
        Convert HashTable into an array
        Convert HashTable with switches inside into an array of Key:Value
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The HashTable object that you want to work against
        Shold only contain Key / Vaule, where value is $true or $false
    .PARAMETER KeyPrefix
        The prefix that you want to append to the key of the HashTable
        The default value is "-"
    .PARAMETER ValuePrefix
        The prefix that you want to append to the value of the HashTable
        The default value is ":"
    .PARAMETER KeepCase
        Instruct the cmdlet to keep the naming case of the properties from the hashtable
        Default value is: $true
        PS C:\> $params = @{NoPrompt = $true; CreateParents = $false}
        PS C:\> $arguments = Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch -Inputs $params
        This will convert the $params into an array of strings, each with the "-Key:Value" pattern.
        PS C:\> $params = @{NoPrompt = $true; CreateParents = $false}
        PS C:\> $arguments = Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch -InputObject $params -KeyPrefix "&" -ValuePrefix "="
        This will convert the $params into an array of strings, each with the "&Key=Value" pattern.
        Tags: HashTable, Arguments
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    param (
        [HashTable] $InputObject,

        [string] $KeyPrefix = "-",

        [string] $ValuePrefix = ":",

        [switch] $KeepCase = $true

    foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) {
        $value = "{0}" -f $InputObject.Item($key).ToString()
        if (-not $KeepCase) {$value = $value.ToLower()}