function Get-IPlocation { # .SYNOPSIS # Prints the geo location of the given IP address, to the console. # .DESCRIPTION # This PowerShell script prints the geographic location of the given IP address. # .EXAMPLE # PS C:\> Get-IPlocation # Explanation of what the example does # .PARAMETER IPaddress # Specifies the IP address [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$IPaddress = "" ) process { try { if ($IPaddress -eq "" ) { $IPaddress = Read-Host "Enter IP address to locate" } $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$IPaddress" Write-Output $result # success } catch { # Write-Log $_.Exception.ErrorRecord Out-Verbose $fxn "Errored: $($_.CategoryInfo.Category) : $($_.CategoryInfo.Reason) : $($_.Exception.Message)" break } } } |