
function Resolve-HostName {
    Resolves a hostname to an IPv4 address.
    Specify a hostname as a parameter or pipelined in and it will resolve to an IPv4 address.
    The hostname(s) that you want resolved
.PARAMETER IncludeInput
    Switch that includes the input parameters in the output
    Resolve-HostName -Hostname $env:computername
    # Display the IPv4 address of this computer
    Resolve-HostName -Hostname .
    # Display the IPv4 address of this computer using '.' shorthand.
    Resolve-HostName -Hostname "server1"
    # Display the IPv4 address of "server1"
    $DomainController = (($env:logonserver).Substring(2))
    Resolve-HostName -Hostname $DomainController
    # Display the IPv4 address of the Active Directory Domain Controller that
    # you authenticated against when you logged onto Windows.
    "server2" | Resolve-HostName
    # Display the IPv4 address of "server2" using the pipeline.
    Resolve-HostName -Hostname server1, DOESNOTEXIST -IncludeInput
    Sample return
    Hostname IPv4
    -------- ----
    doesnotexist False

  Param (
    [parameter(ValueFromPipeLine, HelpMessage = 'Enter the hostname you want to resolve', ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName, Mandatory)]
    [Alias('host', 'ComputerName')]
    [string[]] $Hostname,

    [switch] $IncludeInput

  begin {
    Write-Invocation $MyInvocation

  process {
    foreach ($curHost in $Hostname) {
      if ($curHost -eq '.') {
        $curHost = $env:computername
      $curHost = $curHost.ToLower()
      try {
        $ipv4 = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($curHost) | Where-Object { $_.addressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork' } ).IPAddressToString
        if ($ipv4 -eq '') {
          $ipv4 = $false
        # write-output $ipv4
        if (Test-IsValidIPv4 -IPAddress $ipv4 -Verbose:$false) {
          if ($IncludeInput) {
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{
                Hostname = $curHost
                IPv4     = $ipv4
          } else {
            Write-Output -InputObject $ipv4
        } else {
          if ($IncludeInput) {
            New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{
                Hostname = $curHost
                IPv4     = $false
          } else {
            Write-Output -InputObject $false
      } catch {
        if ($IncludeInput) {
          New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{
              Hostname = $curHost
              IPv4     = $false
        } else {
          Write-Output -InputObject $false


  end {
    Out-Verbose $fxn "Complete."