function Show-Progress { # .SYNOPSIS # Show progress as items pass through a section of the pipline # .DESCRIPTION # This function allows you to show progress from the pipeline. # It's intentionally written for efficiency/speed so some compromises on readability were made # .PARAMETER InputObject # The items on the pipeline being processed. Can also accept this input from the pipeline, which is how this parameter # is normally used. # .PARAMETER Activity # A decription of the activity being measured. # .PARAMETER UpdatePercentage # The percentage of time to update the progress bar. Write-Progress is a slow cmdlet so this is used for performance # reasons with larger data sets. Defaults to 1. # .PARAMETER PassThru # Controls whether data is passed along the pipeline. Normally this switch should be used. # .PARAMETER Id # Allows you to have multiple progress bars running simultaneously. Defaults to 1. # .PARAMETER SecondsRemaining # Switch that will control the display of estimated number of seconds remaining based upon current progress. # .EXAMPLE # # This runs through the numbers 1 through 1000 and displays a progress bar based on how many have gone through the pipeline # 1..1000 | Show-Progress # .EXAMPLE # # Showing progress with a specific activity message and only updating at 10%, 20% etc # 1..10000 | Show-Progress -Activity "doin stuff" -UpdatePercentage 10 # .EXAMPLE # # Showing progress displaying estimated seconds remaining. # 1..50 | show-progress -PassThru -SecondsRemaining | foreach { start-sleep -Milliseconds (get-random -min 100 -max 1000) } # .EXAMPLE # 1..1000 | show-progress -SecondsRemaining -PassThru -Activity 'Performing activity' | foreach { start-sleep -mil (get-random -min 100 -max 1000)} # Will display a progress bar at the top that will look similar to: # Performing activity # Working - 2% # [ooo ] # 00:09:20 remaining. # .NOTES # # Inspired by: [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseProcessBlockForPipelineCommand', '')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject[]]$InputObject, [string] $Activity = 'Processing items', [ValidateRange(1, 100)] [int] $UpdatePercentage = 1, [Alias('PassThrough')] [switch] $PassThru, [int] $Id = 1, [switch] $SecondsRemaining ) begin { $OgEAP = $ErrorActionPreference; $OgPP = $ProgressPreference; $ErrorActionPreference = $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } process { $count = 0 [int] $totalItems = $Input.count Out-Verbose "TotalItems in the pipeline: $TotalItems" $progressWritten = @() $StartTime = Get-Date # use a dot sourced scriptblock to loop despite its lower redability as its extremely fast $Input | . { process { # pass thru the input if ($PassThru) { $_ } $count++ [int] $percentComplete = ($Count / $totalItems * 100) $writeProgressSplat = @{ Activity = $Activity PercentComplete = $percentComplete Status = "Working - $percentComplete%" Id = $Id } if ($SecondsRemaining) { $SecondsElapsed = (Get-Date) - $StartTime $SecondsTogo = ($SecondsElapsed.TotalSeconds / $count) * ($totalItems - $count) $writeProgressSplat.SecondsRemaining = $SecondsTogo } if ($percentComplete -notin $progressWritten -and ($UpdatePercentage -eq 0 -or $percentComplete % $UpdatePercentage -eq 0)) { $progressWritten += $percentComplete Write-Progress @writeProgressSplat } } } # cleanup - if for some reason the function doesn't arrive at 100% percent completed. This will make the progress bar disappear. $writeProgressSplat = @{ Activity = $Activity PercentComplete = 100 Status = 'Completed' Id = $Id Completed = $true } Write-Progress @writeProgressSplat # Write-ProgressBar -PercentComplete $i -Total 150 -ActivityName "Running a long Task" -CurrentOperation "Working on Position $i" # Write-ProgressBar -Completed $i -OutOf 8192 -ActivityName "Running TaskName:" -CurrentOperation "Working on object $i" # =============================================================== # Create PowerShell Runspace [powershell]$ps = [PowerShell]::Create() # Add script and parameters to runspace $null = $ps.AddScript($task).AddParameter("sbParam", $sbParam)#.AddParameter("sbParam2", $sbparam2) # Start the runspace and grab is report status $status = $ps.BeginInvoke() # Set loop count $count = 0 # Loop to check if status is completed while (!$status.IsCompleted) { Write-Progress -Id $idNum -Activity $message -Status "Please Wait..." -PercentComplete ($count % 100) $count++ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 } $ps.EndInvoke($status) } end { $ps.Stop() $ps.Runspace.Close() $ps.Dispose() $ErrorActionPreference = $OgEAP; $ProgressPreference = $OgPP } } |