function Resolve-HostName { <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves a hostname to an IPv4 address. .DESCRIPTION Specify a hostname as a parameter or pipelined in and it will resolve to an IPv4 address. .PARAMETER Hostname The hostname(s) that you want resolved .PARAMETER IncludeInput Switch that includes the input parameters in the output .EXAMPLE Resolve-HostName -Hostname $env:computername # Display the IPv4 address of this computer .EXAMPLE Resolve-HostName -Hostname . # Display the IPv4 address of this computer using '.' shorthand. .EXAMPLE Resolve-HostName -Hostname "server1" # Display the IPv4 address of "server1" .EXAMPLE $DomainController = (($env:logonserver).Substring(2)) Resolve-HostName -Hostname $DomainController # Display the IPv4 address of the Active Directory Domain Controller that # you authenticated against when you logged onto Windows. .EXAMPLE "server2" | Resolve-HostName # Display the IPv4 address of "server2" using the pipeline. .EXAMPLE Resolve-HostName -Hostname server1, DOESNOTEXIST -IncludeInput Sample return Hostname IPv4 -------- ---- server1 doesnotexist False #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeLine, HelpMessage = 'Enter the hostname you want to resolve', ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName, Mandatory)] [Alias('host', 'ComputerName')] [string[]] $Hostname, [switch] $IncludeInput ) begin { Write-Invocation $MyInvocation } process { foreach ($curHost in $Hostname) { if ($curHost -eq '.') { $curHost = $env:computername } $curHost = $curHost.ToLower() try { $ipv4 = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($curHost) | Where-Object { $_.addressFamily -eq 'InterNetwork' } ).IPAddressToString if ($ipv4 -eq '') { $ipv4 = $false } # write-output $ipv4 if (Test-IsValidIPv4 -IPAddress $ipv4 -Verbose:$false) { if ($IncludeInput) { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{ Hostname = $curHost IPv4 = $ipv4 }) } else { Write-Output -InputObject $ipv4 } } else { if ($IncludeInput) { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{ Hostname = $curHost IPv4 = $false }) } else { Write-Output -InputObject $false } } } catch { if ($IncludeInput) { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ([ordered] @{ Hostname = $curHost IPv4 = $false }) } else { Write-Output -InputObject $false } } } } end { Out-Verbose $fxn "Complete." } } |