
Verify if a Chocolatey Package is installed locally

Search and compare the Installed PackageName locally, and compare the provided property.
The command return an object with the detailed properties, and a comparison between the installed version
and the expected version.

Exact name of the package to be testing against.

Version expected of the package, or latest to compare against the latest version from a source.

Source to compare the latest version against. It will retrieve the

.PARAMETER Credential
Credential used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.

.PARAMETER CacheLocation
CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
in chocolatey.config file.

Test if the package needs to be installed if absent.
In Update Only mode, a package of lower version needs to be updated, but a package absent
won't be installed.

Test-ChocolateyPackageIsInstalled -Name Chocolatey -Source


function Test-ChocolateyPackageIsInstalled {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "")]






    Process {
        if (-not (Get-Command 'choco.exe' -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            Throw "Chocolatey Software not found"
        #if version latest verify against sources
        if (! ($InstalledPackages = @(Get-ChocolateyPackage -LocalOnly -Name $Name)) ) {
            Write-Verbose "Could not find Package $Name"

        $SearchPackageParams = $PSBoundParameters
        $null = $SearchPackageParams.Remove('version')
        $null = $SearchPackageParams.Remove('UpdateOnly')

        if ($Version -eq 'latest') {
            $ReferenceObject = Get-ChocolateyPackage @SearchPackageParams -Exact
            if(!$ReferenceObject) {
                Throw "Latest version of Package $name not found. Verify that the sources are reachable and package exists."
        else {
            $ReferenceObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name = $Name
            if($Version) { $ReferenceObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name version -value $Version }

        $PackageFound = $false
        $MatchingPackages = $InstalledPackages | Where-Object {
            Write-Debug "Testing $($_.Name) against $($ReferenceObject.Name)"
            if($_.Name -eq $ReferenceObject.Name) {
                $PackageFound = $True
                Write-Debug "Package Found"
                if ([version]$_.version -ge [version]$ReferenceObject.version) {
                    return $true
                else {
                    return $false

        if ($MatchingPackages) {
            Write-Verbose ("'{0}' packages match the given properties." -f $MatchingPackages.Count)
            $VersionGreaterOrEqual   =  $true
        elseif ($PackageFound -and $UpdateOnly) {
            Write-Verbose "This package is installed with a lower version than specified."
            $VersionGreaterOrEqual   =  $false
        elseif (!$PackageFound -and $UpdateOnly) {
            Write-Verbose "No packages match the selection, but no need to Install."
            $VersionGreaterOrEqual   =  $true
        else {
            Write-Verbose "No packages match the selection and need Installing."
            $VersionGreaterOrEqual   =  $False

        Write-Output ([PSCustomObject]@{
            PackagePresent          =  $PackageFound
            VersionGreaterOrEqual  =  $VersionGreaterOrEqual