#Requires -Version 3 function Send-WolProxyRequest { <# .NOTES Created on: 5/21/2014 1:33 PM Created by: Adam Bertram Filename: Send-WolProxyRequest.ps1 General Requirements: Read access to a System Center Configuration Manager database Requirements: Wake On LAN Command Line Utility ( Todos: Remove the dependency on wolcmd.exe. Use the Net.Sockets.UdpClient object instead. Speed this up by using jobs .DESCRIPTION This script is designed to send a WOL magic packet to a specified computer. If the specified computer is not on the same network as the originatnating computer, it will attempt to find a "proxy" Windows computer to initiate the WOL send. This gets around traditional network multicasting requirements. This script currently requires access to a System Center Configuration Manager database. This script uses it to find the various network information about the specified computer to wake. This script uses a text file to store known good candidates to be used as WOL proxies. It can either be prepopulated with Windows PCs or as you use this script more the script will populate it with all of the WOL proxies it picks as to speed up the selection process. .EXAMPLE .\Send-WolProxyRequest.ps1 -Computername COMPUTERNAME .EXAMPLE .\Send-WolProxyRequest.ps1 -Computername COMPUTERNAME -UsePsRemoting .PARAMETER Computername This computer name that you'd like to attempt to wake up. .PARAMETER ConfigMgrSite The site code of your ConfigMgr site .PARAMETER ConfigMgrSiteServer The computer name of your ConfigMgr site server hosting your database .PARAMETER WolCmdFilePath The file path where the wolcmd.exe utility is located .PARAMETER UsePsRemoting Use this switch if you'd like to use Powershell remoting to kick off the WOL attempt on the WOL proxy rather than using WMI to initiate the remote process .PARAMETER KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath The file path to the text file that contains any Windows computers that were previously found to be suitable WOL proxies. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string]$Computername, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False)] [string]$ConfigMgrSite = 'UHP', [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Connection $_ -Quiet -Count 1 })] [string]$ConfigMgrSiteServer = 'CONFIGMANAGER', [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [string]$WolCmdFilePath = 'wolcmd.exe', [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False)] [switch]$UsePsRemoting = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False)] [string]$KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\desktop\KnownGoodWolProxies.txt" ) begin { function ConvertTo-DecimalIP { <# .Synopsis Converts a Decimal IP address into a 32-bit unsigned integer. .Description ConvertTo-DecimalIP takes a decimal IP, uses a shift-like operation on each octet and returns a single UInt32 value. .Parameter IPAddress An IP Address to convert. #> [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Net.IPAddress]$IPAddress ) process { $i = 3; $DecimalIP = 0; $IPAddress.GetAddressBytes() | ForEach-Object { $DecimalIP += $_ * [Math]::Pow(256, $i); $i-- } return [UInt32]$DecimalIP } } function ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP { <# .Synopsis Returns a dotted decimal IP address from either an unsigned 32-bit integer or a dotted binary string. .Description ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP uses a regular expression match on the input string to convert to an IP address. .Parameter IPAddress A string representation of an IP address from either UInt32 or dotted binary. #> [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [String]$IPAddress ) process { Switch -RegEx ($IPAddress) { "([01]{8}.){3}[01]{8}" { return [String]::Join('.', $($IPAddress.Split('.') | ForEach-Object { [Convert]::ToUInt32($_, 2) })) } "\d" { $IPAddress = [UInt32]$IPAddress $DottedIP = $(For ($i = 3; $i -gt -1; $i--) { $Remainder = $IPAddress % [Math]::Pow(256, $i) ($IPAddress - $Remainder) / [Math]::Pow(256, $i) $IPAddress = $Remainder }) return [String]::Join('.', $DottedIP) } default { Write-Error "Cannot convert this format" } } } } function Get-NetworkAddress { <# .Synopsis Takes an IP address and subnet mask then calculates the network address for the range. .Description Get-NetworkAddress returns the network address for a subnet by performing a bitwise AND operation against the decimal forms of the IP address and subnet mask. Get-NetworkAddress expects both the IP address and subnet mask in dotted decimal format. .Parameter IPAddress Any IP address within the network range. .Parameter SubnetMask The subnet mask for the network. #> [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Net.IPAddress]$IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [Alias("Mask")] [Net.IPAddress]$SubnetMask ) process { [pscustomobject]@{ 'NetworkAddress' = (ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ((ConvertTo-DecimalIP $IPAddress) -band (ConvertTo-DecimalIP $SubnetMask))) } } } function ConvertTo-Mask { <# .Synopsis Returns a dotted decimal subnet mask from a mask length. .Description ConvertTo-Mask returns a subnet mask in dotted decimal format from an integer value ranging between 0 and 32. ConvertTo-Mask first creates a binary string from the length, converts that to an unsigned 32-bit integer then calls ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP to complete the operation. .Parameter MaskLength The number of bits which must be masked. #> [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("Length")] [ValidateRange(0, 32)] $MaskLength ) Process { return ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP ([Convert]::ToUInt32($(("1" * $MaskLength).PadRight(32, "0")), 2)) } } function Get-NetworkRange([String]$IP, [String]$Mask) { if ($IP.Contains("/")) { $Temp = $IP.Split("/") $IP = $Temp[0] $Mask = $Temp[1] } if (!$Mask.Contains(".")) { $Mask = ConvertTo-Mask $Mask } $DecimalIP = ConvertTo-DecimalIP $IP $DecimalMask = ConvertTo-DecimalIP $Mask $Network = $DecimalIP -band $DecimalMask $Broadcast = $DecimalIP -bor ((-bnot $DecimalMask) -band [UInt32]::MaxValue) for ($i = $($Network + 1); $i -lt $Broadcast; $i++) { ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIP $i } } function Get-OfflineComputerNetworkInformation ($Computername) { $WmiQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM SMS_R_System AS sys JOIN SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION AS net ON net.ResourceID = sys.ResourceID WHERE sys.Name = '$ComputerName' AND net.IPAddress IS NOT NULL" $WmiParams = @{ 'ComputerName' = $ConfigMgrSiteServer 'Namespace' = "root\sms\site_$ConfigMgrSite" 'Query' = $WmiQuery } ## Query all network interfaces on the local machine and parse out IP address, subnet mask and the MAC Write-Verbose "Querying site server '$ConfigMgrSiteServer' with query '$WmiQuery'" try { $Output = @{ } $NetworkInfo = Get-WmiObject @WmiParams if (!$NetworkInfo) { throw "Computer '$Computername' could not be found in the SCCM database" } else { $NetworkInfo | ForEach-Object { $Output.IPAddress = [string]([regex]'\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b').Matches($ $Output.SubnetMask = [string]([regex]'\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b').Matches($ $Output.MACAddress = [string](($":", "")).replace("-", "")).replace(".", "") } } [pscustomobject]$Output } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } function Get-LocalIpNetwork { Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = 'True'" | Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -and $_.IPSubnet } | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ 'LocalIPNetwork' = (Get-NetworkAddress -IPAddress $_.IPAddress[0] -SubnetMask $_.IPSubnet[0]) } } } function Test-Ping { param ($ComputerName) try { $oPing = New-Object; if (($oPing.Send($ComputerName, 200).Status -eq 'TimedOut')) { $false } else { $true } } catch [System.Exception] { $false }##endtry } function Test-Wmi ($IpAddress) { try { $Result = ([WMICLASS]"\\$IpAddress\Root\CIMV2:Win32_Process").create("hostname") if ($Result.ReturnValue -eq 0) { $true } else { $false } } catch { $false } } function Validate-IsValidHost ($IpAddress) { try { Write-Verbose "Testing $IpAddress Ping" if (Test-Ping -ComputerName $IpAddress) { Write-Verbose "Testing $IpAddress Ping - Success" ## Assume if the C$ share is available, it's a Windows computer we can ## copy the wolcmd utility to and run. This could be better. Write-Verbose "Testing $IpAddress SMB share file copy and removal" ## Create a temp text file and try to copy it over to test access $TestFilePath = "$($env:SystemDrive)\testcopy.txt" Add-Content -Path $TestFilePath -Value '' -Force Copy-Item -Path $TestFilePath -Destination "\\$IpAddress\c$" -Force Remove-Item -Path "\\$IpAddress\c$\testcopy.txt" -Force ## If it hasn't thrown an error yet then we've confirmed we can copy and delete a file from it Write-Verbose "Testing $IpAddress SMB share file copy and removal - Success" Write-Verbose "Testing $IpAddress remote WMI process creation" if (Test-Wmi -IpAddress $IpAddress) { Write-Verbose "Testing $IpAddress remote WMI process creation - Success" Write-Verbose "All tests passed. $IpAddress is a good WOL proxy" $true } else { throw 'Remote process could not be created with WMI' } } else { throw 'Host is offline' } } catch { Write-Warning "Test failed with error '$($_.Exception.Message)' for $IpAddress" $false } } function Get-WolProxy ($IpAddress, $SubnetMask) { ## Check if any known good WOL proxy exists before scanning all the IPs ## in that network $IpNetwork = Get-NetworkAddress -IPAddress $IpAddress -SubnetMask $SubnetMask $KnownGoodWolProxy = Get-KnownGoodWolProxy -IpNetwork $IpNetwork.NetworkAddress if ($KnownGoodWolProxy) { return $KnownGoodWolProxy } else { $HostIps = Get-NetworkRange -IP $IpAddress -Mask $SubnetMask foreach ($Ip in $HostIps) { Write-Verbose "Checking $Ip if good candidate for WOL proxy..." ## Check to see if our WOL proxy PC is online if (Validate-IsValidHost -IpAddress $Ip) { Write-Verbose "WOL Proxy found: $Ip" ## Add this computer to the known good proxy list for later New-KnownGoodWolProxy -HostProxy @{ 'IpAddress' = $Ip; 'SubnetMask' = $SubnetMask } return $Ip } else { Write-Verbose "IP address '$Ip' will not work as a WOL proxy" } } $false } } ## WOL proxy Windows hosts that are online and accessible function New-KnownGoodWolProxy { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [hashtable]$HostProxy ) if (!(Get-KnownGoodWolProxy $HostProxy.IpAddress)) { Write-Verbose "The '$($HostProxy.IpAddress)' host is not yet in the known good WOL proxy host file." ## Create IP network from IP address and subnet mask $IpNetwork = Get-NetworkAddress -IPAddress $HostProxy.IpAddress -SubnetMask $HostProxy.SubnetMask Write-Verbose "Adding IP Address: $($HostProxy.IpAddress) IP Network: $IpNetwork SubnetMask: $($HostProxy.SubnetMask) to known good WOL proxy host file" [pscustomobject]@{ 'IpAddress' = $HostProxy.IpAddress; 'IpNetwork' = $IpNetwork.NetworkAddress; 'SubnetMask' = $HostProxy.SubnetMask } | Export-Csv -Path $KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath -Append -NoTypeInformation } } function Remove-KnownGoodWolProxy ($IpAddress) { $NewCsvContents = Import-Csv -Path $KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath | Where-Object { $_.IpAddress -ne $IpAddress } ##TODO: This removes the row and headers if only 1 row exists $NewCsvContents | Export-Csv -Path $KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath -NoTypeInformation } ## Searches the known good WOL proxy file for an accessible host in the IP network specified function Get-KnownGoodWolProxy ([string]$IpNetwork) { if (!(Test-Path $KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath)) { Write-Verbose "Known good WOL proxy host file at '$KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath' does not exist" $false } else { $Hosts = Import-Csv -Path $KnownGoodWolProxyHostsFilePath | Where-Object { $_.IpNetwork -eq $IpNetwork } if (!$Hosts) { Write-Verbose "No known good WOL proxy hosts found in IP network '$IpNetwork'" $false } else { $HostsOnNet = $Hosts | Where-Object { $_.IpNetwork -eq $IpNetwork } if ($HostsOnNet) { Write-Verbose "$(($HostsOnNet | Measure-Object -Sum -ea silentlycontinue).Count) (unknown accessibility) known good WOL proxy hosts found on IP network '$IpNetwork'" Write-Verbose 'Checking previously known good WOL proxy hosts if still usable' $AccessibleHost = $HostsOnNet | Where-Object { Validate-IsValidHost $_.IpAddress } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty IpAddress if ($AccessibleHost) { Write-Verbose "Found hostname '$AccessibleHost' still to be a good WOL proxy host" $AccessibleHost } else { Remove-KnownGoodWolProxy -IpAddress $_.IpAddress } } else { Write-Verbose "No accessible, known good WOL proxy hosts on the '$IpNetwork' found" } } } } function Send-WolPacketLocally ($MacAddress, $IpNetwork, $SubnetMask) { & $WolCmdFilePath $MacAddress $IPNetwork $SubnetMask $WolUdpPort 2>&1> $null } function Invoke-WolProxy ($IpAddress, $OfflineMacAddress, $OfflineIpNetwork, $OfflineSubnetMask) { ## Remove the dependency on wolcmd.exe. Use the Net.Sockets.UdpClient object instead. ## Copy wolcmd to the remote proxy computer Write-Verbose "Copying $WolCmdFilePath to \\$IpAddress\c`$..." Copy-Item $WolCmdFilePath "\\$IpAddress\c$" -Force $WolCmdString = "C:\$($WolCmdFilePath | Split-Path -Leaf) $OfflineMacAddress $OfflineIPNetwork $OfflineSubnetMask $WolUdpPort" Write-Verbose "Initiating the string `"$WolCmdString`"..." Write-Verbose "Connecting to $IpAddress and attempting WOL proxy function via WMI RPC method..." $Result = ([WMICLASS]"\\$IpAddress\Root\CIMV2:Win32_Process").create($WolCmdString) if ($Result) { Write-Verbose "Waiting for process ID $($Result.ProcessID) on IP $IpAddress..." while (Get-Process -Id $Result.ProcessID -ComputerName $IpAddress -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') { sleep 1 } Write-Verbose "Process ID $($Result.ProcessID) has exited" } else { Write-Warning "Failed to initiate WMI process creation on '$IpAddress'. Exit code was '$($NewProcess.ReturnValue)'" } #} ## Cleanup all files copied to the proxy computer Write-Verbose 'Cleaning up file remnants on WOL proxy computer...' if (Test-Path "\\$IpAddress\c`$\$($WolCmdFilePath | Split-Path -Leaf)") { Remove-Item -Path "\\$IpAddress\c`$\$($WolCmdFilePath | Split-Path -Leaf)" -Force } } if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computername -Quiet -Count 1) { Write-Verbose -Message "The computer $Computername is already online" return } ## Find all of the IP/subnet masks on the local computer $LocalIPAddressNetworks = Get-LocalIpNetwork Write-Verbose "Found $($LocalIPAddressNetworks.Count) local IP networks" ## Common WOL UDP ports are 7 and 9 $WolUdpPort = 9 $OfflineComputerNetwork = Get-OfflineComputerNetworkInformation $Computername } process { try { ## TODO: Make this run in parallel by jobs of a foreach -parallel workflow loop foreach ($Network in $OfflineComputerNetwork) { Write-Verbose "Processing IP address $($Network.IPAddress)..." Write-Verbose "Checking the remote network to see if it's on any local IP network..." $RemoteIpNetwork = Get-NetworkAddress -IPAddress $Network.IpAddress -SubnetMask $Network.SubnetMask if ($LocalIPNetworks.LocalIPNetwork -contains $RemoteIpNetwork.NetworkAddress) { Write-Verbose 'IP found to be on local subnet. No WOL proxy needed. Sending WOL directly to the intended machine...' Send-WolPacketLocally -MacAddress $Network.MacAddress -IpNetwork $RemoteIpNetwork.NetworkAddress -SubnetMask $Network.SubnetMask } else { Write-Verbose 'IP not found to be on local subnet. Getting WOL proxy computer...' $WolProxy = Get-WolProxy -IpAddress $Network.IPAddress -SubnetMask $Network.SubnetMask if (!$WolProxy) { Write-Warning "Unable to find a WOL proxy for '$Computername'" } else { Invoke-WolProxy -OfflineIpNetwork $RemoteIpNetwork.NetworkAddress -OfflineMacAddress $Network.MacAddress -OfflineSubnetMask $Network.SubnetMask -IpAddress $WolProxy } } } } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } } |