contains $_} {
                    $result = $true
                {$stringFalse -contains $_} {
                    $result = $false
                default {
                    $result = [System.Boolean]::Parser($Object.ToString())
    catch {
