Function Get-TargetResource { [OutputType([Hashtable])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $name, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present', [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int64] $Size, [Boolean] $SoftLimit, [string] $MailTo, [string] $Subject, [int64] $Percentage, [string] $Body ) Write-Verbose "Testing Quota Template Configuration" $findQuota = Get-FsrmQuotaTemplate $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $returnValue = @{ Name = $findQuota.Name Size = $findQuota.Size Description = $findQuota.Description SoftLimit = If($SoftLimit){"True"} else {"False"} MailTo = $findQuota.Threshold.Action.MailTo Body = $findQuota.Threshold.Action.Body Percentage = $findQuota.Threshold.Percentage Subject = $findQuota.Threshold.Action.Subject Ensure = if($findQuota) {"Present"} else {"Absent"} } $returnValue } Function Test-TargetResource { [OutputType([boolean])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $name, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present', [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int64] $Size, [Boolean] $SoftLimit, [string] $MailTo, [string] $Subject, [int64] $Percentage, [string] $Body ) If($MailTo -eq 'Owner'){ $MailTo = "[Source Io Owner Email]" $PSBoundParameters.Remove("MailTo")| Out-Null $PSBoundParameters.add("MailTo",$MailTo)| Out-Null } $test = $PSBoundParameters $test.Remove("Debug") | Out-Null $test.Remove("Verbose") | Out-Null $test.Remove("DependsOn") | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Testing Quota Template" $findQuota = Get-FsrmQuotaTemplate $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $returnValue = [ordered]@{ Name = $findQuota.Name Size = $findQuota.Size Description = $findQuota.Description SoftLimit = $findQuota.SoftLimit MailTo = $findQuota.Threshold.Action.MailTo Body = $findQuota.Threshold.Action.Body Percentage = $findQuota.Threshold.Percentage Subject = $findQuota.Threshold.Action.Subject Ensure = if($findQuota) {"Present"} else {"Absent"} } ## Testing Keys $list = $test.Keys.Split("""") $CompareResults = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $list.Count ; $i++) { $nice1 = ($test[$list[$i]]-join " ").ToString().TrimEnd("") $nice = ($returnValue[$list[$i]]-join " " ).ToString().TrimEnd("") $rezultat = ($nice -eq $nice1).ToString() $CompareResults += $rezultat } ## Testing Keys if($ensure -eq "Present") { if ($findQuota){ if ($CompareResults -contains "false"){ Write-Verbose " QuotaTemplate $name not in the right state" return $false }else #ifclose { Write-Verbose "QuotaTemplate $name Exist and its in the right state" return $true } }else { Write-Verbose "QuotaTemplate $name doesn't exist" return $false } } else { if ($findQuota) { Write-Verbose "QuotaTemplate $name Exist , while it should not be " return $false }else { Write-Verbose " QuotaTemplate $name doesn't Exist , Nothing to Configure " return $true } } } Function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $name, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [string] $Ensure = 'Present', [string] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int64] $Size, [Boolean] $SoftLimit, [string] $MailTo, [string] $Subject, [int64] $Percentage, [string] $Body ) Write-Debug "nice" If($MailTo -eq 'Owner'){ $MailTo = "[Source Io Owner Email]" } $findQuota = Get-FsrmQuotaTemplate $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Verbose " Testing Configuration " If ($Ensure -eq "Present"){ if(-not $findQuota) { #if findQuota if($SoftLimit){ #if Quota exist then change only Configuration Write-Verbose "Creating new Quota Template $name with Soft Limit " $Action = New-FsrmAction -Type Email -MailTo $MailTo -Subject $Subject -Body $Body $Threshold = New-FsrmQuotaThreshold -Percentage $Percentage -Action $Action New-FsrmQuotaTemplate -Name $name -Description $Description -Size $Size -Threshold $Threshold -SoftLimit | Out-Null }else { Write-Verbose "Creating new Quota Template $name with Hard Limit " $Action = New-FsrmAction -Type Email -MailTo $MailTo -Subject $Subject -Body $Body $Threshold = New-FsrmQuotaThreshold -Percentage $Percentage -Action $Action New-FsrmQuotaTemplate -Name $name -Description $Description -Size $Size -Threshold $Threshold | Out-Null } }else { If($SoftLimit) { Write-Verbose "Changing Quota Template $name " $Action = New-FsrmAction -Type Email -MailTo $MailTo -Subject $Subject -Body $Body $Threshold = New-FsrmQuotaThreshold -Percentage $Percentage -Action $Action set-FsrmQuotaTemplate -Name $name -Description $Description -Size $Size -Threshold $Threshold -SoftLimit -UpdateDerived | Out-Null }else { Write-Verbose "Changing Quota Template $name " $Action = New-FsrmAction -Type Email -MailTo $MailTo -Subject $Subject -Body $Body $Threshold = New-FsrmQuotaThreshold -Percentage $Percentage -Action $Action set-FsrmQuotaTemplate -Name $name -Description $Description -Size $Size -Threshold $Threshold -UpdateDerived | Out-Null } }#findQuota Close }else {#absent Close if ($findQuota) { Write-Verbose "Deleting $name Quota" Remove-FsrmQuotaTemplate -Name $name -Confirm:$false | Out-Null }else { Write-Verbose "Nothing to Delete , Its All good" } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |