.VERSION 1.0 .GUID dce65b3a-d917-425b-9090-d82b368e12fa .AUTHOR Read Stanton (Decimation) .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Downloader yt-dlp ffmpeg clip .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .DESCRIPTION Downloads clips from sites supported by yt-dlp .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Downloads a YouTube clip with yt-dlp and ffmpeg .AUTHOR .LINK .EXAMPLE & "yt-clip.ps1" -Url "" -Start '1:10' -End "1:26" .EXAMPLE & "yt-clip.ps1" -Url "" -Start '10:52' -End "11:38" -Args2 @('-preset','veryfast') .EXAMPLE & "yt-clip.ps1" -u "" -s '1:00' -e "2:00" -Args2 @('-preset','veryfast') #> param ( # Url [Parameter(Mandatory)] [alias('u')] $Url, # Start time [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('s')] $Start = '0:0:0', # End time [Parameter(Mandatory)] [alias('e')] $End, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Output = $null, # yt-dlp args [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Args1, # ffmpeg args [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Args2 = @('-y'), [Alias('cf')][switch]$Confirm ) #$ErrorActionPreference = 'Abort' function script:Get-ParsedTime($t) { $st = $t.Split(':') switch ($st.Length) { 1 { $t = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($t) } 2 { $t = "0:" + $t } default { } } try { $t = [timespan]::ParseExact($t, "g", [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture) } catch { $t = ([timespan]::Parse($t)) } return $t } $Start = script:Get-ParsedTime($Start) $End = script:Get-ParsedTime($End) Write-Host "Start: $Start" -ForegroundColor 'Cyan' Write-Host "End: $End" -ForegroundColor 'Cyan' $e_ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg' $e_ytdlp = 'yt-dlp' $c_ytdlp = (Get-Command $e_ytdlp) $c_ffmpeg = (Get-Command $e_ffmpeg) if (-not $c_ytdlp) { Write-Error "$e_ytdlp not found" return } if (-not $c_ffmpeg) { Write-Error "$e_ffmpeg not found" return } Write-Host "$($c_ytdlp.Path)" -ForegroundColor 'DarkGray' Write-Host "$($c_ffmpeg.Path)" -ForegroundColor 'DarkGray' # $tf = "hh\.mm\.ss" $tf = "hh\hmm\mss\s" $fs = $Start.ToString($tf) $fe = $End.ToString($tf) # $arg2 = @($Url, '--print', 'id') $arg2 = @($Url, '--print', 'title') $il = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() $Output ??= "$(yt-dlp @arg2) ($fs - $fe).mp4" -replace '//' Write-Host "Output filename: $Output" -ForegroundColor 'Green' if (Test-Path $Output) { $yn = Read-Host -Prompt "$Output already exists. Remove? [y/n/a]" switch ($yn) { 'y' { Remove-Item $Output } 'n' { } 'a' { return } } } function script:Read-Confirmation { if ($Confirm) { switch (Read-Host "Continue? [y/n] (or press enter)") { default { } 'y' { } 'n' { exit } } } } script:Read-Confirmation # yt-dlp args $arg1 = @('-g', $Args1, '--youtube-skip-dash-manifest', $Url) $x1 = yt-dlp @arg1 $video = $x1[0] $audio = $x1[1] $duration = $End - $Start $ffArgs = @('-ss', $Start, '-i', $video) if ($audio) { $ffArgs += @('-ss', $Start, '-i', $audio) } $ffArgs += @('-t', $duration, ` "-map", "0:v", "-map", "1:a", ` "-c:v", "libx264", "-c:a", "aac") ` + $Args2 + "`"$Output`"" Write-Host "Duration: ($duration)" -ForegroundColor 'DarkGray' Write-Debug "$($ffArgs -join ' ')" script:Read-Confirmation ffmpeg @ffArgs $of = $(Resolve-Path $Output) Write-Host "Output: $of" -ForegroundColor 'Green' <# $p = Start-Process -FilePath 'ffmpeg.exe' -RedirectStandardOutput:$true ` -ArgumentList $ffArgs -NoNewWindow -PassThru return $p #> |