
    "templateName": "default",
    "templateDescription": "commitfusion-ciset",
    "templateVersion": "1.0.0",
    "ciset": [
            "Type": "changes",
            "emoji": "💥",
            "entity": "💥",
            "code": ":boom:",
            "description": "Introduce breaking changes.",
            "name": "boom",
            "semver": "major",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "feat",
            "emoji": "✨",
            "entity": "✨",
            "code": ":sparkles:",
            "description": "Introduce new features.",
            "name": "sparkles",
            "semver": "minor",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "fix",
            "emoji": "🐛",
            "entity": "🐛",
            "code": ":bug:",
            "description": "Fixed bugs.",
            "name": "bug",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "docs",
            "emoji": "📝",
            "entity": "📝",
            "code": ":memo:",
            "description": "Update Documentation.",
            "name": "memo",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "style",
            "emoji": "💄",
            "entity": "&#ff99cc;",
            "code": ":lipstick:",
            "description": "Update style.",
            "name": "lipstick",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "perf",
            "emoji": "⚡️",
            "entity": "⚡",
            "code": ":zap:",
            "description": "Improve performance.",
            "name": "zap",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "test",
            "emoji": "✅",
            "entity": "✅",
            "code": ":white_check_mark:",
            "description": "Add tests.",
            "name": "white_check_mark",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "build",
            "emoji": "📦",
            "entity": "📦",
            "code": ":package:",
            "description": "Build.",
            "name": "package",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "ci",
            "emoji": "👷",
            "entity": "👷",
            "code": ":construction_worker:",
            "description": "Add / Update Continuous integration.",
            "name": "construction_worker",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "chore",
            "emoji": "🔧",
            "entity": "🔧",
            "code": ":wrench:",
            "description": "Add / Update Tooling, Generic commit",
            "name": "wrench",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "revert",
            "emoji": "⏪",
            "entity": "⏪",
            "code": ":rewind:",
            "description": "Revert changes to previous commit",
            "name": "rewind",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "bookmark",
            "emoji": "🔖",
            "entity": "🔖",
            "code": ":bookmark:",
            "description": "Release / Version tags.",
            "name": "bookmark",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "wip",
            "emoji": "🚧",
            "entity": "🚧",
            "code": ":construction:",
            "description": "Work in progress.",
            "name": "construction",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "gitignore",
            "emoji": "🙈",
            "entity": "&#8bdfe7;",
            "code": ":see_no_evil:",
            "description": "Add / Update a .gitignore file.",
            "name": "see-no-evil",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "gitsubmodule",
            "emoji": "🧮",
            "entity": "",
            "code": ":abacus:",
            "description": "Add / Update git submodules",
            "name": "see-no-evil",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "flag",
            "emoji": "🚩",
            "entity": "🚩",
            "code": ":triangular_flag_on_post:",
            "description": "Add, update, or remove feature flags.",
            "name": "triangular-flag-on-post",
            "semver": "",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "improve",
            "emoji": "🎨",
            "entity": "🎨",
            "code": ":art:",
            "description": "Improve structure / format of the code.",
            "name": "art",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "hotfix",
            "emoji": "🚑️",
            "entity": "🚑",
            "code": ":ambulance:",
            "description": "Critical hotfix.",
            "name": "ambulance",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "Type": "deploy",
            "emoji": "🚀",
            "entity": "🚀",
            "code": ":rocket:",
            "description": "Deploy stuff.",
            "name": "rocket",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "Type": "project",
            "emoji": "🎉",
            "entity": "🎉",
            "code": ":tada:",
            "description": "Begin a project.",
            "name": "tada",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "Type": "security",
            "emoji": "🔒️",
            "entity": "🔒",
            "code": ":lock:",
            "description": "Fix security issues.",
            "name": "lock",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "refactor",
            "emoji": "♻️",
            "entity": "♻",
            "code": ":recycle:",
            "description": "Refactor code.",
            "name": "recycle",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "depadd",
            "emoji": "➕",
            "entity": "➕",
            "code": ":heavy_plus_sign:",
            "description": "Add a dependency.",
            "name": "heavy-plus-sign",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "depdell",
            "emoji": "➖",
            "entity": "➖",
            "code": ":heavy_minus_sign:",
            "description": "Remove a dependency.",
            "name": "heavy-minus-sign",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "config",
            "emoji": "🔧",
            "entity": "🔧",
            "code": ":wrench:",
            "description": "Add or update configuration files.",
            "name": "wrench",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "typos",
            "emoji": "✏️",
            "entity": "",
            "code": ":pencil2:",
            "description": "Fix typos.",
            "name": "pencil2",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "resources",
            "emoji": "🚚",
            "entity": "&#1F69A;",
            "code": ":truck:",
            "description": "Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes).",
            "name": "truck",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "fix-s",
            "emoji": "🩹",
            "entity": "🩹",
            "code": ":adhesive_bandage:",
            "description": "Simple fix for a non-critical issue.",
            "name": "adhesive-bandage",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "deadcode",
            "emoji": "⚰️",
            "entity": "⚰",
            "code": ":coffin:",
            "description": "Remove dead code.",
            "name": "coffin",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "Depre",
            "emoji": "🗑️",
            "entity": "🗑",
            "code": ":wastebasket:",
            "description": "Remove deprecate code.",
            "name": "wastebasket",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "concurrency",
            "emoji": "🧵",
            "entity": "🧵",
            "code": ":thread:",
            "description": "Add or update code related to multithreading or concurrency.",
            "name": "thread",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "Infra",
            "emoji": "🧱",
            "entity": "🧵",
            "code": ":bricks:",
            "description": "Infrastructure related changes.",
            "name": "bricks",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "compiler",
            "emoji": "🚨",
            "entity": "🚨",
            "code": ":rotating_light:",
            "description": "Fix compiler / linter warnings.",
            "name": "rotating-light",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "cifix",
            "emoji": "💚",
            "entity": "💚",
            "code": ":green_heart:",
            "description": "Fix CI Build.",
            "name": "green-heart",
            "semver": null,
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "depdown",
            "emoji": "⬇️",
            "entity": "⬇️",
            "code": ":arrow_down:",
            "description": "Downgrade dependencies.",
            "name": "arrow-down",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "depup",
            "emoji": "⬆️",
            "entity": "⬆️",
            "code": ":arrow_up:",
            "description": "Upgrade dependencies.",
            "name": "arrow-up",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "depfix",
            "emoji": "📌",
            "entity": "📌",
            "code": ":pushpin:",
            "description": "Pin dependencies to specific versions.",
            "name": "pushpin",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""
            "type": "globloc",
            "emoji": "🌐",
            "entity": "🌐",
            "code": ":globe_with_meridians:",
            "description": "Internationalization and localization.",
            "name": "globe-with-meridians",
            "semver": "patch",
            "cfa": [
                    "action": ""