function Get-NetworkInfo { <# .DESCRIPTION Collects basic Networking Information across Windows, macOS, and Linux Provides a cross-platform approach to gathering network details #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([ordered])] param () begin { # Determine the current operating system $OSPlatform = $PSVersionTable.Platform if ($null -eq $OSPlatform) { $OSPlatform = if ($IsWindows) { 'Win32NT' } elseif ($IsMacOS) { 'Darwin' } elseif ($IsLinux) { 'Linux' } else { throw "Unsupported operating system" } } # Cross-platform command runner function Invoke-xcCommand { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable]$Commands, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$OutputFile, [string]$FileDescription = "" ) # Select the appropriate command based on OS $CommandToRun = $Commands[$OSPlatform] if (-not $CommandToRun) { Write-Warning "No command defined for current platform: $OSPlatform" return } # Ensure output directory exists $OutputDir = Split-Path $OutputFile -Parent if (-not (Test-Path $OutputDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputDir | Out-Null } # Add header to output file "`n--- $FileDescription ---`n" | Out-File $OutputFile -Append try { # Execute the command if ($OSPlatform -eq 'Win32NT') { # For Windows, use cmd.exe cmd.exe /c $CommandToRun 2>&1 | Out-File $OutputFile -Append } else { # For Unix-like systems, use bash bash -c "$CommandToRun" 2>&1 | Out-File $OutputFile -Append } } catch { "Error executing command: $CommandToRun`n$_" | Out-File $OutputFile -Append } } # Create output directory if it doesn't exist $OutputDir = Join-Path (Get-Location) "NetworkInfo" if (-not (Test-Path $OutputDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputDir | Out-Null } # Hostname for output files $Hostname = hostname } process { # Output files $NetworkSummaryFile = Join-Path $OutputDir "$Hostname-NetworkSummary.txt" $IPDetailsFile = Join-Path $OutputDir "$Hostname-IPDetails.txt" $NetworkConfigFile = Join-Path $OutputDir "$Hostname-NetworkConfig.txt" $NetworkConnectionsFile = Join-Path $OutputDir "$Hostname-NetworkConnections.txt" # IP and Network Interface Details Invoke-xcCommand -Commands @{ 'Win32NT' = 'ipconfig /all' 'Darwin' = 'ifconfig' 'Linux' = 'ip addr' } -OutputFile $IPDetailsFile -FileDescription "Network Interfaces" # Network Configuration Invoke-xcCommand -Commands @{ 'Win32NT' = 'netsh int ip show config' 'Darwin' = 'networksetup -listallnetworkservices' 'Linux' = 'nmcli device status' } -OutputFile $NetworkConfigFile -FileDescription "Network Configuration" # Network Connections Invoke-xcCommand -Commands @{ 'Win32NT' = 'netstat -ano' 'Darwin' = 'netstat -anp tcp' 'Linux' = 'ss -tunapo' } -OutputFile $NetworkConnectionsFile -FileDescription "Network Connections" # DNS Information Invoke-xcCommand -Commands @{ 'Win32NT' = 'ipconfig /displaydns' 'Darwin' = 'scutil --dns' 'Linux' = 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' } -OutputFile $NetworkSummaryFile -FileDescription "DNS Configuration" # Routing Table Invoke-xcCommand -Commands @{ 'Win32NT' = 'route print' 'Darwin' = 'netstat -nr' 'Linux' = 'ip route' } -OutputFile $NetworkSummaryFile -FileDescription "Routing Table" # ARP Cache Invoke-xcCommand -Commands @{ 'Win32NT' = 'arp -a' 'Darwin' = 'arp -a' 'Linux' = 'ip neigh' } -OutputFile $NetworkSummaryFile -FileDescription "ARP Cache" # Generate Summary "Network Information Summary for $Hostname" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile "Generated on $(Get-Date)" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile -Append "" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile -Append "Detailed information can be found in the following files:`n" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile -Append "- $IPDetailsFile`n" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile -Append "- $NetworkConfigFile`n" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile -Append "- $NetworkConnectionsFile`n" | Out-File $NetworkSummaryFile -Append # Return the paths of generated files return [ordered]@{ Summary = $NetworkSummaryFile IPDetails = $IPDetailsFile NetworkConfig = $NetworkConfigFile NetworkConnections = $NetworkConnectionsFile } } } |