<# .SYNOPSIS Get tables from the bacpac file .DESCRIPTION Get tables and their metadata from the bacpac file Metadata as in original size and compressed size, which are what size the bulk files are and will only indicate what you can expect of the table size .PARAMETER Path Path to the bacpac file that you want to work against It can also be a zip file .PARAMETER Table Name of the table that you want to delete the data for Supports an array of table names If a schema name isn't supplied as part of the table name, the cmdlet will prefix it with "dbo." Supports wildcard searching e.g. "Sales*" will locate all "dbo.Sales*" tables in the bacpac file .PARAMETER Top Instruct the cmdlet with how many tables you want returned Default is [int]::max, which translates into all tables present inside the bapcac file .PARAMETER SortSizeAsc Instruct the cmdlet to sort the output by size (original) ascending .PARAMETER SortSizeDesc Instruct the cmdlet to sort the output by size (original) descending .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" This will return all tables from inside the bacpac file. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "*" as the Table parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default value "[int]::max" as the Top parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default sort, which is by name acsending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- ax.DBVERSION 62 B 52 B 1 crt.RETAILUPGRADEHISTORY 13,49 MB 13,41 MB 3 dbo.__AOSMESSAGEREGISTRATION 1,80 KB 540 B 2 dbo.__AOSSTARTUPVERSION 4 B 6 B 1 dbo.ACCOUNTINGDISTRIBUTION 48,60 MB 4,50 MB 95 dbo.ACCOUNTINGEVENT 11,16 MB 1,51 MB 128 dbo.AGREEMENTPARAMETERS_RU 366 B 113 B 1 dbo.AIFSQLCDCENABLEDTABLES 13,63 KB 2,19 KB 1 dbo.AIFSQLCHANGETRACKINGENABLEDTABLES 9,89 KB 1,42 KB 1 dbo.AIFSQLCTTRIGGERS 44,75 KB 6,29 KB 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" -SortSizeAsc This will return all tables from inside the bacpac file, sorted by the original size, ascending. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "*" as the Table parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default value "[int]::max" as the Top parameter, to output all tables. It uses the SortSizeAsc parameter, which is by original size acsending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- dbo.__AOSSTARTUPVERSION 4 B 6 B 1 dbo.SYSSORTORDER 20 B 20 B 1 dbo.SECURITYDATABASESETTINGS 20 B 12 B 1 dbo.SYSPOLICYSEQUENCEGROUP 24 B 10 B 1 dbo.SYSFILESTOREPARAMETERS 26 B 10 B 1 dbo.SYSHELPCPSSETUP 28 B 15 B 1 dbo.DATABASELOGPARAMETERS 28 B 10 B 1 dbo.FEATUREMANAGEMENTPARAMETERS 28 B 10 B 1 dbo.AIFSQLCTVERSION 28 B 24 B 1 dbo.SYSHELPSETUP 28 B 15 B 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" -SortSizeDesc This will return all tables from inside the bacpac file, sorted by the original size, descending. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "*" as the Table parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default value "[int]::max" as the Top parameter, to output all tables. It uses the SortSizeDesc parameter, which is by original size descending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- dbo.TSTIMESHEETLINESTAGING 35,31 GB 2,44 GB 9077 dbo.RESROLLUP 13,30 GB 367,19 MB 3450 dbo.PROJECTSTAGING 11,31 GB 508,70 MB 2929 dbo.TSTIMESHEETTABLESTAGING 5,93 GB 246,65 MB 1564 dbo.BATCHHISTORY 5,80 GB 234,99 MB 1529 dbo.HCMPOSITIONHIERARCHYSTAGING 5,16 GB 222,18 MB 1358 dbo.ERLCSFILEASSETTABLE 3,15 GB 217,68 MB 302 dbo.EVENTINBOX 2,92 GB 105,63 MB 747 dbo.HCMPOSITIONV2STAGING 2,79 GB 200,27 MB 755 dbo.HCMEMPLOYEESTAGING 2,49 GB 218,69 MB 677 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" -SortSizeDesc -Top 5 This will return all tables from inside the bacpac file, sorted by the original size, descending. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "*" as the Table parameter, to output all tables. It uses the value 5 as the Top parameter, to output only 5 tables, based on the sorting selected. It uses the SortSizeDesc parameter, which is by original size descending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- dbo.TSTIMESHEETLINESTAGING 35,31 GB 2,44 GB 9077 dbo.RESROLLUP 13,30 GB 367,19 MB 3450 dbo.PROJECTSTAGING 11,31 GB 508,70 MB 2929 dbo.TSTIMESHEETTABLESTAGING 5,93 GB 246,65 MB 1564 dbo.BATCHHISTORY 5,80 GB 234,99 MB 1529 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" -Table "Sales*" This will return all tables which matches the "Sales*" wildcard search from inside the bacpac file. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "Sales*" as the Table parameter, to output all tables that matches the wildcard pattern. It uses the default value "[int]::max" as the Top parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default sort, which is by name acsending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- dbo.SALESPARAMETERS 4,29 KB 310 B 1 dbo.SALESPARMUPDATE 273,48 KB 24,21 KB 1 dbo.SALESQUOTATIONTOLINEPARAMETERS 4,18 KB 596 B 1 dbo.SALESSUMMARYPARAMETERS 2,95 KB 425 B 1 dbo.SALESTABLE 1,20 KB 313 B 1 dbo.SALESTABLE_W 224 B 60 B 1 dbo.SALESTABLE2LINEPARAMETERS 4,46 KB 637 B 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" -Table "Sales*","CUSTINVOICE*" This will return all tables which matches the "Sales*" and "CUSTINVOICE*" wildcard searches from inside the bacpac file. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "Sales*" and "CUSTINVOICE*" as the Table parameter, to output all tables that matches the wildcard pattern. It uses the default value "[int]::max" as the Top parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default sort, which is by name acsending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- dbo.CUSTINVOICEJOUR 2,01 MB 118,87 KB 1 dbo.CUSTINVOICELINE 14,64 MB 975,30 KB 4 dbo.CUSTINVOICELINEINTERPROJ 6,58 MB 477,97 KB 2 dbo.CUSTINVOICETABLE 1,06 MB 56,56 KB 1 dbo.CUSTINVOICETRANS 32,34 MB 1,51 MB 54 dbo.SALESPARAMETERS 4,29 KB 310 B 1 dbo.SALESPARMUPDATE 273,48 KB 24,21 KB 1 dbo.SALESQUOTATIONTOLINEPARAMETERS 4,18 KB 596 B 1 dbo.SALESSUMMARYPARAMETERS 2,95 KB 425 B 1 dbo.SALESTABLE 1,20 KB 313 B 1 dbo.SALESTABLE_W 224 B 60 B 1 dbo.SALESTABLE2LINEPARAMETERS 4,46 KB 637 B 1 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-D365BacpacTable -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" -Table "SalesTable","CustTable" This will return the tables "dbo.SalesTable" and "dbo.CustTable" from inside the bacpac file. It uses "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" as the Path for the bacpac file. It uses the default value "SalesTable" and "CustTable" as the Table parameter, to output the tables that matches the names. It uses the default value "[int]::max" as the Top parameter, to output all tables. It uses the default sort, which is by name acsending. A result set example: Name OriginalSize CompressedSize BulkFiles ---- ------------ -------------- --------- dbo.CUSTTABLE 154,91 KB 8,26 KB 1 dbo.SALESTABLE 1,20 KB 313 B 1 .NOTES Tags: Bacpac, Servicing, Data, SqlPackage, Table, Size, Troubleshooting Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi) #> function Get-D365BacpacTable { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('File')] [Alias('BacpacFile')] [string] $Path, [string[]] $Table = "*", [int] $Top = [int]::MaxValue, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SortSizeAsc")] [switch] $SortSizeAsc, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SortSizeDesc")] [switch] $SortSizeDesc ) begin { if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) { return } if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return } $file = [System.IO.File]::Open($Path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open) $zipArch = [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($file) } process { if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return } $bulkFilesArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] foreach ($item in $table) { $fullTableName = "" if ($item -eq "*") { $fullTableName = $item } elseif (-not ($item -like "*.*")) { $fullTableName = "dbo.$item" } else { $fullTableName = $item } Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looking for $fullTableName." $entries = $zipArch.Entries | Where-Object Fullname -like "Data/$fullTableName/*" $bulkFilesArray.AddRange(@($($entries | Select-Object -Property *, @{Name = "Table"; Expression = { $_.FullName.Split("/")[1] } }))) } $bulkFiles = $bulkFilesArray.ToArray() | Sort-Object -Property Fullname -Unique $grouped = $bulkFiles | Group-Object -Property Table $res = $grouped | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name OriginalSize = [PSFSize]$($_.Group.Length | Measure-Object -sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sum) CompressedSize = [PSFSize]$($_.Group.CompressedLength | Measure-Object -sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sum) BulkFiles = $_.Count PSTypeName = 'D365FO.TOOLS.Bacpac.Table' } } if ($SortSizeAsc) { $res | Sort-Object OriginalSize | Select-Object -First $Top } elseif ($SortSizeDesc) { $res | Sort-Object OriginalSize -Descending | Select-Object -First $Top } else { $res | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object -First $Top } } end { if ($zipArch) { $bulkFilesArray.Clear() $bulkFilesArray = $null $zipArch.Dispose() } if ($file) { $file.Close() $file.Dispose() } } } |