function Start-CimSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates CimSessions to remote computer(s), automatically determining if the WSMAN or Dcom protocol should be used. .DESCRIPTION Start-CimSession is a function that is designed to create CimSessions to one or more computers, automatically determining if the default WSMAN protocol or the backwards compatible Dcom protocol should be used. PowerShell version 3 is required on the computer that this function is being run on, but PowerShell does not need to be installed at all on the remote computer. .PARAMETER ComputerName The name of the remote computer(s). This parameter accepts pipeline input. The local computer is the default. .PARAMETER Credential Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. .EXAMPLE Start-CimSession -ComputerName Server01, Server02 .EXAMPLE Start-CimSession -ComputerName Server01, Server02 -Credential (Get-Credential) .EXAMPLE Get-Content -Path C:\Servers.txt | Start-CimSession .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSession .NOTES Author: Mike F Robbins Website: Twitter: @mikefrobbins #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] [PSCredential]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty ) BEGIN { ## Requires -Version 3.0 $Opt = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Dcom $SessionParams = @{ ErrorAction = 'Stop' } If ($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) { $SessionParams.Credential = $Credential } } process { foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { $SessionParams.ComputerName = $Computer if ((Test-WSMan -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).productversion -match 'Stack: ([3-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)\.[0-9]+') { try { Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting to connect to $Computer using the WSMAN protocol." New-CimSession @SessionParams } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Unable to connect to $Computer using the WSMAN protocol. Verify your credentials and try again." } } else { $SessionParams.SessionOption = $Opt try { Write-Verbose -Message "Attempting to connect to $Computer using the DCOM protocol." New-CimSession @SessionParams } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Unable to connect to $Computer using the WSMAN or DCOM protocol. Verify $Computer is online and try again." } $SessionParams.Remove('SessionOption') } } } } |