
function Copy-BindingRedirects {
        $from = $null, 
        $to = $null,
        [switch][bool] $Add = $true,
        $sln = $null

        if ($project -ne $null) {
            if ($add) {
                Add-BindingRedirect -ProjectName $project -erroraction stop
            if ($sln -ne $null) {
                $slnfile = $sln
            else {
                $slnfile = get-childitem . -Filter "*.sln" | select -first 1
            if ($slnfile -eq $null) { throw "no solutions found in current directory" }
            $sln = import-sln $slnfile
            $projects = get-slnprojects $sln
            $proj = $projects | ? { $_.Name -eq $project }
            if ($proj -eq $null) { throw "project $project not found in sln $slnfile" }
            if ($from -eq $null) {
                $from = (split-path -parent $proj.fullname) 
            else {
                $from = join-path (split-path -parent $proj.fullname) $from
            if ($to -ne $null) {
                $to = join-path (split-path -parent $proj.fullname) $to

        if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($from)) {
            $webconfig = get-childitem $from -filter "web.config"
            if ($webconfig -ne $null) {
                $from = $webconfig.FullName
            } else {
                $appconfig = get-childitem $from -filter "app.config"
                if ($appconfig -ne $null) {
                    $from = $appconfig.FullName

        if ($to -eq $null) {
            $from_file = []::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($from)
            $from_file_ext = []::GetExtension($from)
            $to_file = "$from_file.orig$from_file_ext"
            $to = join-path (split-path -Parent $from) $to_file 
            if (!(test-path $to)) {
                # no app.orig.config?
                # maybe we should copy to app.debug.config and so on.
                write-verbose "looking for config files that start with '$from_file' in '$(split-path -Parent $from)'"
                $configfiles = get-childitem (split-path -Parent $from) -filter "*.config" | ? { $_.Name.ToLower().startswith($from_file.ToLower()) }
                $to = $configfiles.FullName

        $fromXml = [xml](get-content $from)   
        $tofiles = @($to)
        foreach($to in $tofiles) {
            write-verbose "copying binding redirects from $from to $to" -verbose
            $toXml = [xml](get-content $to)

            $src = $fromxml.configuration.runtime.assemblyBinding
            $runtime = $toxml.SelectNodes('//configuration/runtime') | select -first 1
            if ($runtime -eq $null) {
                write-verbose "adding 'runtime' node to $to"
                $node = [System.Xml.XmlElement]$toxml.CreateElement("runtime")            
                $null = $toxml.configuration.AppendChild($node) 
                $runtime = $toxml.SelectNodes('//configuration/runtime') | select -first 1
            if ($toxml.configuration.runtime.assemblyBinding -ne $null) {
                write-verbose "removing old assemblyBinding section from $to"
                $null = $toxml.configuration.runtime.RemoveChild($toxml.configuration.runtime.assemblyBinding)

            write-verbose "copying assemblyBinding section from $from to $to"
            $node = $toxml.ImportNode($src, $true)
            $null = $runtime.AppendChild($node)

            $toXml.OuterXml | out-string | write-verbose 
            write-verbose "saving $to"
            $null = $toXml.Save((get-item $to).FullName)

function add-packagetoconfig {
    [switch][bool] $ifnotexists
    $existing = $packagesconfig.packages | ? { $_.Id -eq $package } 
    if ($existing -ne $null) {
        if ($ifnotexists) { return }
        else { 
            throw "Packages.config already contains reference to package $package : $($existing | out-string)" 

    $node = new-packageNode -document $packagesconfig.xml
    $ = $package
    $node.version = $version
    $null = $packagesconfig.xml.DocumentElement.AppendChild($node) 
    $packagesconfig.packages = $packagesconfig.xml.packages.package

function remove-packagefromconfig {
    $existing = $packagesconfig.packages | ? { $_.Id -eq $package } 
    if ($existing -ne $null) {
        $xmlel = ([System.Xml.XmlElement]$packagesconfig.xml.packages)
        $null = $xmlel.RemoveChild($existing)
        $packagesconfig.packages = $packagesconfig.xml.packages.package
    else {
        throw "package $package not found in packages.config"

function set-packagesconfig {

    if ($pkgconfig.xml -eq $null) {
        throw "please provide a pkgconfig object from get-packagesconfig"
    if (!([]::IsPathRooted($outfile))) {
        $outfile = join-path (get-item ".").FullName $outfile

function get-packagesconfig {
    [switch][bool] $createifnotexists
    if ($packagesconfig.startswith('<?xml')) {
        $xml = [xml]$packagesconfig
    else {
        if ($packagesconfig.EndsWith('.csproj')) {
            $dir = split-path -parent $packagesconfig
            $packagesconfig = "$dir/packages.config"
        if (test-path $packagesconfig) {
            $c = get-content $packagesconfig | Out-String
            $xml = [xml]$c
        elseif ($createifnotexists) {
            $content = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

            $content | out-file $packagesconfig -encoding utf8
            $xml = [xml]$content
    if ($xml.packages -is [string]) {
        # weird, when <packages> are empty, .packages is a string!
    $obj = new-object -type pscustomobject -Property @{ packages = $xml.packages.package; xml = $xml } 
    return $obj

function new-packageNode([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][System.Xml.xmldocument]$document) {

    $package = [System.Xml.XmlElement]$document.CreateElement("package")
    $null = $package.Attributes.Append([System.Xml.XmlAttribute]$document.CreateAttribute("id"))
    $null = $package.Attributes.Append($document.CreateAttribute("targetFramework"))
    $null = $package.Attributes.Append($document.CreateAttribute("version"))

    return $package

new-alias Import-PackagesConfig Get-PackagesConfig -force
new-alias Copy-BindingRedirect Copy-BindingRedirects -force