# This needs to use my Stucture module. You can run a FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_PORT query with the filter string. # Only the ActionType will work like this. class CRWDFWFilter { # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Id [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$ActionType [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$EffectiveWeight [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$RuleType $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_APP_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_EFFECTIVE_NAME $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_NAP_CONTEXT $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_ORIGINAL_APP_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_PACKAGE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_PROMISCUOUS_MODE $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_REAUTH_REASON $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_REMOTE_MACHINE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_REMOTE_USER_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FQBN_VALUE $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_SIO_FIREWALL_SYSTEM_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_USER_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ARRIVAL_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_ARRIVAL_INTERFACE_PROFILE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_ARRIVAL_INTERFACE_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_ARRIVAL_TUNNEL_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_CLIENT_CERT_KEY_LENGTH $FWPM_CONDITION_CLIENT_CERT_OID $FWPM_CONDITION_CLIENT_TOKEN $FWPM_CONDITION_COMPARTMENT_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_CURRENT_PROFILE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_DCOM_APP_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_DESTINATION_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_DESTINATION_SUB_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_DIRECTION $FWPM_CONDITION_EMBEDDED_LOCAL_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_EMBEDDED_LOCAL_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_EMBEDDED_PROTOCOL $FWPM_CONDITION_EMBEDDED_REMOTE_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_EMBEDDED_REMOTE_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_ETHER_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_FLAGS $FWPM_CONDITION_IMAGE_NAME $FWPM_CONDITION_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_INTERFACE_MAC_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_INTERFACE_QUARANTINE_EPOCH $FWPM_CONDITION_INTERFACE_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_IPSEC_POLICY_KEY $FWPM_CONDITION_IPSEC_SECURITY_REALM_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_ARRIVAL_INTERFACE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_DESTINATION_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_DESTINATION_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_DESTINATION_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_FORWARD_INTERFACE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_ADDRESS_V4 $cIP_LOCAL_ADDRESS_V6 $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_INTERFACE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_NEXTHOP_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_NEXTHOP_INTERFACE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_PHYSICAL_ARRIVAL_INTERFACE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_PHYSICAL_NEXTHOP_INTERFACE $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_PROTOCOL $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_REMOTE_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_REMOTE_ADDRESS_V4 $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_REMOTE_ADDRESS_V6 $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_REMOTE_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_SOURCE_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_IP_SOURCE_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_KM_AUTH_NAP_CONTEXT $FWPM_CONDITION_KM_MODE $FWPM_CONDITION_KM_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_L2_FLAGS $FWPM_CONDITION_LOCAL_INTERFACE_PROFILE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_DESTINATION_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_DESTINATION_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_LOCAL_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_LOCAL_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_REMOTE_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_REMOTE_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_SOURCE_ADDRESS $FWPM_CONDITION_MAC_SOURCE_ADDRESS_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_NDIS_MEDIA_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIA_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_NDIS_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_NET_EVENT_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_NEXTHOP_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_NEXTHOP_INTERFACE_PROFILE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_NEXTHOP_INTERFACE_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_NEXTHOP_SUB_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_NEXTHOP_TUNNEL_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_ORIGINAL_ICMP_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_ORIGINAL_PROFILE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_PEER_NAME $FWPM_CONDITION_PIPE $FWPM_CONDITION_PROCESS_WITH_RPC_IF_UUID $FWPM_CONDITION_QM_MODE $FWPM_CONDITION_REAUTHORIZE_REASON $FWPM_CONDITION_REMOTE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_REMOTE_USER_TOKEN $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED0 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED1 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED10 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED11 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED12 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED13 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED14 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED15 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED2 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED3 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED4 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED5 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED6 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED7 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED8 $FWPM_CONDITION_RESERVED9 $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_AUTH_LEVEL $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_AUTH_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_EP_FLAGS $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_EP_VALUE $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_FLAG $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_UUID $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_VERSION $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_PROTOCOL $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_PROXY_AUTH_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_SERVER_NAME $FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_SERVER_PORT $FWPM_CONDITION_SEC_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM $FWPM_CONDITION_SEC_KEY_SIZE $FWPM_CONDITION_SOURCE_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_SOURCE_SUB_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_SUB_INTERFACE_INDEX $FWPM_CONDITION_TUNNEL_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_VLAN_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_DESTINATION_INTERFACE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_DESTINATION_INTERFACE_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_DESTINATION_VM_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_SOURCE_INTERFACE_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_SOURCE_INTERFACE_TYPE $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_SOURCE_VM_ID $FWPM_CONDITION_VSWITCH_TENANT_NETWORK_ID $FWPM_CONNECTION_ENUM_FLAG_QUERY_BYTES_TRANSFERRED $FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_ADD $FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_DELETE $FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_MAX } function Test-isIPv4([System.Net.IPAddress]$addr) { return ($addr.AddressFamily -eq [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork) } function Test-isIPv6([System.Net.IPAddress]$addr) { return ($addr.AddressFamily -eq [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetworkV6) } function Get-StagedWFPFilter { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ActionType = '', [string]$Id = '', [string]$RuleType = '[default]' ) #If Id is not null then set RuleType to empty string if RuleType is default if ($Id) { if ($RuleType -eq '[default]') { $RuleType = '' } } # If RuleType is default then set RuleType to 'Persistent, Indexed' if ($RuleType -eq '[default]') { $RuleType = 'Persistent, Indexed' } # If DEBUG is set then write parameters to console If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { write-host "[debug] Get-StagedWFPFilter" write-host "[debug] ------------------" write-host "[debug] ActionType: $ActionType" write-host "[debug] Id: $Id" write-host "[debug] RuleType: $RuleType" write-host "[debug] ------------------" } $filterstring = '' # Validate ActionType: ActionType must be either 'Permit' or 'Block' $ActionTypeC = $ActionType.ToUpper() if (($ActionTypeC -eq 'PERMIT') -or ($ActionTypeC -eq 'BLOCK')) { $filterstring = $filterstring + ' -AND ($_.ActionType -eq ' + "'" + $ActionType + "')" } elseif ($ActionTypeC -eq '') { } else { # Debug: Write invalid RuleType to console Write-Output "** Invalid ActionType: $RuleType" Write-Output "** ActionType must be either 'Permit' or 'Block'" return } if ($Id) { $filterstring = $filterstring + ' -AND ($_.FilterId -eq ' + "'" + $Id + "')" } # Validate RuleType: RuleType must be either 'Persistent, Indexed' or 'BootTime, Indexed' $RuleTypeC = $RuleType.ToUpper() if (($RuleTypeC -eq 'PERSISTENT, INDEXED') -or ($RuleTypeC -eq 'BOOTTIME, INDEXED')) { $filterstring = $filterstring + ' -AND ($_.Flags -eq ' + "'" + $RuleType + "')" } elseif ($RuleTypeC -eq '') { } else { # Debug: Write invalid RuleType to console Write-Output "** Invalid RuleType: $RuleType" Write-Output "** RuleType must be either '(0x41) Persistent, Indexed' or '(0x42) BootTime, Indexed'" return } # Build filterstring for Get-FwFilter #$filterstring = '{($_.Name -EQ "CrowdStrike WFP Filter")' + $filterstring + '}' $filterstring = '($_.Name -EQ "CrowdStrike WFP Filter")' + $filterstring + '' # Debug: Write filterstring to console If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { write-host "[debug] Get-StagedWFPFilter ** filterstring: $filterstring" } $fsb = [scriptblock]::Create($filterstring) $FF = @() foreach ($f in (Get-FwFilter | Where-Object -FilterScript $fsb)) { $E = [CRWDFWFilter]::new() $E.Id = "$($f.FilterId)" $E.ActionType = "$($f.ActionType)" $E.EffectiveWeight = "$($f.EffectiveWeight)" $E.RuleType = "$($f.flags)" foreach ($c in $f.Conditions) { $check = [string]$c.MatchType if ($check -eq 'Equal') { $E.$($c.FieldKeyName) = [string]$c.Value } else { $E.$($c.FieldKeyName) = [string]$c.MatchType + ':' + [string]$c.Value } } $FF += $E } return $FF } function Get-CrwdHbfw { <# .SYNOPSIS Display current CrowdStrike HostBased Firewall filters based on the Windows filter Platform(WFP). .DESCRIPTION The Get-CrwdHbfw function displays current CrowdStrike HostBased Firewall filters based on the Windows filter Platform(WFP). Get-CrwdHbfw outputs a list of CRWDFWFilter objects. CRWDFWFilter objects are custom objects that contain the following properties: Id, ActionType, EffectiveWeight, RuleType, FWPM_CONDITION_*. .PARAMETER ActionType The ActionType parameter specifies the action type of the WFP filter. The ActionType parameter must be either 'Permit' or 'Block'. .PARAMETER LPort The LPort parameter specifies the local port of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER RPort The RPort parameter specifies the remote port of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER LIP The LIP parameter specifies the local IP address of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER RIP The RIP parameter specifies the remote IP address of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER Protocol The Protocol parameter specifies the protocol of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER AppId The AppId parameter specifies the AppId of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER Id The Id parameter specifies the Id / FilterId of the WFP filter. .PARAMETER RuleType The RuleType parameter specifies the RuleType of the WFP filter. The RuleType parameter must be either 'Persistent, Indexed' or 'BootTime, Indexed'. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CrwdHbfw -ActionType 'Permit' -LPort 3389 .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CrwdHbfw -ActionType 'Block' -LPort 50000 .EXAMPLE PS> Get-CrwdHbfw -ActionType 'Block' -RPort 22 -RIP #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ActionType = '', [string]$Id = '', [string]$RuleType = '[default]', [string]$LPort = '', [string]$RPort = '', [string]$LIP = '', [string]$RIP = '', [string]$Protocol = '', [string]$AppId = '' ) $test_dep = [bool](Get-Command -Name 'Get-FwFilter' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($test_dep -ne $true) { Throw "Missing Required PowerShell Module 'NtObjectManager', with Cmdlet 'Get-FwFilter'" } $ParamHash = [ordered]@{ ActionType = $ActionType; Id = $Id; RuleType = $RuleType } # If DEBUG is set then write paramhash to console If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { write-host "[debug] Get-CrwdHbfw ** ParamHash:" write-host "[debug] ------------------" $ParamHash | ConvertTo-Json write-host "[debug] ------------------" } # Build filterstring for Get-FwFilter $N2Fstring = '' if ($LPort) { $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' ($_.FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_PORT -EQ ' + "'" + $LPort + "')" } if ($RPort) { if ($N2Fstring -NE '') { $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' -AND' } $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' ($_.FWPM_CONDITION_IP_REMOTE_PORT -EQ ' + "'" + $RPort + "')" } if ($LIP) { if ($N2Fstring -NE '') { $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' -AND' } $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' ($_.FWPM_CONDITION_IP_LOCAL_ADDRESS -EQ ' + "'" + $LIP + "')" } if ($RIP) { if ($N2Fstring -NE '') { $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' -AND' } $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' ($_.FWPM_CONDITION_IP_REMOTE_ADDRESS -EQ ' + "'" + $RIP + "')" } if ($Protocol) { if ($N2Fstring -NE '') { $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' -AND' } $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' ($_.FWPM_CONDITION_IP_PROTOCOL -EQ ' + "'" + $Protocol + "')" } if ($AppId) { if ($N2Fstring -NE '') { $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' -AND' } $N2Fstring = $N2Fstring + ' ($_.FWPM_CONDITION_ALE_APP_ID -EQ ' + "'" + $AppId + "')" } # if Debug Print N2Fstring to console If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { write-host "[debug] Get-CrwdHbfw ** W-O N2Fstring:" write-host "[debug] ------------------" write-host "[debug] $N2Fstring" write-host "[debug] ------------------" } $N2fsb = [scriptblock]::Create($N2Fstring) if ($N2Fstring -EQ '') { If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { Get-StagedWFPFilter @ParamHash -Debug } else { Get-StagedWFPFilter @ParamHash } } else { If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { Get-StagedWFPFilter @ParamHash -Debug | Where-Object -FilterScript $N2fsb } else { Get-StagedWFPFilter @ParamHash | Where-Object -FilterScript $N2fsb } } } function Format-CrwdHbfw { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValuefromPipeline = $True)] [CRWDFWFilter[]]$Filter ) if ($input.Count -gt 1) { # ForEach i in $input { Format-CrwdHbfw $i } $input | % { Format-CrwdHbfw $_ } } else { # Print the object and all its properties if the property is not null $Filter | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Sort-Object -Property Definition | % { if ($Filter.$($_.Name)) { if ($_.Name -eq 'Id') { # convert Id of type int to hex string Write-Output "Id: $($Filter.Id) [HEX: 0x$(([int32]$Filter.Id).ToString('X'))]" } else { Write-Output "$($_.Name): $($Filter.$($_.Name))" } } } Write-Output "" } } |