enum Ensure { Present Absent } # Support for DSC v3, for what it's worth class Reason { [DscProperty()] [string] $Code [DscProperty()] [string] $Phrase } [DscResource()] class ScomManagementPack { [DscProperty(Key)] [System.String] $Name [DscProperty()] [System.String] $ManagementPackPath [DscProperty()] [System.String] $ManagementPackContent [DscProperty()] [Ensure] $Ensure = 'Present' [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [Reason[]] $Reasons [ScomManagementPack] Get() { $reasonList = @() $mp = Get-SCManagementPack -Name $this.Name if ($null -eq $mp -and $this.Ensure -eq 'Present') { $reasonList += @{ Code = 'ScomManagementPack:ScomManagementPack:ManagementPackNotFound' Phrase = "No management pack with the name $($this.Name) was found." } } if ($null -ne $mp -and $this.Ensure -eq 'Absent') { $reasonList += @{ Code = 'ScomManagementPack:ScomManagementPack:TooManyManagementPacks' Phrase = "A management pack with the name $($this.Name) was found but ensure is set to absent." } } return @{ Name = $mp.Name ManagementPackPath = $this.ManagementPackPath ManagementPackContent = $this.ManagementPackContent Ensure = $this.Ensure Reasons = $reasonList } } [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq 'Absent') { Get-SCManagementPack -Name $this.Name | Remove-SCManagementPack return } if ($this.ManagementPackContent -and $this.ManagementPackPath) { throw ([ArgumentException]::new('You cannot use ManagementPackContent and ManagementPackPath at the same time.')) } if ($this.ManagementPackPath -and -not (Test-Path -Path $this.ManagementPackPath)) { throw ([IO.FileNotFoundException]::new("$($this.ManagementPackPath) was not found.")) } if ($this.ManagementPackContent) { $tmpPath = Join-Path -Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath "$($this.Name).xml" $this.ManagementPackPath = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $tmpPath -Force Set-Content -Path $tmpPath -Force -Encoding Unicode -Value $this.ManagementPackContent } if ($this.ManagementPackPath) { Import-SCManagementPack -FullName $this.ManagementPackPath } } [bool] Test() { $currentState = $this.Get() return $($currentState.Reasons.Count -eq 0) } } |