
function ConvertTo-Hashtable {


      Position = 0,
      HelpMessage = "Please specify an object",
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Create an ordered hashtable instead of a plain hashtable.")]

  Process {
            get type using the [Type] class because deserialized objects won't have
            a GetType() method which is what I would normally use.

    $TypeName = [system.type]::GetTypeArray($InputObject).name
    Write-Verbose "Converting an object of type $TypeName"

    #get property names using Get-Member
    $names = $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType properties |
      Select-Object -ExpandProperty name

    if ($Alphabetical) {
      Write-Verbose "Sort property names alphabetically"
      $names = $names | Sort-Object

    #define an empty hash table
    if ($Ordered) {
      Write-Verbose "Creating an ordered hashtable"
      $hash = [ordered]@{ }
    } else {
      $hash = @{ }

    #go through the list of names and add each property and value to the hash table
    $names | ForEach-Object {
      #only add properties that haven't been excluded
      if ($Exclude -notcontains $_) {
        #only add if -NoEmpty is not called and property has a value
        if ($NoEmpty -AND !($inputobject.$_)) {
          Write-Verbose "Skipping $_ as empty"
        } else {
          Write-Verbose "Adding property $_"
          $hash.Add($_, $inputobject.$_)
      } else {
        Write-Verbose "Excluding $_"
    Write-Verbose "Writing the result to the pipeline"
    Write-Output $hash