
function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


## Looking for Paths

try {
        $findname = dir $path -Directory -ErrorAction Stop

        $oneFolder =  $path 

 Write-Verbose "Checking Conditions"


If ($Subfolders) {       
    $findname = $findname.PSPath.replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::","")    
        if ($Ensure -eq "Present") {


        $findname | % { remove-FsrmQuota -Path $_ -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null  }

Write-Verbose "Creating Quota for Multiple Folders with path $path "
        $findname | % { New-FsrmQuota -Path $_ -Template $template -ErrorAction Stop    } 

        } else {

Write-Verbose "Removing Quota for Multiple Folders with path $path "

        $findname | % { remove-FsrmQuota -Path $_ -Confirm:$false }

        }#Ensure Closed

} else { # Close ManyFolders

        if ($Ensure -eq "Present") {


        remove-FsrmQuota -Path $oneFolder -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null 

Write-Verbose "Creating Quota for Single Folder with path $path "
        New-FsrmQuota -Path $oneFolder -Template $template  

        }else {

Write-Verbose "Removing Quota for Single Folder with path $path "

         remove-FsrmQuota -Path $oneFolder -Confirm:$false }


}Catch {

                                   ## Catching Errors
Write-Debug "Errors"
                                $exception = $_

                                Write-Verbose "An error occurred while running Set-TargetResource function"

                                if ($exception.InnerException -ne $null)

                                $exception = $exception.InnerException
                                Write-Verbose $exception.message

                                }else {

                                 Write-Verbose $exception




function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

## Finding Quats
Write-Debug "yo"

try{ #checking for Errors

Write-Verbose "Testing if Quotas are Assigned"

        $findname = dir $path -Directory  -ErrorAction Stop
        $oneFolder =  $path 


                $findname = $findname.PSPath.replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::","")

                $result = @()

                $findname | %  { 

                $test = Get-FsrmQuota $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                            if ($test -and $test.template -eq $template){

                            $t = "true"
                            $result += $t

                            }else {

                            $f = "false"
                            $result += $f 


                            }#Closed FindName

    if ($ensure -eq "Present") {

         ## Testing Present

Write-Verbose "Testing Multiple Folders"

            if ($result -contains "false"){

Write-Verbose "Quota is not Assigned"

            return $false

            } else {

Write-Verbose "Quota is Assigned"

            return $true



else {#absent

        ## Testing absent

              if ($result -contains "false"){

Write-Verbose "Quota is Assigned , where it should not be"          
              return $true

                    } else {
Write-Verbose "Quota is not Assigned , nothing to configure "

                return $false



}else {## Single Folders

   if($Ensure -eq "Present"){     

Write-Verbose "Testing Single Folder"

        $test = Get-FsrmQuota -Path $oneFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if($test-and $test.Template -eq $Template) {

Write-Verbose "Quota Exist for $oneFolder , nothing to configure" 

        return $true


Write-Verbose "Quota doesn't Exist for $oneFolder , while it should be" 

        return $false


                           }else { #Closed Present

        $test = Get-FsrmQuota -Path $oneFolder  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (-not $test ) {

Write-Verbose "Quota doesn't Exist for $oneFolder , nothing to configure" 

        return $true

        }else {

Write-Verbose "Quota Exist for $oneFolder , while it should not be ." 

        return $false


}#close Absent


}catch { #closed cached

                                   ## Catching Errors
Write-Debug "Errors"
                                $exception = $_

                                Write-Verbose "An error occurred while running Testt-TargetResource function"

                                if ($exception.InnerException -ne $null)

                                $exception = $exception.InnerException
                                Write-Verbose $exception.message

                                }else {

                                  Write-Verbose $exception

                                  return $true




function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

Write-Verbose "Checking Configuration"

                    $findname = dir $path -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                    $onefolder = $Path


                    $findname = $findname.PSPath.replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::","")


$arrypath =@()
$arryTempl =@()                             
$arryEnsure =@()

                    $findname | %  { 

                    $test = Get-FsrmQuota $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                     $Configuration = $false

                                if ($test -and $test.Template -eq $Template){
Write-Verbose "Quotas Exist"

                                    $arrypath += $test.path
                                    $arryTempl += $test.Template
                                    $arryEnsure += "Present"
                                }else {

Write-Verbose "Quotas dosent Exist"

                                    $arrypath += $test.path
                                    $arryTempl += $test.Template
                                    $arryEnsure += "Absent"


                                    }#closed FindName

$confgiguration = @{

    Path = $arrypath -join " ,"

    Template = $arryTempl -join " ,"
    Ensure = $arryEnsure -join " ,"



}else {#closed Many Folders

           $test = FsrmQuota  $onefolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $Configuration = @{
                     Template =$test.Template
                     Path =$path 
                     Subfolders = $Subfolders
            if ( $test -and $test.Template -eq $Template){

Write-Verbose "Quotas Exists"


            return  $Configuration

            }else {

Write-Verbose "Quotas dosent Exists"


            return  $Configuration




Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource