
Return Gitmojis or miscmojis json array as a psoject
Return Gitmojis or miscmojis json array as a psoject
# From the json File miscmojis.json
Get-Emoji -Type miscmojis -name person
# From the json file gitmojis.json
Get-Emoji -Type gitmojis -name animation
- Type
- Name

Function Get-Emoji(){
    param (
        [validateset("gitmojis", "miscmojis")]
    try {
        # Return the CommitFusion object
        return (Get-CommitFusionModuleInstance).GetEmoji($Type, $name)
    catch [System.Exception] {
        Write-Host "An error occurred while creating CommitFusion: $_.Exception.Message"
        # You can handle the exception here or rethrow it if needed
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Emoji