.SYNOPSIS Gets the registered offline administrator e-mail configured .DESCRIPTION Get the registered offline administrator from the "DynamicsDevConfig.xml" file located in the default Package Directory .EXAMPLE Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail Will read the DynamicsDevConfig.xml and display the registered Offline Administrator E-mail address. .NOTES This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Sheikh Sohail Hussain" (twitter: @SSohailHussain) His blog can be found here: The specific blog post that we based this cmdlet on can be found here: #> function Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail { [CmdletBinding()] param () $filePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $Script:PackageDirectory "bin") "DynamicsDevConfig.xml" if(-not (Test-PathExists -Path $filePath -Type Leaf)) {return} $namespace = @{ns=""} $OfflineAuthAdminEmail = Select-Xml -XPath "/ns:DynamicsDevConfig/ns:OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail" -Path $filePath -Namespace $namespace $AdminEmail = $OfflineAuthAdminEmail.Node.InnerText [PSCustomObject] @{Email = $AdminEmail} } |