.SYNOPSIS Lists users who are at or over device enrollment limit in either AAD or Intune .DESCRIPTION Lists users who are at or over device enrollment limit in either AAD or Intune Displays all users in GridView Clicking on a user displays the devices, enrollment/registration date and the date last seen Checks through all Intune policies to find the one with the highest priority applicable to user .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.0.2 Author: Andrew Taylor WWW: Creation Date: 09/01/2023 Purpose/Change: Initial script development .EXAMPLE N/A #> <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0.2 .GUID 979c8308-07a3-4918-9caf-58693fd44536 .AUTHOR AndrewTaylor .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT GPL .TAGS intune endpoint MEM environment enrollment .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> ################################ INSTALL MODULES ############################################ Write-Host "Installing Microsoft Graph modules if required (current user scope)" #Install MS Graph if not available if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Microsoft.Graph.Authentication) { Write-Host "Microsoft Graph Authentication Already Installed" } else { Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force -RequiredVersion 1.19.0 Write-Host "Microsoft Graph Authentication Installed" } if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Microsoft.Graph.Users) { Write-Host "Microsoft Graph Users Already Installed " } else { Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Users -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force -RequiredVersion 1.19.0 Write-Host "Microsoft Graph Users Installed" } ### IMPORT THEM import-module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication import-module Microsoft.Graph.Users ################################## END MODULES ############################################## Function Get-ScriptVersion(){ <# .SYNOPSIS This function is used to check if the running script is the latest version .DESCRIPTION This function checks GitHub and compares the 'live' version with the one running .EXAMPLE Get-ScriptVersion Returns a warning and URL if outdated .NOTES NAME: Get-ScriptVersion #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( $liveuri ) $contentheaderraw = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $liveuri -Method Get) $contentheader = $contentheaderraw.Content.Split([Environment]::NewLine) $liveversion = (($contentheader | Select-String 'Version:') -replace '[^0-9.]','') | Select-Object -First 1 $currentversion = ((Get-Content -Path $PSCommandPath | Select-String -Pattern "Version: *") -replace '[^0-9.]','') | Select-Object -First 1 if ($liveversion -ne $currentversion) { write-warning "Script has been updated, please download the latest version from $liveuri" } } Get-ScriptVersion -liveuri "" Function Connect-ToGraph { <# .SYNOPSIS Authenticates to the Graph API via the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-ToGraph cmdlet is a wrapper cmdlet that helps authenticate to the Intune Graph API using the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module. It leverages an Azure AD app ID and app secret for authentication or user-based auth. .PARAMETER Tenant Specifies the tenant (e.g. to which to authenticate. .PARAMETER AppId Specifies the Azure AD app ID (GUID) for the application that will be used to authenticate. .PARAMETER AppSecret Specifies the Azure AD app secret corresponding to the app ID that will be used to authenticate. .PARAMETER Scopes Specifies the user scopes for interactive authentication. .EXAMPLE Connect-ToGraph -TenantId $tenantID -AppId $app -AppSecret $secret -#> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Tenant, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AppId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AppSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$scopes ) Process { Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication $version = (get-module microsoft.graph.authentication | Select-Object -expandproperty Version).major if ($AppId -ne "") { $body = @{ grant_type = "client_credentials"; client_id = $AppId; client_secret = $AppSecret; scope = ""; } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri$Tenant/oauth2/v2.0/token -Body $body $accessToken = $response.access_token $accessToken if ($version -eq 2) { write-host "Version 2 module detected" $accesstokenfinal = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $accessToken -AsPlainText -Force } else { write-host "Version 1 Module Detected" Select-MgProfile -Name Beta $accesstokenfinal = $accessToken } $graph = Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $accesstokenfinal Write-Host "Connected to Intune tenant $TenantId using app-based authentication (Azure AD authentication not supported)" } else { if ($version -eq 2) { write-host "Version 2 module detected" } else { write-host "Version 1 Module Detected" Select-MgProfile -Name Beta } $graph = Connect-MgGraph -scopes $scopes Write-Host "Connected to Intune tenant $($graph.TenantId)" } } } ############################################################################################################################################## ##### UPDATE THESE VALUES IF AUTOMATED ####################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################## ##Set to Yes $automated = "No" ##Your Azure Tenant ID $tenantid = "<YOUR TENANT ID>" ##Your App Registration Details $clientId = "<YOUR CLIENT ID>" $clientSecret = "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>" $EmailAddress = "<YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS>" ##From Address $MailSender = "<YOUR FROM ADDRESS>" ############################################################################################################################################## if ($automated -eq "No") { ################################## CONNECT TO GRAPH ########################################## Connect-ToGraph -Scopes "Device.Read.All, User.Read.All, Domain.Read.All, Directory.Read.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, openid, profile, email, offline_access, Mail.Send" ################################## END CONNECT TO GRAPH ###################################### } else { #Connect to GRAPH API #Get Creds and connect #Connect to Graph write-host "Connecting to Graph" Connect-ToGraph -AppId $clientId -AppSecret $clientSecret -Tenant $tenantid write-host "Graph Connection Established" } ##Create an array to store the users in so we can output later $usersatrisk = @{} ##Get all users write-host "Getting AAD Users" -ForegroundColor Green $allusers = get-mguser -All ##Create an array for all limits so we can find the smallest $userassignmentlimits = @() ##Get AAD Restrictions for the tenant write-host "Getting AAD Restrictions" -ForegroundColor Green $aaduri = "" $aadrestriction = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $aaduri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).userDeviceQuota write-host "AAD Restriction set to $aadrestriction" -ForegroundColor Green ##Get Intune Restrictions write-host "Getting Intune Restrictions" -ForegroundColor Green $allintuneuri = "`$expand=*" ##Get all of the policies from Intune $intunerestrictions = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $allintuneuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).value | where-object '@odata.type' -eq "#microsoft.graph.deviceEnrollmentLimitConfiguration" | Sort-Object priority ##Get Default (priority of 0) write-host "Getting Default Intune Restrictions" -ForegroundColor Green $defaultrestriction = ($intunerestrictions | where-object 'priority' -eq 0).limit ##Add to the array $userassignmentlimits += $defaultrestriction write-host "Default Intune Restriction set to $defaultrestriction" -ForegroundColor Green ##Get all Intune Managed Devices write-host "Getting Intune Managed Devices" -ForegroundColor Green $alldevicesuri = "" $alldevices = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $alldevicesuri -OutputType PSObject).value ##Find all devices ##Create an array to store the devices and users for counting later $deviceenroller = @() ##Create an array with device ID and user for looping through in drill-down $devicesperuser = @() ##Loop through devices, get details and store in custom object within array write-host "Getting Device Details" -ForegroundColor Green $counter = 0 foreach ($device in $alldevices) { $deviceid = $ $counter++ Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Devices' -CurrentOperation $deviceid -PercentComplete (($counter / $alldevices.count) * 100) $deviceenrolleruri = "$deviceid/users" $assignednames = (((Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $deviceenrolleruri -OutputType PSObject).value).identities).issuerAssignedId ##Add to array $deviceenroller += $assignednames ##Create object to store device ID and user $object = [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceID = $deviceid UserName = $assignednames } ##Add object to array $devicesperuser += $object } ##Get Group Assigned Enrollment Limits write-host "Getting Group Assigned Enrollment Limits" -ForegroundColor Green ##Build an empty hash table to use, otherwise it's really slow! $userpolicies = @() ##Ignore the defaults, we grabbed those earlier $nondefaultintune = $intunerestrictions | Where-Object 'priority' -ne 0 | Sort-Object priority foreach ($setlimits in $nondefaultintune) { ##Ignore anything not assigned if ($null -ne $setlimits.assignments) { $priority = $setlimits.priority $limit = $setlimits.limit $assignid = $ ##Get Group Assignments for each policy $assignmenturi = "" + $assignid + "?`$expand=assignments" $individualassignments = ((Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $assignmenturi -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).assignments).target foreach ($assignment in $individualassignments) { ##Check if user is in the group and add to array $groupid = $assignment.groupID $policyid = $assignid ##Create object to store policy details $object = [pscustomobject]@{ PolicyID = $policyid GroupID = $groupid Limit = $limit Priority = $priority } ##Add to array $userpolicies += $object } } } ##Get a list of devices and their owners, we'll drill down properly later write-host "Getting Registered Devices and Owners" -ForegroundColor Green $registereddeviceuri = "`$expand=registeredOwners" $allregistered = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $registereddeviceuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).value | select-object -ExpandProperty RegisteredOwners | select-object ID, userPrincipalName write-host "Checking All Users" -ForegroundColor Green ##Now we need to loop through the users $counter = 0 foreach ($user in $allusers) { ##Get User Details $userid = $ $username = $user.DisplayName $userupn = $user.UserPrincipalName $counter++ Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Users' -CurrentOperation $username -PercentComplete (($counter / $allusers.count) * 100) ##Get Users Groups $groupsuri = "$userid/memberOf" $usergroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $groupsuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).value | Select-Object ID ##Get User Assignments ##Policies are already in Priority order, loop through until the group hits foreach ($policy in $userpolicies) { $policygroupid = $policy.GroupID if ($usergroups -match $policygroupid) { ##Group found, add to array $userassignmentlimits += $policy.limit ##Stop there, we don't need anything else break } } ##Grab the final entry which if custom limits assigned will be the highest priority, if not array will only contain defaults anyway $lowestassignment = $userassignmentlimits | Select-Object -Last 1 ##Get User Devices ##Check if registered is less than AAD Limit $registereddevices = (@($allregistered | where-object userPrincipalName -eq "$userupn" | Select-Object id)).count if ($registereddevices -ge $aadrestriction) { ##At limit, add to array $userdetails = $username + ":" + $userid $devicedetails = "Registered Devices - Total of " + $registereddevices + " Devices" $usersatrisk.add($userdetails, $devicedetails) } ##Check if managed is less than Intune limit ##Fine Devices for the user $devicecount = ($deviceenroller -match $userupn).Count if ($devicecount -ge $lowestassignment) { ##At limit, add to array $userdetails = $username + ":" + $userid $devicedetails = "Managed Devices - Total of " + $devicecount + " Devices" $usersatrisk.add($userdetails, $devicedetails) } } if ($automated -eq "No") { write-host "Output into Grid-View" -ForegroundColor Green ##Output array for further selection $selecteduser = $usersatrisk | Out-GridView -Title "Users at or above device limit" -OutputMode Single ##Check if Ok has been clicked $checkforselection = $selecteduser.Name If ($checkforselection) { ##User Selected, continue ##########################################INDIVIDUAL USER ######################################## ##Get User ID $userid = ($selecteduser.Name -Split (":"))[1] ##Get Intune Limit ##Get User Details write-host "Getting User Details" -ForegroundColor Green $user = Get-MgUser -UserId $userid $username = $user.DisplayName $userupn = $user.UserPrincipalName ##Get Users Groups write-host "Getting User Groups" -ForegroundColor Green $groupsuri = "$userid/memberOf" $usergroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $groupsuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).value | Select-Object ID ##Get User Assignments write-host "Getting User Assignments" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($policy in $userpolicies) { $policygroupid = $policy.GroupID if ($usergroups -match $policygroupid) { ##Group found, add to array $userassignmentlimits += $policy.limit ##Stop there, we don't need anything else break } } $lowestassignment = $userassignmentlimits | Select-Object -Last 1 write-host "Intune Limit is $lowestassignment" -ForegroundColor Green ##Create an array to store device details $userdevices = @() ##Get Registered Device write-host "Getting Registered Devices for user $username" -ForegroundColor Green $registereddeviceuri = "$userid/registeredDevices" $registereddevices = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $registereddeviceuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).Value foreach ($registereddevice in $registereddevices) { $deviceid = $ $displayname = $registereddevice.displayName $created = $registereddevice.registrationDateTime $lastseen = $registereddevice.approximateLastSignInDateTime $object = [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceID = $deviceid DisplayName = $displayname Created = $created LastSeen = $lastseen Type = "Registered" } $userdevices += $object } ##Get Managed Devices write-host "Getting Managed Devices for user $username" -ForegroundColor Green $manageddevicesperuser = $devicesperuser | Where-Object UserName -eq "$userupn" | Select-Object DeviceID foreach ($manageddevice in $manageddevicesperuser) { $deviceid = $manageddevice.DeviceID $uri = "$deviceid/" $manageddevicedetails = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject $displayname = $manageddevicedetails.deviceName $created = $manageddevicedetails.enrolledDateTime $lastseen = $manageddevicedetails.lastSyncDateTime $object = [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceID = $deviceid DisplayName = $displayname Created = $created LastSeen = $lastseen Type = "Managed" } $userdevices += $object } ##Loop Through $Title = "Devices for " + $username + " - AAD Limit: " + $aadrestriction + " - Intune Limit: " + $lowestassignment $userdevices | Out-GridView -Title $Title } Else { ##Nothing selected, exit exit } } else { ##Automated, begin email write-host "Automation started" -ForegroundColor Green ##Create an array to store device details $userdevices = @() foreach ($useratrisk in $usersatrisk) { ##Get User ID $userid = ($useratrisk.Keys -Split (":"))[1] ##Get Intune Limit ##Get User Details write-host "Getting User Details" -ForegroundColor Green $user = Get-MgUser -UserId $userid $username = $user.DisplayName $userupn = $user.UserPrincipalName ##Get Users Groups write-host "Getting User Groups" -ForegroundColor Green $groupsuri = "$userid/memberOf" $usergroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $groupsuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).value | Select-Object ID ##Get User Assignments write-host "Getting User Assignments" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($policy in $userpolicies) { $policygroupid = $policy.GroupID if ($usergroups -match $policygroupid) { ##Group found, add to array $userassignmentlimits += $policy.limit ##Stop there, we don't need anything else break } } $lowestassignment = $userassignmentlimits | Select-Object -Last 1 write-host "Intune Limit is $lowestassignment" -ForegroundColor Green ##Get Registered Device write-host "Getting Registered Devices for user $username" -ForegroundColor Green $registereddeviceuri = "$userid/registeredDevices" $registereddevices = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $registereddeviceuri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject).Value foreach ($registereddevice in $registereddevices) { $deviceid = $ $displayname = $registereddevice.displayName $created = $registereddevice.registrationDateTime $lastseen = $registereddevice.approximateLastSignInDateTime $object = [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceID = $deviceid DisplayName = $displayname Created = $created LastSeen = $lastseen Type = "Registered" User = $userupn } $userdevices += $object } ##Get Managed Devices write-host "Getting Managed Devices for user $username" -ForegroundColor Green $manageddevicesperuser = $devicesperuser | Where-Object UserName -eq "$userupn" | Select-Object DeviceID foreach ($manageddevice in $manageddevicesperuser) { $deviceid = $manageddevice.DeviceID $uri = "$deviceid/" $manageddevicedetails = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject $displayname = $manageddevicedetails.deviceName $created = $manageddevicedetails.enrolledDateTime $lastseen = $manageddevicedetails.lastSyncDateTime $object = [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceID = $deviceid DisplayName = $displayname Created = $created LastSeen = $lastseen Type = "Managed" User = $userupn } $userdevices += $object } } function ConvertTo-StringData { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [HashTable[]]$HashTable ) process { foreach ($item in $HashTable) { foreach ($entry in $item.GetEnumerator()) { "{0} <br> {1}" -f $entry.Key, $entry.Value } } } } $listofusers = $usersatrisk | ConvertTo-StringData $listofdevices = $userdevices | out-string #Send Mail $URLsend = "$MailSender/sendMail" $BodyJsonsend = @" { "message": { "subject": "Users at Enrollment Limit", "body": { "contentType": "HTML", "content": "The following users are on or over their limit<br> $listofusers <br> Devices: <br> $listofdevices " }, "toRecipients": [ { "emailAddress": { "address": "$EmailAddress" } } ] }, "saveToSentItems": "false" } "@ Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri $URLsend -Body $BodyJsonsend } |