class CommitFusion{ [String] $Type [String] $Scope [String] $Description [string[]] $Notes [String] $Styledbody [String] $Footer [string[]] $FeatureAddtions [string[]] $Bugfixes [string[]] $Breakingchanges [string[]] $Featurenotes [psobject] $EmojiIndex [psobject] $GitMojiIndex [String] $BodyIndention [String] $BodyBullet [String] $GitUser [String] $GitGroup [String] $DateNow [String] $MessageStringFormatted [String] $GitNameSpace [PSObject] $CFConfig [PSObject] $ConstructMessageObject [String] $ModuleRoot [String] $FusionConfigPath [PSObject] $IconSet [string] $GitSource # hidden [psobject] $puc # Hide this from the user # hidden [psobject] $gmo # Hide this from the user # CONSTRACTOR BASE ------ CommitFusion(){ # CONSTRUCTOR ------------------------------------------------------------------- $this.DateNow = (Get-Date).ToString('h:mmtt, dddd d\t\h MMMM yyyy') $this.ModuleRoot = (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).FullName $OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 try{ $content_GitMojiIndex = Get-Content -path "$PSScriptroot\gitmojis.json" -Raw $content_EmojiIndex = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptroot\Unicode-Index.json" -Raw $content_CFConfig = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptroot\CommitFustion.types.json" -Raw # $cc.StringCleaner() # This still returns igredular white spaces with-in object with output to console # Not a breaking issue but kinda annoying # TODO: Fix these issue # TODO: implimented .net lib json parser to fix this issue # TODO: Use SimpleSpectreWrapper to fix this issue and .trim() the output $this.GitMojiIndex = $content_GitMojiIndex | ConvertFrom-Json $this.EmojiIndex = $content_EmojiIndex | ConvertFrom-Json $this.CFConfig = $content_CFConfig | ConvertFrom-Json #$this.EmojiIndex = Get-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\Unicode-Index.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json #$this.CFConfig = Get-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\CommitFustion.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } catch [system.exception]{ Write-Host "Error: $($_.exception.message)" -ForegroundColor Red exit } } #! CONSTRUCTOR OVERLOAD 1 Custom Config Path #* if for some reason you want to use a custom config file # CommitFusion($configFile) { # # CONSTRUCTOR ------------------------------------------------------------------- # $this.DateNow = (Get-Date).ToString('h:mmtt, dddd d\t\ MMMM yyyy') # $this.ModuleRoot = (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).FullName # $OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 # try { # $ConfigFilePath = (Get-item -path $configFile -ErrorAction Stop).FullName # $content_GitMojiIndex = Get-Content -path "$PSScriptroot\gitmojis.json" -Raw # $content_EmojiIndex = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptroot\Unicode-Index.json" -Raw # $content_CFConfig = Get-Content -Path $ConfigFilePath -Raw # $this.GitMojiIndex = $content_GitMojiIndex | ConvertFrom-Json # $this.EmojiIndex = $content_EmojiIndex | ConvertFrom-Json # $this.CFConfig = $content_CFConfig | ConvertFrom-Json # } # catch [system.exception] { # Write-Host "Error: $($_.exception.message)" -ForegroundColor Red # exit # } # } ConventionalCommit( [String] $Type, [String] $Scope = $null, [String] $Description = $null, [string[]] $Notes = $null, [Bool] $Footer = $false, [String] $GitUser = $Null, [String] $GitGroup = $null, [string[]] $FeatureAddtions = $null, [string[]] $bugfixes = $null, [string[]] $FeatureNotes = $null, [string[]] $BreakingChanges = $null ){ $this.type = $type $this.scope = $scope $this.Notes = $Notes $this.footer = $footer $this.description = $description $this.breakingchanges = $breakingchanges $this.featurenotes = $featurenotes $this.gituser = $gituser $this.gitgroup = $gitgroup $this.FeatureAddtions = $FeatureAddtions $this.bugfixes = $bugfixes if($Description.length -eq 0){# char count seems to work better than $null, i dont really like null $this.description = ($this.CFConfig.ciset | Where-object {$_.type -eq "$($this.type)"}).description } # checks if gituser is present if not use gitgroup # used with linking the commit url link # NOTE! If you dont use git rebase this can work unintended as in this scope the # the commits might be squished # ! May need to remove this feature # ! Need for this, not really needed if($null -ne $this.GitUser){ $this.GitNameSpace = $this.GitUser }elseif($null -ne $this.gitgroup){ $this.GitNameSpace = $this.gitgroup }else{ $this.GitNameSpace = $null } # Add colon if scope is referenced if($null -eq $this.scope -or $this.scope.length -eq 0) { $this.scope = ":" # Todo: }else{ $this.scope = "($($this.scope)):" } # Call the ConstructMessage method to build the commit message object $this.ConstructMessage(); } hidden [void] ConstructMessage(){ <#- Feature Addtions-#> if($null -ne $this.FeatureAddtions){ # Add if branch is not null $FeatureAddtionsVar = "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","glowing_star")) FEATURE ADDTIONS: `n" $FeatureAddtionsVar += "`n" [int]$index = 1 foreach ($faddtion in $this.FeatureAddtions) { if($this.FeatureAddtions.count -ne $index -and $this.FeatureAddtions.count -ne 1){ $FeatureAddtionsVar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","roasted_sweet_potato")) $faddtion \`n" } else{ $FeatureAddtionsVar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","roasted_sweet_potato")) $faddtion ..🖊" } $index++ } $index = $null $FeatureAddtionsVar += "`n" $this.FeatureAddtions = "$FeatureAddtionsVar`n`n" } else{ $this.FeatureAddtions = "" } <# BUGFIXES #> if($null -ne $this.bugfixes){ # Add if branch is not null $bugfixessVar = "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","bug")) BUG FIXES: `n" $bugfixessVar += "`n" [int]$index = 1 foreach($bfixes in $this.bugfixes){ if($this.bugfixes.count -ne $index -and $this.bugfixes.count -ne 1){ $bugfixessVar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","microbe")) $bfixes \`n" }else{ $bugfixessVar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","microbe")) $bfixes ..🖊" } $index++ } $index = $null $bugfixessVar += "`n" $this.bugfixes = "$bugfixessVar`n`n" } else{$this.bugfixes = ""} <# /**----------o ~breakingChanges \ ^--------------------/ ♦-| Parses the breaking changes string & feature changes string inject emoji's from jason file based on matched !Later Will allow for theme support !NOTE! - H tags are not removed but rendered in the git commit message GitLab does not support H tags in commit messages but returnes it in the Commit page when viewing the commit ~ Check and test with gitlab */#> <# BREAKING CHANGES #> if($null -ne $this.breakingChanges){ # Add if branch is not null $breakingChangesVar = "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","anger_symbol")) BREAKING CHANGES: `n" $breakingChangesVar += "`n" [int]$index = 1 foreach ($bchange in $this.breakingChanges) { if($this.breakingChanges.count -ne $index -and $this.breakingChanges.count -ne 1){ $breakingChangesVar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","firecracker")) $bchange \`n" } else{ $breakingChangesVar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","firecracker")) $bchange ..🖊" } $index++ } $index = $null $breakingChangesVar += "`n" $this.BreakingChanges = "$breakingChangesVar`n`n" }else{$this.BreakingChanges = ""} <# FEATURE CHANGES #> if($null -ne $this.featurenotes){ $featurenotesBody = "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","test_tube")) FEATURE UPDATES: `n" $featurenotesBody += "`n" [int]$index = 1 foreach($fnote in $this.FeatureNotes){ if($this.FeatureNotes.count -ne $index -and $this.FeatureNotes.count -ne 1){ $featurenotesBody += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","hammer")) $fnote \`n" }else{ $featurenotesBody += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","hammer")) $fnote ..🖊" } $index++ } $index = $null $featurenotesBody += "`n" $this.featurenotes = "$featurenotesBody`n`n" } else{$this.featurenotes = ""} <#& INJECT LIST NOTES INTO COMMIT BODY #> if($null -ne $this.CFConfig.ciset.where({$_.type -match $this.type}).semver){ $AutoBuildState = "`n$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","toolbox")) Build: $($this.CFConfig.ciset.where({$_.type -eq $this.type}).semver)`n" }else{ $AutoBuildState = "" } [string]$bodyvar = "$AutoBuildState" if($null -ne $this.notes -and $this.notes.count -ne 0){ $bodyvar += "`n$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","scroll")) NOTES: `n`n" } [int]$index = 1 foreach($Note in $this.Notes){ if($this.Body.count -ne $index -and $this.Notes.count -ne 1) { $bodyvar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","pencil")) $Note \`n" }else{ $bodyvar += "$($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis","pencil")) $Note ..🖊" } $index++ } $this.styledbody = "$bodyvar" if($this.footer -ne $false){ $this.footer = "$($this.EmojiIndex.where({$_.label -eq "bust_in_silhouette"}).char) @$($this.gituser) $($this.EmojiIndex.where({$_.label -eq "calendar"}).char) $($this.DateNow)" }else{ $this.footer = "" } # Message object to be returned # $($this.emojiinex.where({$_.label -eq "cyclone"}).char)— #? Start Tag [PSObject]$StringParts = @{ Type = "$($this.CFConfig.ciset.where({$_.Type -eq $this.type}).emoji) $($this.Type)" Scope = "$($this.Scope)" Description = " $($this.Description)" Body = "$($this.styledbody)" Footer = "$($this.footer)" BreakingChanges = "`n$($this.FeatureAddtions)$($this.BugFixes)$($this.FeatureNotes)$($this.BreakingChanges)`n" } $this.ConstructMessageObject = $StringParts } # Returns the commit message as a string # ? Get-CommitMessage raw commit message # ? for use with Format-FusionMD cmlet <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: Private::AsStringForCommit Description: Returns the commit string without emojis and added formatting Return: [String] #> hidden [String] AsString(){ $ConstructMessage = $this.ConstructMessageObject $ConstructMessage_contruct = "## $($this.GetEmoji("miscmojis",'bullseye'))-$($ConstructMessage.Type)$($ConstructMessage.Scope)" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.Description)`n--------commit-id--------`n" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.Body.TrimEnd())`n" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.BreakingChanges.TrimEnd())`n`n" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.Footer.TrimEnd())" return $ConstructMessage_contruct.TrimEnd() } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: Private::AsStringForCommit Description: Returns the commit string without emojis and added formatting. Return: [String] #> hidden [String] AsStringForCommit(){ $ConstructMessage = $this.ConstructMessageObject $ConstructMessage_contruct = "$($ConstructMessage.Type)$($ConstructMessage.Scope)" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.Description)`n" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.Body.TrimEnd())`n" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.BreakingChanges.TrimEnd())`n`n" $ConstructMessage_contruct += "$($ConstructMessage.Footer.TrimEnd())" return $ConstructMessage_contruct.TrimEnd() } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: Private::AsRawString Description: Returns the commit string join by newline Return: [String] #> [string] AsRawString() { return $this.ConstructMessageObject.ToString() -join "`n" } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: AsObject Description: Returns the commit message as an object. Return: [PSObject] #> [PSObject] AsObject(){ return $this.ConstructMessageObject } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: GetEmoji Description: Return the imported getmojis or miscmojis as a psobject from getmojis.json or miscmojis.json based on the provided emoji name. Params: [String] $set, [String] $name Return: [String] #> [String] GetEmoji([String]$set, [String]$name){ [String]$SetHolder = "" switch ($set) { "miscmojis" { $SetHolder = $this.EmojiIndex.where({ $_.label -eq $name }).char } "gitmojis" { $SetHolder = $this.gitmojiIndex.gitmojis.where({ $ -eq $name }).emoji } default { $SetHolder = "null use 'miscmojis' or 'gitmojis'" } } return $SetHolder } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: GetEmojiIndex Description: Return the imported getmojis or miscmojis as a psobject from getmojis.json or miscmojis.json. Params: [String] $set Return: [PSObject] #> [PSObject] GetEmojiIndex([String]$set){ [PSObject]$IndexHolder = $null switch ($set) { "miscmojis" { $IndexHolder = $this.EmojiIndex } "gitmojis" { $IndexHolder = $this.gitmojiIndex.gitmojis } default { $IndexHolder = $this.EmojiIndex } } return $IndexHolder } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: GetCiSet Description: Returns list of gitmojis from gitmoji.json as an object. Return: [pscustomobject] #> [pscustomobject[]] GetCiSet(){ return $this.GitMojiIndex.gitmojis } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: GetCiSetFusion Description: Returns the CommitFusion Ci-Set as an object Return: [pscustomobject] #> [pscustomobject[]] GetCiSetFusion(){ return $this.CFConfig.ciset } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: WriteTemplateFile Description: Write commit template to .md template file, returns json string when complete Return: [String] #> [String] WriteTemplateFile(){ # Check for git installation if ($null -eq (Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Host "Git is not installed, please install git and try again" exit }else{ try { [String]$RepoName = $Null [String]$CommitId = $Null $CommitId = git log -1 --pretty=%H $ShortedCommitid = $CommitId.Substring(0, 10) $Repository = git rev-parse --show-toplevel $RepoName = ($Repository -split '[/\\]')[-1] # $CommitMessage = git log -1 --pretty=%B # Specify the path to the changelog file }catch [system.exception] { Write-Error "Error: $($_.exception.message)" exit } <# Thought pattern ? -------------- Write the content to a .md file directory specified by the user read the contents back from the file and inject markdown tags ~ instead of using $varibale in memory* output the contents back to the file which can be then written to actual changelog file ! NOTE ! #> try{ # Get the content of the template file $this.AsString() | Out-File -FilePath "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -Encoding utf8 # Read the content back from the file $ExistingContent = Get-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -raw }catch [system.exception] { Write-Error "Error: $($_.exception.message)" exit } #~ MARDOWN INJECTION #~ - Inject the markdown tags into the content #~ - inject commit id and url link #TODO: Add new parameter to specify the url of the repo #TODO: Add auto checking feature like -gitlab -github -bitbucket -gitlabsh $ExplodedContent = $existingContent -split "`n" $MessageString = "" # $ciset_list = ($ -join "|" #Catch the AB emoji and commit id emoji $AutoBuildEmoji = $this.GetEmoji("miscmojis", "toolbox") $CommitIdEmoji = $this.GetEmoji("miscmojis", "id_button") if($null -ne $this.GitNameSpace){ $namespace = $this.GitNameSpace} else{$namespace = ""} for($i = -1; $i -lt $ExplodedContent.count; $i++ ){ if($ExplodedContent[$i] -match "(--------commit-id--------)"){ # if($null -ne $this.CFConfig.ciset.where({$_.type -match $this.type}).semver){ # $AutoBuildState = "[$AutoBuildEmoji]» <kbd>$($this.CFConfig.ciset.where({$_.type -match $this.type}).semver)</kbd>" # }else{ # $AutoBuildState = "" # } $ExplodedContent[$i] = "" # !NOTE - Update Documentation - Add to Obsidian Vault daynotes as reminder # TODO: -Done # * Added surpport: # - gitlab|group)/(repo-name)/-/commit/(commit-id) # - github|group)/(repo-name)/commit/(commit-id) # - bitbucket|group)/(repo-name)/commits/(commit-id) # - gitlab self hosted https://gitlab.(domain)/(name|group)/(repo-name)/-/commit/(commit-id) switch($this.gitsource){ 'github' { $MessageString += "`n> [$CommitIdEmoji]» [$ShortedCommitid]($($namespace)/$RepoName/-/commit/$CommitId)" } 'gitlab' { $MessageString += "`n> [$CommitIdEmoji]» [$ShortedCommitid]($($namespace)/$RepoName/-/commit/$CommitId)" } 'bitbucket' { $MessageString += "`n> [$CommitIdEmoji]» [$ShortedCommitid]($($namespace)/$RepoName/commits/$CommitId)" } default { $MessageString += "" } } } if($ExplodedContent[$i] -match "(Build: Major|Build: Minor|Build: Patch)") { $ExplodedContent[$i] = $null $MessageString += "> [$AutoBuildEmoji]» <kbd>$($this.CFConfig.ciset.where({$_.type -match $this.type}).semver.ToUpper())</kbd>" } <# Sections of the commit message #> if($ExplodedContent[$i] -match "(FEATURE UPDATES)"){ $MessageString += "$($ExplodedContent[$i]) |`n|-|`n" }elseif($ExplodedContent[$i] -match "(FEATURE ADDTIONS)") { $MessageString += "$($ExplodedContent[$i]) |`n|-|`n" }elseif($ExplodedContent[$i] -match "(BREAKING CHANGES)") { $MessageString += "$($ExplodedContent[$i]) |`n|-|`n" }elseif($ExplodedContent[$i] -match "(BUG FIXES)"){ $MessageString += "$($ExplodedContent[$i]) |`n|-|`n" }else { $MessageString += "$($ExplodedContent[$i])`n" } } try{ $MessageString | Set-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -Encoding utf8 }catch [system.exception] { Write-Error "Error: $($_.exception.message)" exit } $this.MessageStringFormatted = $MessageString } # Return the message string #TODO: Return this from another class function, say GetChangelog return $MessageString } <# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Method: WriteClMessage Description: Write contents to specified changelog file. Return: [String] #> [string] WriteClMessage([String]$file){ try{ $ChangeLogfile = (Get-item -Path $file).FullName [Console]::WriteLine("Checking for changelog file: $ChangeLogfile") # Call the WriteTemplateFile() to create and write to the [Console]::WriteLine("Attempting to Write to Changelog File") $this.WriteTemplateFile() # Get the content of the file [Console]::WriteLine("Reading from Template File $($this.ModuleRoot)\") $TemplateContent = Get-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -raw # get contents of changelog [Console]::WriteLine("Fetching Changelog Contents: $ChangeLogfile") $ExistingContent = Get-Content -Path $changelogfile -raw # Prepend the content of the template file to the changelog file [Console]::WriteLine("Prepending Template Contents to Changelog: $ChangeLogfile") $AutoGenMessage += $TemplateContent + "`n`n" + $ExistingContent # Write the content to the file [Console]::WriteLine("Writing Template Contents to $($this.ModuleRoot)\") $AutoGenMessage | Set-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -Encoding utf8 # Get the content of the changelog file [Console]::WriteLine("Fetching Contents: $($this.ModuleRoot)\") $ChangeLogFinal = Get-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -raw # Write the content to the changelog file [Console]::WriteLine("Writing Contents to Changelog: $ChangeLogfile") $ChangeLogFinal | Set-Content -Path $changelogfile -Encoding utf8 # Purge files [Console]::WriteLine("Purging files") Set-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -Value "" Set-Content -Path "$($this.ModuleRoot)\" -Value "" [Console]::WriteLine("Done.") return "{'response':'success','message':'$changelogfile'}" }catch [system.exception]{ [Console]::WriteLine("Error: $($_.exception.message)") return "{'response':'error','message':'$($_.exception.message)'}" exit } } } |