[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("ciSCSIInitiator")] class BMD_ciSCSIInitiator : OMI_BaseResource { [Key, Description("Represents the IQN of the discovered target.")] String NodeAddress; [Required, Description("Specifies the IP address or DNS name of the target portal.")] String TargetPortalAddress; [Write, Description("Ensures that Target is Absent or Present."), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure; [Write, Description("Specifies the IP address associated with the target portal.")] String InitiatorPortalAddress; [Write, Description("Specifies the TCP/IP port number for the target portal.")] Uint16 TargetPortalPortNumber; [Write, Description("The name of the initiator instance that the iSCSI initiator service uses to send SendTargets requests to the target portal.")] String InitiatorInstanceName; [Write, Description("Specifies the type of authentication to use when logging into the target."), ValueMap{"None","OneWayCHAP","MutualCHAP"}, Values{"None","OneWayCHAP","MutualCHAP"}] String AuthenticationType; [Write, Description("Specifies the user name to use when establishing a connection authenticated by using Mutual CHAP.")] String ChapUsername; [Write, Description("Specifies the CHAP secret to use when establishing a connection authenticated by using CHAP.")] String ChapSecret; [Write, Description("Enables data digest when the initiator logs into the target portal.")] Boolean IsDataDigest; [Write, Description("Enables header digest when the initiator logs into the target portal. By not specifying this parameter, the digest setting is determined by the initiator kernel mode driver.")] Boolean IsHeaderDigest; [Write, Description("Indicates that the initiator has enabled Multipath I/O (MPIO) and it will be used when logging into the target portal.")] Boolean IsMultipathEnabled; [Write, Description("Specifies that the session is to be automatically connected after each restart.")] Boolean IsPersistent; [Write, Description("Specifies that the operation is reported to PNP.")] Boolean ReportToPnP; [Write, Description("Specifies the name of an iSNS Server to register this Initiator with.")] String iSNSServer; [Read, Description("Is the target connected to the server.")] Boolean IsConnected; [Read, Description("This is the current connection identifier for this target connection.")] String ConnectionIdentifier; [Read, Description("This is the current session identifier for this target session.")] String SessionIdentifier; [Read, Description("Is the target discovered in this session.")] Boolean IsDiscovered; [Read, Description("The Initiator Node address assigned to this session.")] String InitiatorNodeAddress; [Read, Description("The Target Node address assigned to this session.")] String TargetNodeAddress; }; |