data LocalizedData { # culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' GettingiSCSIServerTargetMessage=Getting iSCSI Server Target "{0}". iSCSIServerTargetExistsMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" exists. iSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" does not exist. SettingiSCSIServerTargetMessage=Setting iSCSI Server Target "{0}". EnsureiSCSIServerTargetExistsMessage=Ensuring iSCSI Server Target "{0}" exists. EnsureiSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistMessage=Ensuring iSCSI Server Target "{0}" does not exist. iSCSIServerTargetCreatedMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" has been created. iSCSIServerTargetDiskAddedMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" Virtual Disk "{1}" added. iSCSIServerTargetDiskRemovedMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" Virtual Disk "{1}" removed. iSCSIServerTargetUpdatedMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" has been updated. iSCSIServerTargetRemovedMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" has been removed. iSNSServerRemovedMessage=iSNS Server has been cleared. iSNSServerUpdatedMessage=iSNS Server has been set to "{0}". iSNSServerUpdateErrorMessage=An error occurred setting the iSNS Server to "{0}". This is usually caused by the iSNS Server not being accessible. TestingiSCSIServerTargetMessage=Testing iSCSI Server Target "{0}". iSCSIServerTargetParameterNeedsUpdateMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" {1} is different. Change required. iSCSIServerTargetExistsButShouldNotMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" exists but should not. Change required. iSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistButShouldMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" does not exist but should. Change required. iSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistAndShouldNotMessage=iSCSI Server Target "{0}" does not exist and should not. Change not required. iSNSServerNeedsUpdateMessage=iSNS Server is "{0}" but should be "{1}". Change required. iSNSServerIsSetButShouldBeNotMessage=iSNS Server is set but should not be. Change required. '@ } function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String[]] $InitiatorIds, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String[]] $Paths ) Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.GettingiSCSIServerTargetMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) $ServerTarget = Get-ServerTarget -TargetName $TargetName $returnValue = @{ TargetName = $TargetName } if ($ServerTarget) { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetExistsMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) $returnValue += @{ Ensure = 'Present' InitiatorIds = @($ServerTarget.InitiatorIds.Value) Paths = @($ServerTarget.LunMappings.Path) } } else { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) $returnValue += @{ Ensure = 'Absent' } } # if # Get the iSNS Server $iSNSServerCurrent = Get-WmiObject ` -Class WT_iSNSServer ` -Namespace root\wmi if ($iSNSServerCurrent) { $returnValue += @{ iSNSServer = $iSNSServerCurrent.ServerName } } $returnValue } # Get-TargetResource function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String[]] $InitiatorIds, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String[]] $Paths, [System.String] $iSNSServer ) Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.SettingiSCSIServerTargetMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) # Lookup the existing iSCSI Server Target $ServerTarget = Get-ServerTarget -TargetName $TargetName # Get the iSNS Server $iSNSServerCurrent = Get-WmiObject ` -Class WT_iSNSServer ` -Namespace root\wmi if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.EnsureiSCSIServerTargetExistsMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) if ($ServerTarget) { # The iSCSI Server Target exists [String[]] $ExistingInitiatorIds = @($ServerTarget.InitiatorIds.Value) if (($InitiatorIds) -and (Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject $InitiatorIds ` -DifferenceObject $ExistingInitiatorIds).Count -ne 0) { Set-iSCSIServerTarget ` -ComputerName LOCALHOST ` -TargetName $TargetName ` -InitiatorIds $InitiatorIds ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetUpdatedMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) } # if } else { # Create the iSCSI Server Target New-iSCSIServerTarget ` -TargetName $TargetName ` -InitiatorIds $InitiatorIds ` -ComputerName LOCALHOST ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetCreatedMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) } # if # Check that the Paths match in the Server Target foreach ($Path in $Paths) { if ($Path -notin $ServerTarget.LunMappings.Path) { # Path is not in the LunMappings - so add it Add-IscsiVirtualDiskTargetMapping ` -ComputerName LOCALHOST ` -TargetName $TargetName ` -Path $Path Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetDiskAddedMessage) ` -f $TargetName,$Path ) -join '' ) } # if } # foreach foreach ($Path in $ServerTarget.LunMappings.Path) { if ($Path -notin $Paths) { # Existing Path is not in listed in the paths - so remove it Remove-IscsiVirtualDiskTargetMapping ` -ComputerName LOCALHOST ` -TargetName $TargetName ` -Path $Path Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetDiskRemovedMessage) ` -f $TargetName,$Path ) -join '' ) } # if } # foreach # Check the iSNS Server setting if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('iSNSServer')) { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($iSNSServer)) { if ($iSNSServerCurrent) { # The iSNS Server is set but should not be - remove it Remove-WmiObject ` -Path $iSNSServerCurrent.Path ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSNSServerRemovedMessage) ) -join '' ) } # if } else { try { Set-WmiInstance ` -Namespace root\wmi ` -Class WT_iSNSServer ` -Arguments @{ServerName=$iSNSServer} ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSNSServerUpdatedMessage) ` -f $iSNSServer ) -join '' ) } catch { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSNSServerUpdateErrorMessage) ` -f $iSNSServer ) -join '' ) } } # if } # if } else { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.EnsureiSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) if ($ServerTarget) { # The iSCSI Server Target shouldn't exist - remove it Remove-iSCSIServerTarget ` -ComputerName LOCALHOST ` -TargetName $TargetName ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetRemovedMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) } # if if ($iSNSServerCurrent) { # The iSNS Server is set but should not be - remove it Remove-WmiObject ` -Path $iSNSServerCurrent.Path ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSNSServerRemovedMessage) ) -join '' ) } # if } # if } # Set-TargetResource function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present', [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String[]] $InitiatorIds, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String[]] $Paths, [System.String] $iSNSServer ) # Flag to signal whether settings are correct [Boolean] $desiredConfigurationMatch = $true Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.TestingiSCSIServerTargetMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) # Lookup the existing iSCSI Server Target $ServerTarget = Get-ServerTarget -TargetName $TargetName # Get the iSNS Server $iSNSServerCurrent = Get-WmiObject ` -Class WT_iSNSServer ` -Namespace root\wmi if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { # The iSCSI Server Target should exist if ($ServerTarget) { # The iSCSI Server Target exists already - check the parameters [String[]] $ExistingInitiatorIds = @($ServerTarget.InitiatorIds.Value) if (($InitiatorIds) -and (Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject $InitiatorIds ` -DifferenceObject $ExistingInitiatorIds).Count -ne 0) { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetParameterNeedsUpdateMessage) ` -f $TargetName,'InitiatorIds' ) -join '' ) $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false } # if [String[]] $ExistingPaths = @($ServerTarget.LunMappings.Path) if (($Paths) -and (Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject $Paths ` -DifferenceObject $ExistingPaths).Count -ne 0) { Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetParameterNeedsUpdateMessage) ` -f $TargetName,'Paths' ) -join '' ) $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false } # if } else { # Ths iSCSI Server Target doesn't exist but should Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistButShouldMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false } # if # Check the iSNS Server setting if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('iSNSServer') ` -and ($iSNSServerCurrent.ServerName -ne $iSNSServer)) { # The iSNS Server is different so needs update Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSNSServerNeedsUpdateMessage) ` -f $iSNSServerCurrent.ServerName,$iSNSServer ) -join '' ) $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false } # if } else { # The iSCSI Server Target should not exist if ($ServerTarget) { # The iSCSI Server Target exists but should not Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetExistsButShouldNotMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false } else { # The iSCSI Server Target does not exist and should not Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSCSIServerTargetDoesNotExistAndShouldNotMessage) ` -f $TargetName ) -join '' ) } # if # Check the iSNS Server setting if ($iSNSServerCurrent) { # The iSNS Server is set but should not be Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): " $($LocalizedData.iSNSServerIsSetButShouldBeNotMessage) ) -join '' ) $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false } # if } # if return $desiredConfigurationMatch } # Test-TargetResource # Helper Functions Function Get-ServerTarget { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $TargetName ) try { $ServerTarget = Get-iSCSIServerTarget ` -ComputerName LOCALHOST ` -TargetName $TargetName ` -ErrorAction Stop } catch [Microsoft.Iscsi.Target.Commands.IscsiCmdException] { $ServerTarget = $null } catch { Throw $_ } Return $ServerTarget } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |