{ "GeneralInfo": { "Name": "Tenable", "Description": "Tenable Rest API", "AuthorizationType": "CustomHeaders", "version": "", "Docs": "" }, "Requirements": { "Headers": [ { "Item1": "X-ApiKeys" } ] }, "Services": { "Access Control": [ { "Operation": "List User Permissions", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{user_uuid}", "Description": "Returns a list of all permissions defined in your container.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "List User Group Permissions", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{user_group_uuid}", "Description": "Returns a list of all permissions defined in your container.", "Docs": "" } ], "Configurations": [ { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Search scan configurations", "Method": "POST", "Uri": "", "Description": "Returns a list of web application scan configurations. If a scan has been run using the configuration, the list also contains information about the last scan that was run.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Get scan configuration details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{config_id}", "Description": "Returns details for the specified scan configuration.", "Docs": "" } ], "Groups": [ { "Operation": "List Groups", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "", "Description": "Returns a list of groups.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "List Users in Group", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{group_id}/users", "Description": "Return the group user list.", "Docs": "" } ], "Scans": [ { "Operation": "Download exported scan", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{scan_id}/report", "Description": "Downloads a scan report for the specified scan.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Export scan results", "Method": "PUT", "Uri": "{scan_id}/report", "Description": "Generates a scan report for the specified scan.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "List Scans", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "", "Description": "Returns a list of scans where you have at least CAN VIEW [16] scan permissions.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Get scan details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{scan_id}", "Description": "Returns scan results for a specific scan. If you submit a request without query parameters, returns results from the latest run of the specified scan. If you submit a request using the query parameters to specify a historical run of the scan, returns the scan results for the specified run.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Get host details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{scan_id}/hosts/{host_id}", "Description": "Returns details for the specified host.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Search Scans", "Method": "POST", "Uri": "{config_id}/scans/search?limit=200", "Description": "Returns a list of scans.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Get scan details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{scan_id}", "Description": "Returns scan details.", "Docs": "" } ], "Templates": [ { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - List Tenable-provided templates", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "", "Description": "Returns a paginated list of Tenable-provided templates that are available to be used for scan configurations.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Get Tenable-provided template details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{template_id}", "Description": "Returns the details for a Tenable-provided template. Tenable-provided templates can be used to define scan configurations.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Search user-defined templates", "Method": "POST", "Uri": "", "Description": "Returns a paginated list of user-defined templates that are available to be used for scan configurations.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Web App Scanning V2 - Get user-defined template details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{user_template_id}", "Description": "Returns details for a user-defined template. User-defined templates can be used to define scan configurations.", "Docs": "" } ], "Users": [ { "Operation": "List users", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "", "Description": "Returns a list of users.", "Docs": "" }, { "Operation": "Get user details", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "{user_id}", "Description": "Returns details for a specific user.", "Docs": "" } ] } } |